人教版新目标英语九年级(全一册)Unit 13《We’re trying to save the earth》重难点全解 下载本文

UNIT 13 重难点复习和练习 一、重点词汇 词义辨析:cost/spend/take/pay 都与“花费”有关,但用法上有区别。 cost sth. costs (sb.) +money spend 1. spend+ time/money on sth. 2. spend +time/money (in) doing sth. take It takes (sb.) time +to do sth. pay pay (sb.)+money for sth. 因此,“他们花两年建造这座桥”可以表示为: They spend two years on this bridge. =They spent two years (in) building this bridge. =It took them two years to build this bridge. “我花了2000块钱买这台电脑”可以表示为: I spent 2000 Yuan on the new computer. =I spent 2000 Yuan (in) buying the new computer. =The new computer cost me 2000 Yuan. =I paid 2000 Yuan for the new computer. 词义辨析:take part in/join/join in/attend 这些动词或词组均含“参加,加入”之意。 take part in 常指参加大型比赛或活动。 join 特指加入党派、团体等;join sb. in (doing) sth. 指“和某人一起做某事”。 join in 多指参加小规模的活动,如:球赛、游戏等。 attend 侧重参加或出席会议、学术活动、音乐会、上课等等,着重强调成为其中的听众或观众。 A lot of college students took part in the movement last year. His brother joined the army two years ago. May I join in your discussion? Hundreds of students attended the lecture given by the famous professor. 词义辨析:turn词组 turn on 打开 turn off 关上 turn up 把……调高 turn down 把……调低 turn out 原来是,结果是 turn out (to be) +adj./n. turn around 转身 turn back 返回 turn to 翻到……;求助于…… turn into 将……转变为……;译成…… turn over 翻转 The experiment turned out to be a success. I turned around to see who was calling me. Please turn to Page 10.


I have turned into a woman with strong will. She turned over and fell to sleep.

afford to do sth.:买得起……,足够支付…… We can’t afford to pay such a high price. be harmful to:对……有害

Staying up often is harmful to your health. 拓展:

1. harm:n. 害处 2. do harm to:对……有害 at the top of:在……顶端

There was not enough oxygen at the top of the mountain. He shouted at the top of his voice in order to be heard. 拓展:反义词

at the bottom of:在……的底端 take action:采取行动

The police had to take action to deal with the riots. throw away:扔掉;错过(机会等)

Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly. Don’t throw away this opportunity.

拓展: 1. throw at:扔向…… 2. throw about:到处扔 put sth. to good use:好好利用某物

If you focus your mind on the task, your talents can be put to good use. pull…down:拆毁

They are going to pull down the old building and replace it with a new shopping mall. upside down:上下颠倒

The lid, turned upside down, served as a coffee table. bring back:归还;使想起

Your article brought back sad memories for me. 拓展:bring 词组

1. bring up:抚养长大 2. bring in:引进

3. bring forward:提出 4. bring about:带来,造成

一词多义:work n.工作;(音乐、艺术)作品;工厂 v. 工作 He has much work to do.


The man gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.(做“作品”讲,为可数名词,但常用复数)

The glass works is/are near the station.(做“工厂”讲,只用复数形式,但谓语动词单复均可) 拓展:

英语中有些名词,单复数形式意义有差别。 manner 方式,方法 manners 礼貌,礼仪 arm 胳膊 arms 武器

water 水 waters 海水,水域 wood 木头 woods 森林 识记词汇

fisherman n. 渔夫 coal n. 煤 wooden adj. 木制的 takeaway n. 外卖食物 chain n. 链条 the food chain 食物链 ecosystem n. 生态系统 law n. 法律 scientific adj. 科学的 transportation n. 交通


napkin n. 餐巾纸 gate n. 大门 president n. 总统,主席,负责人 metal n. 金属 二、重点句型

Other advantages of bike riding are that it’s good for health and it doesn’t cost anything.

解析:本句的主干是 Other advantages of bike riding are…;that it’s good for health…anything 是由 that 引导的

表语从句;其中 it’s good for health 和 it doesn’t cost anything 是骑自行车的两个优势。 But do you realize that you’re killing a whole shark each time you enjoy a bowl of shark’s fin soup? 解析:本句的主干是do you realize…?;that you’re killing a whole shark 是 realize 的宾语从句;each time you

enjoy a bowl of shark’s fin soup 是时间状语从句。

出题建议:确定好题型后,在关键词中输入:each time。

Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain.

解析:本句的主干是 Many believe…;that sharks can never be endangered 是 believe 的宾语从句;because

they are the strongest in their food chain 是由 because 引导的原因状语从句。

Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.

解析:本句的主干是 Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows,主干是由 not only…but

also…连接的并列句;that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity 是 shows 的宾语从句。

Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth!

第一课时SectionA 1a-2d


1.垃圾_______________________ 2..在……底部__________________ 3.充满____________ 4.曾经做某事_________________ 5.在……其作用_______________ 6.打扫_________

7.许多黑烟__________________ 8.把……变成……_______________ 9.消减____________ 10.代替____________

11.优点___________ 12.木质筷子_________________ 13.塑料勺子________________ 14.外带食物_________________ 15.有影响______________ 16.导致_____


1.There are some __________,including ___________________.(噪音污染,空气污染,水污染)(pollute) 2.The air is badly______(pollute) because there are many cars on the road. 3.I used to _______________(able)see stars in the sky. 4.I am used to __________(sleep) around 11pm.

5.It ____________________________________.(花了我三小时到达山顶) 6.The cleaner ____________________________(花了超过2小时打扫街道) 7.You grandpa is sleeping ,so don't _____________.(noisy)


8. Sometimes we even need to _______________________(花时间导入一个请求) 9.It _____ me 1,000dollars to get the driver’s license.(花费)

Ⅲ.重点句子: 1.We should write to the government and ask them to close down the factories. 2.Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up.

3.So together ,our actions can make a different and lead to a better future 成果展示:

1.litter:v 扔垃圾 un:垃圾 rubbish ,trash take out rabbish 倒垃圾 throw rubbish 扔垃圾 2..be full of=be filled with= fill with 充满……

3.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.这正在把美丽的地方变成丑陋的。 one 泛指,指前面提到过的那类人或事情,指代可数名词,其复数形式用ones. that:特指,指前面提到过的那类物,指代不可数名词。 Eg:The weather in Kunming is better than that in Wuhan.

it :特指,指前面提到过的那个物,用于指可数名词单数或者不可数名词。 Eg:I have a pen,my uncle gave it to me.

4.advantage :n:优势,利益,有利条件 v:有利于 disadvantage 缺点,损失,不利条件 take advantage of 利于 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 have the advantage of 胜过,处于…有利条件

Eg:He had the advantage of being born into a rich family. The women’s disadvantage is her age.

5.takeaway:adj:外带的,带走的,旧的 n:外卖食品,快餐点

巩固提高: 1.It’s __________________(浪费时间)to talk with a silly person. 2.You should _____________(删掉) the first paragraph.

3.There is also _______________________.(太多垃圾和废物) 4.We should take the bus or subway ______________.(代替开车) 5.I ________________________________ .(学英语有困难)

6.People go to the streets to _____________________.(互相泼水) 7.I was asked not ________________________(在公共场合扔垃圾)

第二课时 SectionA 3a-4c 自学自查:Ⅰ.写出下列单词及短语:

1. 听说_____________ 2.特别流行________________ 3.每次____________ 4.切断_______ 5.把…扔到…里___________ 6.不仅…而且________________ 7.对…有害____________ 8.不再___________ 9.…的数量_________________ 10.目前为止___________

11.对…有利_______________ 12.在危险中____________ 13.采取行动_____________14.渔民_______ 15.工业_____________ 16. 参加_______________


1.A number of students in our school ______(be) from countryside.

2.The number of students. in our school _______(be)more than 1,000 3.Because of water pollution,plenty of sea life is ____________(灭绝)

4.The river __________________ clean,but now it ______________dirty.(use)


1.The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 persent in the last 20 to 30 years.