【18套试卷合集】浙江省新昌县联考2019届中考英语六模英语试卷及答案 下载本文

However, holidays aren’t always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.

(36)___________Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they’ve forgotten their passport , they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport (37)______________Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.

(38)_____________ Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis.

(39)_____________You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company.

(40)______________You don’t want to forget your holiday. Make a scrapbook---a book of memories-about your holiday. You can show it to friends, or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don’t forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or presents? Don’t forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday, you can visit them again. A. Try to reduce the pollution you cause. B. Keep a good memory for your holiday C. Travel with your friends D. How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? E. Have you packed your passport? F. Help the local population. G. We should make friends on holiday. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两小节,满分25分) 第一节:完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they are free and __41____ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others ___42__ sports. This is decided by their own ____43_____. There are many different ways to spend our___44__ time. Almost everyone has some kind of __45___: it may be something from collecting stamps to __46__ model planes. Some hobbies are very___47____ , but others don‘t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth ___48___ of money, others are valuable (有价值的)only to their owners. I know a man who has a coin collection worth several ___49 ___dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的) fifty-cent piece which ___50_ him $250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right . On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder __51___ they are worth any money . However, ___52_____ my brother they are quite valuable.___53_____ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection. That‘s what a hobby means, I think. It is something we __54___ to do in our free time just for the __55__ of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is. 41. A. love B. work C. enjoy D. play

42. A. look like B. take care of C. think about D. take part in 43. A. lives B. interests C. jobs D. things 44. A. working B. free C. own D. whole 45. A. hobby B. thing C. job D. way 46. A. make B. making C. makes D. made

47. A. interesting B. exciting C. cheap D. expensive 48. A. a little B. a few C. a lot D. a number 49. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of 50. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent 51. A. that B. if C. what D. why 52. A. to B. on C. with D. in

53. A. Everything B. Anything C. Nothing D. Something 54. A. have B. need C. refuse D. like 55. A. money B. work C. fun D. time

第二节 综合填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)


True friends are hard (56) _____ (find). Often you thought you could believe in someone, but later he or she may let you down.

A true friend is sometimes a person who will always be there for you .Through good times or (57) _______ (badly) times, they will stand by your side. They will not make you alone when things get difficult. They will accept you without (58) ______(try) to change you. A friend will bring new and exciting things into your life and make it richer.

True friends will keep your worst secrets as you will keep (59)______(their) .They will be honest and you can always believe in them .If you talk to someone who you believe in, you don't have to worry about what you may say .We can enjoy this freedom only with (60)_______(friend).

Friendship is a two–way street .To find a true friend and keep the friendship (61)______ you, you must do the same thing as well .Be there for your friends when they are in need and (62)_______(share) the good times with them .Offer them the same things they give to you .Friendship will break (63)_______(quick) if only one person is giving and putting effort into it.

You will find that there is nothing (64)_______ (value) than having a true friend by your side to share life with, just (65)_______ someone says, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized (珍惜) than true friendship”.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 单词拼写 根据句意或首字母或括号里的汉语或单词提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

66. That girl in red is an old friend of _______ (I).

67.All of us like Tom because he is a gentle man and s _______ gets angry.

68.To keep_______, you'd better exercise every day and eat more fruit and vegetables. 69.I'll be 9 years old, my parents will celebrate my n _______ birthday next week. 70.Such accident could have been ______ (避免) ,but she was too careless.

71.Today he didn't come to school again . He has been a______ from classes for a week.

72.The doctors _______ (stick) to their research until they discovered how to cure the disease. 73.Firefighters wear special coats and helmets(头盔) to p _______ themselves from falling down. 74.He worked hard and spend much time on his _______ (medicine) research.

75.Police officers must be well prepared for the _______ (始料未及的) incidents. 第二节 短文改错(共5小题,满分5分)

文中共有5处语言错误,每句中最多两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下面画____线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guard the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds sheep.

Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead to its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dials the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friend for both young and old members of the family. 第三节 书面表达

假设在英语课上老师给你们欣赏了电影《太空大灌篮》的主题曲I Believe I Can Fly.


内容要点:1.这首歌告诉我们自信的重要性; 2.自信给人勇气尝试,使人成功; 3.梦想和自信使人勇于面对困难; 4.没有梦想和自信,不会获得成功; 5.你的感悟(考生自拟,至少一点).

注意:1.词数80左右.短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.参考词汇:自信-confidence(n.);


I Believe I Can Fly I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song by R.Kelly. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

参考答案 选择题

1-5 BBABC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CBCBC 16-20 ACBBC

21-25 DDBCD 26-30 BCBAB 31-35 ABCDA 36-40 EDAFB

41-45 CDBBA 46-50 BDCAB 51-55 BACDC

综合填空:56. to find 57.bad 58.trying 59.theirs 60.friends 61.between 62.share 63.quickly 64、more valuable 65.as

单词拼写:66.mine 67. seldom 68. healthy 69. ninth 70. avoided 71. absent 72. stuck 73. protect 74. medical 75. Unexpected

短文改错: 第二行,将guard改为guarding 第四行,在hundreds后加of 第六行,删除to




I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song by R.Kelly. This song tells us that confidence is very important. When a person has confidence,he believes in himself. He believes that he can and will succeed,and this gives him the courage to try new things. Dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties. No one can achieve success without them. If you believe you tail fly,then you can really fly someday.

I think I will never give up whenever I meet any difficulties. I'll remember confidence is the promise to achieve success.