18. Q: How would you describe success?
A: To me success is doing the best I can with my given potential.
If I try to learn all facets of my job, I can be successful in my area.
19. Q: Do you think you are over-qualified for this job?
A: No, I don't think anyone can ever be `overqualified`. This job has a lot of room for expansion and innovation.
I feel the employer will benefit from my additional knowledge. There is a great deal that I can still learn as well as contribute.
20. Q: What is your major interest? Money, power or prestige?
A: My primary interest is to learn and develop my skills which will lead me to a career filled with opportunities, challenges and ultimately, rewards.
21. Q: What salary would you accept for this position?(What kind of salary are you looking for?) A: I think your company has a sound salary structure. With my education and qualifications, I believe that I shall be fairly treated.
I am sure your company will compensate me appropriately.
I will go along with your company policy and pay scale. I am realistic about a lower starting salary.
22. Q: What are the accomplishments you are most proud of?
A: Obtaining my advanced degree in computer sciences is my greatest accomplishment so far.
23. Q: How long will it take you to make a contribution to this company?
A: As long as I work in this company, I will try my best to make some sort of contribution.