新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版听力问题及答案 下载本文


Short conversations

1 Q: What attracts the woman most in a big city?

A Access to various forms of entertainment.

2 Q: What do we know from what the woman said?

A She prefers outdoor parking.

3 Q: What does the woman imply?

B Big cities are now gradually losing their appeal.

4 Q: What does the man say about the aging problem?

A The aging problem emerges earlier than expected.

5 Q: What does the woman think about the people living in big cities?

D They are more likely to have mental problems.

Long conversation

1 Q: What is Emily going to do?

A She is going to move to Santa Fe.

2 Q: What did Emily think life in Santa Fe would be like?

A It is tedious.

3 Q: What is unique in Santa Fe according to the man?

D Its history.

4 Q: What attracts artists around the world to Santa Fe?

B Its colorful scenery.

Passage 1

1 Q: What shocked the speaker?

B That parents buy their young kids expensive electronic products.

2 Q: What is appropriate for slightly older kids according to the speaker?

D Old-fashioned paper books.

3 Q: What is the best thing about iPads according to the couple?

C They keep children at different age levels occupied.

4 Q: What does the speaker think of buying iPads for kids after talking with the couple?

D It is understandable.

Passage 2

1) join up

2) reaction

3) makes increasing sense

4) sustainable

5) aims

6) monitored

7) access to

8) experimenting with

9) eye-catching

10) commuting


Short conversations

1 Q: What do we know from the conversation about Addison?

B He changes jobs quite frequently.

2 Q: What does the man say about his job?

D He works to support his family.

3 Q: What does the woman think about her future?

A She has no idea about her future plan.

4 Q: What does the man say about his job?

C His well-paid job requires a lot of hard work.

5 Q: Why doesn’t the woman take the position?

C Because it will take her along the wrong career path.

Long conversation

1 Q: How does the woman prepare for the working world?

A She does not know where to start for her jobs.

2 Q: How did the man find his internship?

D He got information from the Internet.

3 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman?

B Seek help from the Career Center.

4 Q: What does the man think the woman needs most right now?

B A good plan.

Passage 1

1 Q: How has the number of working women with college degrees in the United States changed?

B It has increased 200 percent since 1970.

2 Q: What is the current situation of working women in the United States?

B Most women are engaged in lower-end jobs.

3 Q: What is the best-paying job for women?

A A physician or a surgeon.

4 Q: What does the speaker think of the job prospects for women in the United States?

D It is promising.

Passage 2

1) evaluate

2) compensation

3) negotiating

4) confirm

5) schedule

6) circumstances

7) turn down

8) start over

9) work out

10) informed