全区公开课译林6A unit6 keep the city clean(storytime)精品课件(有配套教案) 下载本文

译林小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean

(Story time 教学设计)定稿

教学目标: 1.能听懂,会说,会读air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, move...away from, bin, plant, more


3.初步了解句型What makes...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.以及What can we do to...?We can...

4.能流利的朗读课文并尝试复述,表演课文。 5.树立环保意识,践行环保理念。


1.初步了解句型What makes...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.以及What can we do to...?We can....

2.本课中四会及三会单词的正确读音。 3.能运用所学词句复述或表演课文章节。


1.初步掌握句型What makes...dirty/messy?...make(s)...dirty/messy.以及What can we do to...?We can....



Step1:Warming up One little finger song

Step2: Lead in 1、Free talk

T:Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.today I feel so happy,because last weekend I had a picnic in the park with my family.what about your weekend? S:I .. I went to..

T:That sounds great. Did you take any photos? S:Yes ,I did. /No,I didn’t.


T:I like taking photos when I go out.I’ll show you some nice photos. River:

T:What’s this? A long river .it’s very beautiful. Forest:

T:What’s this? A forest.Look, the sunshine is bright. Metro :

T:Look, it’s a metro.Did you take the metro?I think it’s fast.

Factory :

T:It’s a factory.There are a lot of factories in our city. Street:

T:Look,the street is old and clean.. consolidation

T:They are in the city.Do you like this city? S:Yes,we do. T:Why?

S:Because it’s clean/beautiful.

T:Well,I ‘ll show you two pictures of another city.please look at the screen. (出示两张图片指导学说句型) T:Do you like this city?why? S:No,I don’t.It’s dirty.

T:What makes the city dirty?look at the pictures tell us.

S:Smoke from cars makes the city dirty. Rubbish in the water makes the city dirty ,too.

T:what can we do to keep the city clean? S:we can ..

Step 4:Fill in the blanks

T:You have some good ideas.They are great.Today,Miss Li and her students are talking about their city.(出示图片)Is their city clean? S: No,it’s dirty and messy.(指导学习单词dirty and messy) T:What makes their city dirty?Look at the screen and tell us. S:…(学生能说几张图片就说几张不必过分指导) T:OK,let’s watch the story and fill in the blanks. 播放视频

T:Please take out your paper. Fill in the blanks. (给学生时间做完练习) T:What makes the air dirty?

S:Smoke from cars , black smoke from factories make the air dirty. 教师出示PPT,教师带学生一起完成板书,并朗读 T:So smoke is the important reason,let’s read it. 学生齐读这两个句子。

T:What makes the street dirty? S:Rubbish makes the street dirty.

教师出示PPT,check the answer,板书。 T:What makes the river dirty?

S:Rubbish in the water makes the river dirty.

T:Rubbish makes the river dirty,and the fish are dead.so we can’t eat the fish ,they’re not good for our health. 教师出示PPT,板书。

Step5:Watch and tick

T:The city is becoming dirty and messy.What can they do to keep the city clean? 出示图片,让学生说一说也不要过分指导,说不出来的通过短片学习。 S:We can…

T:Good ideas. Let’s watch the story and tick. T:Finish the watch and tick Check the answers. S:……

学生说一条老师板书一条。完成整个板书。 教学指导move away from

T:Look, there is a box on my desk.I can move it away from my desk.do you understand?老师通过动作的表演解释move away from的意思。 T:Move away from it means ,take sth. to other place .

Step6:Consolidations 1、Listen and repeat

T:I think if you can do these,our city will be beautiful and clean. Please open your books and repeat the story.

2、Read in roles.

T:This is reading time .Five students in a group,choose the roles you like .

3、Read it together .

T:Ok,let’s read it together .

4、Memory time

T:Today you did nice jobs.I think the memory time is not difficult for you .Please close your books , watch the sreen ,you can discuss with your parteners.

5、Show time

T:This is show time .five student in a group.Let’s act the story. You can use story time to act. That you can get 2starts.

You can also use more words to act. That you can get 3 starts. I’ll give you some sentences.


T:Youcan use the sentences on the blacksboard to act.

Step6 Home work

1、Recite the story time.

2、Preview fun time and grammar time.