外研社英语七年级上module10 下载本文

Unit 2 My mother’s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.

学习目标: 1. 知识目标: 掌握本单元与节日相关的单词与短语.

2.能力目标: 通过阅读能够从文章中获得有效信息.能够书面描述关于某个节日的

情况。 3. 情感目标: 乐于了解有关春节的情况. 积极参与学习与生活实践、

学习重点: 词汇:(bring, tradition, mean, decorate, decoration, give, sweet, haircut, everyone, paper cut, week, paint,called, good/bad luck, a few, all the year round. ) 学习难点: 用英语准确地描述某个节日。 学习过程: Step 1. 预习提纲:

1 学习新单词,为以下学习做准备。 2 自学阅读材料,提升读写能力。 3 自主或小组操练,巩固知识点。

Step2. Individual work. (自主学习)

Task 1. Read the words and phrases. Learn them by heart. Then finish the following:(词汇专练) 1.好运

2. 一年到头 3 decorate(名词) 4 . I want to have a (理发) tomorrow.

5 .These oranges are (甜的). Would you like some? Task 2. Listening.

Listen and finish Activities 2 and 3. Task 3. Reading.

Read carefully. Then judge the sentences true or false:(正确 T, 错误 F) ( ) 1. Only our Chinese people have lots of traditions. ( ) 2. We paint doors and windows red. Because this Colour is beautiful.

( ) 3. At Spring Festival, there is a dragon dancing. ( ) 4. At Spring Festival, we also clean our house every


( ) 5. Yuan xiao is round and brings us good luck. Read again and talk about the questions of Activity 4 in groups. Task 4. Writing.

Finish Activity 5. Help each other in groups. Step 3. Discussion and communication(讨论交流) 如何运用所学知识取表达自己的观点,情感与行为。 2 如何用\连接两个句子。 Step 4. Indicating (点拨)

Pay attention to the following:(知识点汇总)

1. paint … red/ white/ blue 把 … 涂或刷成某种颜色。 2. called名叫,被叫做

3. a few一些,修饰可数名词复数。 (拓展)a little 修饰不可数名词。 4. bring 带来,带到说话人处。 (拓展):

take带走,从说话人处带到别处。 carry拿着, 提着,没有方向性。 get去并且把 … … 拿来或带来。 专项练习:

Let's 让我们把墙刷成白色吧。 I have a friend(名叫 ) Lucy .

I have (一些)books. Would you like to read them? We drink (一些)coffee. What about you? It's going to rain. Please your raincoat with you. You can__________ your sister with you to my party. Step 5. Consolidation(巩固提升)

Unit 3 Language in use


1 知识目标:辨别一般现在时和现在进行时,巩固问句形式及答语。

2 能力目标:能够准确运用语法知识。并能用书信的形式表达关于节日的情况。

3 情感目标:培养自主学习与合作学习的能力。了解西方节日,开阔视野, 提高学习兴趣。 学习重点:

一般现在时与现在进行时。 学习难点:

运用语法知识以书信的形式来描述节日。 学习过程: Step 1.预习提纲 1重点词汇

2辨别一般现在时与现在进行时。 3了解西方节日。 4写作训练。 Step 2. 自主学习


1 为什么做准备 2 打扫房间 3做饭 4 学习舞龙 5 做花灯 6 扫去 7 一种 8 一年到头 9 好运 10 春节 语法面对面:

我们一起看看一般现在时与现在进行时不同之处。 基本用法不同:

一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作及状态。也用于自然现象或客观真理。 现在进行时表示现在正在做的事情或正在发生的动作。 谓语动词的形式不同。 一般现在时谓语动词:

be动词用am / is / are这三种形式 行为动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式。

否定句在 be动词后加 not 或 don’t /doesn’t +行为动词原形。

一般疑问句形式:Be (am / is /are)+ 主语 +其他成分 。Do / Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分。

特殊疑问句形式: 疑问词What / How/ When/ Where…+一般疑问句的形式 现在进行时谓语动词: be (am /is /are)+v-ing

否定句为 be( am / is /are ) +not+ v+ing

一般疑问句的形式: Be ( am / is / are)+主语 +其他成分。

特殊疑问句的形式:疑问词 What / When /How/ Where…+be+主语 +其他成分 时间状语或提示语不同。

一般现在时常与often, sometimes, always, never,usually 等频度副词连用,还常与every moning /day /week, in the morning / afternoon /evening等时间状语连用.如:He goes to school by bus every day.

Does Tom stay at home on Sunday

The moon goes yound the earth.

What do you often do on Sunday evening?

现在进行时常与now,these days / weeks /months 等时间状语连用,或句首有Look! /Listen!等提示语时,后面的句子一般用现在进行时。如:

Look! Bob is flying kites. What are the children doing now? Is she cleaning the classroom? They aren’t making lanterns. 跟踪练习:

1. He usually ( study) English at home in the evening. 2. ( be) she from England? 3. Where is Rose? She ( dance) at the party? 4. In the picture, the little boy (eat )noodles. 5. Lucy (not like) go to school on foot. 6. Tom and I (play) table tennis now. 7. Everyone (get) ready for the test these days.