新视野大学英语第三版Book3-Unit3电子教案 下载本文

★integral: a. forming a necessary part of sth.(构成整体所)必需的,必不可少的 These kinds of robots are on the brink of becoming an integral part of our everyday world.这些机器人即将成为我们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。

★sacred: a.

1)very important or greatly respected很重要的;神圣的;深受尊重的

It is my scared duty to safeguard the territory of our motherland.保卫祖国的领土是我的神圣职责。

2)relating to a god or religion 上帝的;神的;宗教(性)的

The cow is a scared animal in Hindu culture.在印度文化中,牛是一种神圣的动物。

In 1992, Audrey was stricken by cancer.(Para.12)

Meaning: In 1992, Audrey was badly affected by cancer.

★be stricken by/ with: (fml.) be very badly affected by trouble, illness, unhappiness, ect.受灾;患病;遭损失

The Chinese Res Cross has sent five planeloads of relief supplies to the area that was stricken by the earthquake.中国红十字会已经派出五架装载了救援物资的飞机飞往地震受灾地区。

…Hubert de Givenchy, spoken to his cherished friend for the last time, just before she died.(Para.13)

★cherish: vt.

1) love sb. or sth. very much and take care of them well 钟爱;珍爱

I have retired parents whom I love and cherish.我父母亲已退休,他们是我所钟爱、珍惜的人。

2)think that sth. is very important and wish to keep it 珍爱;珍视

Right after I've put my son to bed, I turn off the TV, phone, and light, sit on my bed in the dark, and simply cherish the silence.把儿子一放上床,我就关掉电视、电话、电灯,在黑暗中坐在床上,享受这一片宁静。

He said she was \serene at the end because she knew she had achieved everything with perfection\

★serene: a. very calm or peaceful 宁静的;安宁的;平静的

The summer day by the lake in the countryside was serene and beautiful.乡下湖边的这个夏日宁静而美丽。

Even as her life ended at 63 years of age, she remained a gracious woman who perpetually signified simplicity, charity, charm and kindness.(Para.14)

Meaning: Till the end of her life, she had been a great woman always representing simplicity, charity, charm and kindness.

★gracious: a. behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, esp. to people of a lower rank 有礼貌的;仁慈的;和蔼的;亲切的(尤指对较低阶层的人们) His gracious young wife greeted me at the door and invited me to have a seat.他年


★perpetual: a.(usu. before noun) continuing all the time without changing or stopping 连续不断的;无休止的

For six months, in 2012, I lived in a perpetual state of fear of losing my job.2012年我有六个月都生活在担心失去工作的持续恐惧之中。

★perpetually: ad. 连续不断地;无休止地

He felt unsteady on his feet from lack of food, and he was perpetually thirsty.由于没吃食物他觉得脚步不稳,而且他一直口渴。

signify: vt. represent, mean, or be a sign of sth. 代表;表示;象征;意味着 The grades that students receive signify how well they did in their studies.学生们得到的成绩体现了他们学习的好坏。

The majesty of Audrey Hepburn's spirit of social responsibility and dedication lives on in her words…(Para.15)

Meaning: Audrey Hepburn's sense of social responsibility and her dedication for helping those in need continue to exist in her words and inspire people around the world.

★majesty: n. [U]

1) the quality that sth. big has of being impressive, powerful, or beautiful 雄伟;壮丽;庄严;崇高

Crowds of people move about the campus in the hours before the game, marveling at the beauty of the grounds and the majesty of the buildings.赛前的几个小时里,一群群人在校园内来回走动,对场地之美和建筑之雄伟大为叹赏。

2)(Your/ Her/ His M ~) used when talking to or about a king or queen 陛下(对国王或女王的称呼)

They sang a song for Her Majesty's birthday party.他们为女王的生日晚会唱了一首歌。

★live on: continue to exist and have influence 继续存在;流传下去

His legend lived on and was made into a popular film in 1973.他的传奇故事流传了下来,在1973年被拍成了电影,广受欢迎。

38 “Remember, if you need a helping hand, it's at the end of you arms. As you get older ,remember you have another hand :The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”(para.15)

Meaning beyond words: remember,

when you are in need of help, you should grow up, you should try your best not only to help yourself but also to help others. 39…“For beautiful eyes, look for the good

in others for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness;and for praise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” (para.15)

Meaning beyond words: To have beautiful eyes, discover the good in others people. Lips are beautiful only when they speak kind words. You will obtain confidence when you walk knowing that you are never walking by yourself.

poise:n.[U] a calm confidence way of behaving ,combined with an ability to control your feelings or reactions in difficult situations 镇定;自信;泰然自若;沉着

Traveling around Europe by herself seems to have given Louisa more poise and confidence.
