(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年湖南省名校英语八年级(上)期末学业水平测试模拟试题 下载本文



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.—How hot it is today!

—Yes.The ________ may be over 35℃.

A.machine B.weather C.watermelon D.temperature 2.I'm going to tidy my bedroom before I ________ to school. A.will go C.went

B.go D.to go

3.There are many visitors ________ at the top of the mountain to enjoy the sunrise. A.to wait B.wait C.waiting D.waited 4.Jenny isn’t at home_______.

A.at moment B.the moment C.a moment D.at the moment 5.Let’s have it today, ______? A.shall I A.watching A.be

B.will you

C.shall we B.to watch


D.do you D.is


6.It’s time to do your homework. Stop _______TV. 7.I try my best_________a good student.

B.to be

8.—I will have a party this weekend. Could you please help me write some ______? —Sure. Who are you going to invite?

A.invitations B.concerts C.calendars D.events

9.She received(收到)an expensive gift from her friend,but she didn't _________ it. A.buy A.serious

B.sell B.creative

C.invite C.popular

D.accept D.careful

10.It is _________ of Ann to make clothes out of newspapers.

11.The doctor told Ann to eat ____________ vegetables and ____________ meat, because she's getting heavier. A.much;little



D.more; fewer

12.I ______some gifts from my friends,but I didn't ______ them. A.received;accept B.accepted;receive C.receive;accept D.accept;receive 13.Can you tell me how a pizza? A.to make

B.to do



14.Mr. Liu is very kind and patient, so everyone in our class __________ him. A.likes

— .

A.Yes, I can’t B.Sorry,I can’t C.No,I can D.Sorry, I can

16.—Tina always get good grade. Do she study hard? —Of course. She is one of _________ students in our class. A.hard-working C.most hard-working A.the oldest; cities C.oldest ;cities A.many -Mary_____.

A.do B.did C.does D.doing

20.There is ________ juice in the fridge. Let's go and buy some. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 二、单词填空


1)(小题1)Eating too much s________ is bad for your teeth. 2)(小题2)What t________ food do you have on Mid-Autumn Day? 3)(小题3)There is a h________ in the door.

4)(小题4)Don't p________ waste water into the river.It will pollute it. 5)(小题5)Please put the bread on the p________,not in the bowl. 三、句型转换 22.句型转换

1)He came to Thailand last month. (改为否定句) He ______ ______ to Thailand last month.

2)His friend went to Hong Kong in 2016. (对画线部分提问) — _____ ______ his friend ______ in 2016?

3)Frank took a walk with someone last night. (改为一般疑问句) ______ Frank ______ a walk with ______ last night?

4)Mary does her homework every day. (用yesterday evening改写句子) Mary ______ her homework ______ ______. 5)How do you like the food there? (改为同义句) ______ do you ______ the food there? 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语意思完成句子 1)我妈妈离开时忘记关灯了。

My mother forgot to______ ______ the lights when she left. 2)屠呦呦成为第一位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性。


B.more hard-working D.the most hard-working B.the older; city D.older; city C.much





15.—Can you come to my party?

17.Xi'an is one of ____________ capital ____________ in China.

18.Mary is __________ better than Alice at playing football. 19.-Who spent the weekend with you?

Tu Youyou became the______ ______ ______that won the Nobel Prize. 3)我们应该感恩我们的父母。

We should______ ______ ______ our parents. 4)我们正在庆祝祖父的80岁生日。

We________ __________our grandfather's eightieth birthday. 5)他用苹果把盒子装满了。

He________ the box_________ apples. 五、完形填空

24. Time flies so fast and Chinese New Year is coming. It is time 1 me to write down my New Year's resolutions.

The first resolution is about improving my 2 with my family. I'm going to spend more time talking to my parents. And I'm going to play with my younger brother and teach 3 how to solve(解决)problems in his life.

My second resolution has to do with my 4 . Last term,I got good grades in all my subjects except English. So next year,I'm going to spend much time 5 my English. I hope I can get good 6 in English next term.

My 7 resolution is about improving my health. I hardly ever did exercise before, 8 I was busy with my schoolwork. Next year,I'm going to do exercise often. 9 ,I'm going to play ball games after school.

The last resolution is about self-improvement. I'm going to 10 a new hobby-reading books. I will read more books about computer and history. I think it will open my eyes. 1)A.with 2)A.information 3)A.him 4)A.friends 5)A.questioning 6)A.programs 7)A.second 8)A.because 9)A.However 10)A.take up

B.for B.education B.her B.classmates B.improving B.prizes B.third B.after B.For sure B.dress up

C.through C.news C.you C.studies C.breaking C.lessons C.fourth C.so

C.For example C.make up


D.relationships D.them D.family D.wondering D.grades D.fifth D.but D.All in all D.find out

六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1)The two__________ (travel)were trapped(被困)on the mountain by the terrible storm. 2)Dumplings are___________ (tradition) food in China. 3)Summer is a good time __________(learn) swimming.

4)He gave thanks to his teacher by______ (send) her some beautiful flowers. 5)The______ (three) Sunday in June is Father's Day.


26.We all want to have vacations. To me, it’s very important to relax myself. I finished a one-week vacation just now. Let me tell you what I did. I know you will feel bored when you look at other people’s vacation pictures!

My son finished his last week of school. During that week, I became a school mom. They had

a class party at a teacher’s house, so I volunteered (志愿) to drive some of the students and attend the party. That was the last week my son would be with them. So it was time for me to spend time with them. I had lunch with the class and then attended their meeting. I never had time to be with the class before. I found it very interesting and my son was happy to show off (炫耀) that.

1.To the writer, the best thing to do on her vacation is . A. to play with her child B. to have a good rest C. to work from day to night D. to go to a new place 2.According to the writer, people .

A. don’t like looking at others’ vacation pictures. B. often help their children’s teachers C. often work for their children’s classes. D. like showing them off in the school

3.From the passage, we can guess the party is to celebrate (庆祝) . A. the teacher’s birthday.

B. the teacher’s child’s birthday C. the children’s graduation (毕业). D. the finishing of their vacation 4.The word “attend” means .

A. 组织 B. 离开 C. 观赏 D. 参加 5.The writer’s son was very glad because . A. he ate much food at the party

B. he made many new friends at the party C. he could go to his teacher’s class again D. his mother worked for the party

27.A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English. You have to read stories in English. And speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question papers, try to understand the exact meaning of each question. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you don’t miss anything out.

1)If people want to do well in an exam, they have to work hard_____. A.every day in a year B.for most of the month C.for only a few days D.late at night

2)If people want to learn English well, they_______. A.only need to learn grammar B.must often practise English C.have to go to England D.should go to bed early

3)It is important to ________ a few days before the exam. A.play too much B.have a good sleep