(全国卷)统编版2020届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art课时作业 新人教版选修6 下载本文

with strangers.

Still, chatting with strangers could brighten your morning.In a series of experiments, psychologists gave Chicago passengers different directions about whether to talk with fellow passengers—something they typically avoided. 2 None of the chatters reported being rejected.

Small talk can also help us feel connected with our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with,and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas (服务员)reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the transaction (交易). 3 One report found that when volunteers broke the silence to chat with gallery goers, the visitors felt happier and more connected with the exhibit than those who were not approached.

4 In one study, people who were rated “less curious” by researchers had trouble getting a conversation rolling on their own, and had greater luck building closeness with others when they were supplied with questions that encouraged personal disclosure (透露). But people who were considered “curious” needed no help when transforming conversations about ordinary things into personal exchanges. 5

A.The same is true of gallery goers. B.But don't play down small talk just yet.

C.They found that small talk is related to happiness.

D.Those told to chat with others reported a more pleasant journey. E.Making small talk is an important skill for all the social situations. F.A “curious mindset”, the author concluded, can lead to “positive social interactions”.

G.Of course, some people are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger.

[语篇解读] 本文主要讲述了闲聊会让人开心。

1.解析:根据上文的“In one study,researchers found that small talk made up only 10%of their conversation related to happiness.”和下文的“Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding.”可知,此处表示转折关系,B项中but与前文中only形成转折关系,所以选B项。但是,不要贬低闲聊的重要性。


2.解析:根据下文的“None of the chatters reported being rejected.”可推知,D项中的Those指代上文中的passengers,所以应选D项。那些被要求去和陌生人聊天的乘




3.解析:根据下文的“chat with gallery goers”可知,应选A项。参观美术馆的人也有同样的感受。




5.解析:根据上文的“But people who were considered‘curious’ needed no help when transforming conversations about ordinary things into personal exchanges.”可推知,F项承接上文,具有好奇心的人会与他人进行积极的社交互动,所以选F项。

答案:F Ⅲ.语法填空

Sending gifts varies greatly from country to country.In Australia,Canada,the United States

1. European countries,sending gifts is rarely expected.While seen as a nice gesture,it is more important to avoid 2. (give)highly personal

gifts such as clothing.When visiting the home of a colleague from one of these 3. (country),it is normally appropriate to bring a gift to the hostess.

In America,4. (expense)gifts are definitely out.A good

5. (choose) is to take the deserving person to dinner,or to 6. entertainment or a sporting event.7. the contrary,gift giving is a

traditional custom in Japan.In Japan the proper gift is thought 8. (express)the giver's true friendship,gratitude and respect far 9. (well)than words can.So if you plan to visit Japan or to have any Japanese visit you here,be prepared.

Australia is known for its friendliness and informality.So modest gifts,such as a diary,a paperweight,or a coffee cup might 10. (present) to a friend.At a trade show,T-shirts,ties,baseball caps,or a pin may be appropriate souvenirs.Anything more than these types of gifts could cause embarrassment.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了美国、日本和澳大利亚等国不同的送礼物习惯。

1.解析:考查连词。根据空前的“Australia,Canada,the United States”和空后的“European countries”可知,空处前后为并列关系。故用并列连词and。



2.解析:考查动名词。avoid doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“避免做某事”,故填giving。 答案:giving

3.解析:考查名词的数。根据空前的these可知,可数名词country应当用复数形式。 答案:countries

4.解析:考查形容词。空处修饰后面的名词gifts,故用形容词形式。 答案:expensive





7.解析:考查固定搭配。on the contrary为固定搭配,意为“与此相反”。 答案:On

8.解析:考查动词不定式。此处表示“在日本,恰当的礼物被认为表达了送礼物者真正的友谊”。be thought to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“被认为做了某事”,故用动词不定式。

答案:to express

9.解析:考查比较级。根据空后的than可知,该处用well的比较级。 答案:better

10.解析:考查被动语态。该句主语modest gifts和动词present之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。

答案:be presented