18高三英语二轮复习板块一语法与高考专题一基础语法应用4代词和介词 下载本文



1.(2017·山西太原模拟)Then the frog suddenly jumped into the water and the mouse was pulled in with ________(he).

[解析] 根据句子结构可知,空格处用代词的宾格形式作介词with的宾语。 [答案] him

2.It's a lovely day.I love ________when the weather is like this.

[解析] 分析句子结构可知,it在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为when the weather is like this。在love,like,hate,appreciate等词后不能直接跟宾语从句,需要it作形式宾语,再跟宾语从句。故填it。

[答案] it

3.(2017·湖南衡阳三模)Due to ________(it) humor and irony(反语),xiangsheng has spread far and wide.

[解析] 此处表示由于幽默与讽刺效果,相声广为流传。根据语境以及空格后的名词短语可知,此处用形容词性物主代词作定语。

[答案] its

4.The girl would rather be ________but ordinary; she was longing to be a superstar.However,she turned out to be nobody.

[解析] 根据后面的she was longing to be a superstar(她想成为超级明星)及后面的However,she turned out to be nobody可知,这个女孩儿不甘于平庸,故此处填anything。anything but意为“决不,根本不”。

[答案] anything

5.(2017·安徽合肥二模)Some people buy cloth shoes out of nostalgia(怀旧),while others trust ________(they) quality.

[解析] 句意:有些人买布鞋是出于怀旧,而有些人则是相信它们的质量。根据语境以及句子结构可知,此处用形容词性物主代词their修饰名词quality。

[答案] their

6.(2017·江西临川三模)For example,people from northern China are in the habit of eating dumplings ________the day of winter solstice(冬至).

[解析] 在冬至这一天,用介词on。 [答案] on


7.(2017·广东深圳二模)It seemed that the streets would be flooded ________water within minutes.

[解析] 句意:好像几分钟内,这些街道就要被洪水淹没。by强调动作,with表状态,两个都可以。

[答案] with/by

8. ________his arrival in Beijing,the famous movie star received a warm welcome by his fans.

[解析] 句意:这位有名的电影明星一到达北京,他就受到了他的粉丝们的热烈欢迎。在on/upon(doing) sth.结构中,on/upon意为“在……后立即,一……就”。

[答案] On/Upon

9.The gunshot sent the birds flying ________all directions.

[解析] 句意:枪声使鸟儿四处乱飞。in all directions为固定表达,意为“朝四面八方”。故填in。

[答案] in

10.Many young adults move from the countryside to the city,in search ________a better life and a brighter future.

[解析] 句意:许多年轻人从乡下来到城市,为了寻找更好的生活和更美好的未来。in search of意为“寻找”,为固定搭配。

[答案] of Ⅱ.单句改错

1.He hopes to go to the world-famous university and I hope it so. ______________ [解析] 在hope,believe,think,expect,suppose,imagine,guess等后常用so来代替前面提到的内容,故去掉it。

[答案] 去掉it

2.Last Sunday morning,I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr.Smith. ______________

[解析] calling himself Mr.Smith作后置定语,修饰a man,此处指“一个自称史密斯先生的男子”。

[答案] him→himself

3.My teacher told us this was necessary to arrive at school before 8 o'clock every day. ______________

[解析] 分析句子结构可知,us后面是宾语从句,其中to arrive at school before 8 o'clock every day是从句真正的主语,而形式主语只能用it,构成“it is/was+adj.+to do”结构。