北语网院18春《金融英语》作业 - 2 下载本文




1(5·?) : You can buy the dollars forward to reduce or eliminate the risk of an ___ movement in exchange rates. A: inverse B: adverse C: bad

D: diverse

2(5·?) : If you want to buy a car and may not have money on hand, you can make your ___ out of future income. A: buy

B: purchase C: trade

D: exchange

3(5·?) : In fact, when I bought the contract, the price was still falling ___ a week later. A: until B: before C: unless D: after

4(5·?) : The holders want to ___ their deposit to currency. A: change B: turn C: become D: convert

5(5·?) : Futures prices are ___ for delivering a designated quality and quantity of grain to a specified place and time. A: quotes

B: quotations C: cites

D: citations

6(5·?) : If kept in your own home, your ___ might be lost or stolen. A: values B: valuable C: value

D: valuables 7(5·?) : A bank scrutinizes more closely ___ of whose credit standing it has no direct knowledge.

A: outside applicants B: current applicants C: applicants

D: non-applicants

8(5·?) : The things exchanged at the stock market are shares or ___ in business or companies.



A: dividends B: bonds C: stocks D: futures 9(5·?) : In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to ___ the repayment arrangements. A: abide

B: observe with C: comply with D: stand by

10(5·?) : To get a credit card, you must supply such information ___ your monthly salary and other income. A: like

B: for example C: for instance D: as

11(5·?) : We should present the withdrawal order to the ___. A: receptionist B: accountant C: assistant D: teller

12(5·?) : There are many ways to ___ analyze the futures market. A: skillfully B: craftily

C: methodically D: technically

13(5·?) : If advances take the form of loans, new credit ___ immediately increases advances and deposits by the full amount. A: granted B: given C: offered D: issued

14(5·?) : Selling stocks is advantageous for a company to ___ for tax reasons. A: go public

B: go to public

C: go to the public D: go publicly

15(5·?) : It may be advisable to define a bank as an ___ for financial work. A: framework B: machine C: organ

D: institution

16(5·?) : I?ˉm afraid you have got a lot more questions to ___ me again.



A: fight B: wait C: ask for D: challenge

17(5·?) : With the development of the currency options market in treasury services provided by banks, the forward rate market is becoming anyhow ___, isn?ˉt it? A: insignificant B: important C: verbose D: redundant

18(5·?) : Our deposits and withdrawals from our account are recorded in the ___. A: counterfoil B: passbook C: record

D: account book 19(5·?) : In law, the word real, as it relates to property, means ___ as distinguished from personal property. A: belongings B: substance C: houses D: land

20(5·?) : In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once credited to the customer?ˉs ___. A: time account

B: current account C: savings account D: loan account μ¥??ìa

1(5·?) : You can buy the dollars forward to reduce or eliminate the risk of an ___ movement in exchange rates. A: inverse B: adverse C: bad

D: diverse

2(5·?) : If you want to buy a car and may not have money on hand, you can make your ___ out of future income. A: buy

B: purchase C: trade

D: exchange

3(5·?) : In fact, when I bought the contract, the price was still falling ___ a week later. A: until



B: before C: unless D: after

4(5·?) : The holders want to ___ their deposit to currency. A: change B: turn C: become D: convert

5(5·?) : Futures prices are ___ for delivering a designated quality and quantity of grain to a specified place and time. A: quotes

B: quotations C: cites

D: citations

6(5·?) : If kept in your own home, your ___ might be lost or stolen. A: values B: valuable C: value

D: valuables 7(5·?) : A bank scrutinizes more closely ___ of whose credit standing it has no direct knowledge.

A: outside applicants B: current applicants C: applicants

D: non-applicants

8(5·?) : The things exchanged at the stock market are shares or ___ in business or companies. A: dividends B: bonds C: stocks D: futures 9(5·?) : In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to ___ the repayment arrangements. A: abide

B: observe with C: comply with D: stand by

10(5·?) : To get a credit card, you must supply such information ___ your monthly salary and other income. A: like

B: for example C: for instance D: as



11(5·?) : We should present the withdrawal order to the ___. A: receptionist B: accountant C: assistant D: teller

12(5·?) : There are many ways to ___ analyze the futures market. A: skillfully B: craftily

C: methodically D: technically

13(5·?) : If advances take the form of loans, new credit ___ immediately increases advances and deposits by the full amount. A: granted B: given C: offered D: issued

14(5·?) : Selling stocks is advantageous for a company to ___ for tax reasons. A: go public

B: go to public

C: go to the public D: go publicly

15(5·?) : It may be advisable to define a bank as an ___ for financial work. A: framework B: machine C: organ

D: institution

16(5·?) : I?ˉm afraid you have got a lot more questions to ___ me again. A: fight B: wait C: ask for D: challenge

17(5·?) : With the development of the currency options market in treasury services provided by banks, the forward rate market is becoming anyhow ___, isn?ˉt it? A: insignificant B: important C: verbose D: redundant

18(5·?) : Our deposits and withdrawals from our account are recorded in the ___. A: counterfoil B: passbook C: record

D: account book 19(5·?) : In law, the word real, as it relates to property, means ___ as distinguished



from personal property. A: belongings B: substance C: houses D: land

20(5·?) : In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once credited to the customer?ˉs ___. A: time account

B: current account C: savings account D: loan account