小学英语四种基本句型-肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句与特殊疑问句 下载本文

39.The girl in a red coat is my sister. is your sister 40.He comes to China once a year. he to China 41. He goes to see his grandma ( twice a week ). (对括号部分提问) _________________________________________________ 42. My father goes to work by car. ( 改为特殊疑问句 ) __________________________________________________ 43. It take ( 15 minutes ) for a ferry to cross the river. ( 对括号部分提问 ) __________________________________________________ 44. You can dial ( 110 ) to call the police. ( 对括号部分提问 ) _______ ________ can you dial to call the police 45. Ted put his bag in the desk . ( 改为特殊疑问句 ) _____ ______ Ted _____ in the desk 46. The students ( went camping ) last week. (对括号部分提问) _________________________________________________ 47. Diogenes came from ( Greece ). (对括号部分提问) _____ _____ Diogenes ______ _______ 48. The way to keep fit is ( to eat food and take morn exercise). (对括号部分提问) _______ _______ the way to _______ _______ 49. We landed (on an unexplored planet ) . ( 对括号部分提问 ) _______ ______ you land 练一练7(单项选择题): ( )1. How are you ,thanks. ,it is. are you ? ( )2. Nice to meet you ! ,thank you. . to meet you ,too ! ( )3. How do you go to school go to Canada by plane. go to school by bike. about you ? ( )4. How do you go to the USA usually go to school by bus. go to England by ship. go by plane. ( )5. My home is near the post office. A. Where is your home . you then! ( )6. See you at 2 o’clock. you then ! fifth floor. ’s easy. ( )7. You can go by the bus. ’s not far. B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park . ( )8. Where is the hospital to the cinema. you . ’re welcome. ( )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ,there is . ,it’s not far. ’s near the post office. ( )10. It’s near the post office. ,there is . ,it’s not far. C. Where is the library ( )11. It’s next to the hospital. A. Where is the cinema ,please it far straight. ( )12. How can I get to the hospital ’s next to the hospital. can go by the bus. you. ( ) you . you . . ’re welcome. ( )14. How can I get to the museum turn left. you . ’s east of the cinema . ( )15. Where is the post office turn left. you . ’s east of the cinema . ( )16. What are you going to do this evening ’m going to the cinema . go to school on foot. ,it is. ( )17. Is it far ,it is . , it is . ,it isn’t. ( )18. do you go to school ( )19. I go to school bike. B. by ( )20. Can I go foot ( ) can I to the post office B. get ( )22. me A. Excuse B. How ( )23. birthday to you ! A. After ( )24. The hospital is the left. A. at ( )25. is the bookstore