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系 (部)信息技术系 学科门类 教育学 专 业 教育技术学 学 号 100514142 姓 名 张乾慧 指导教师 李燕玲 职 称 副教授

2014年 04月 18日

摘 要


摘 要



关键词:WEB环境 个性化学习 学习模式


The traditional teaching mode, due to the limitation of class time and the number of students, the class is essentially daunted, students blindly receive state, traditional classroom teaching mode can't improve students' learning efficiency, can't meet the personalized needs of students. Modern education should advocate education to learners as the center, teacher ACTS as guide! With the rapid development of modern society, with the emergence of the Internet, personalized learning more and more popular, more and more become a kind of trend, and the study of personalized learning is in keeping with the theme, personalized learning will surely become a trend in today's world education development. WEB technology for personalized learning provides powerful technical support and motivation.

In this paper, on the basis of analyzing the present situation of traditional teaching, trying to build personalized learning model under the WEB environment, aims to stimulate students' interest in learning, improve the quality of teaching.

Key words:WEB environment Personalized learning Learning model

目 录


1 绪论 .................................................................. - 1 - 1.1 问题的提出 ......................................................... - 1 - 1.2 问题的解决假设 ..................................................... - 1 - 2 传统课堂教学现状分析 .................................................. - 1 - 2.1 学生的学习方式受限制 ............................................... - 1 - 2.2 学习环境资源限制于课堂 ............................................. - 2 - 2.3 学生评价单一化 ..................................................... - 2 - 3 WEB环境下个性化学习的优势分析 ......................................... - 2 - 3.1 学习方式多样化 ..................................................... - 2 - 3.2 学习环境,资源不再限制于课堂 ....................................... - 2 - 3.3 学习评价的多元性 ................................................... - 2 - 4 WEB模式下个性化学习模式可行性分析 ..................................... - 3 - 4.1 WEB所提供的强大技术支持 ........................................... - 3 - 4.2 学习环境的多媒体化 ................................................. - 3 - 4.3 个性化学习成为未来信息技术教育的趋势 ............................... - 3 - 4.4 学生对于自主学习的向往 ............................................. - 3 - 5 WEB环境下个性化学习模式研究 ........................................... - 3 - 5.1 个性化学习定义 ..................................................... - 3 - 5.2 理论依据 ........................................................... - 4 - 5.2.1 建构主义理论 ................................................... - 4 - 5.2.2 多元智能理论 ................................................... - 4 - 5.2.3 人本主义理论 ................................................... - 4 - 5.3 该模式下学习者个性化特征分析 ....................................... - 4 - 5.3.1 学习内容个性化 ................................................ - 4 - 5.3.2 知识呈现个性化 ................................................ - 4 - 5.3.3 学习评价个性化 ................................................ - 5 - 5.4 模式构建 ........................................................... - 5 - 5.4.1 模式构建框架图 ................................................ - 5 - 5.4.2 模式构建 ...................................................... - 7 - 6 该模式在大学外语中的应用 .............................................. - 8 - 6.1 大学外语课程中学生的个性化 ......................................... - 8 - 6.2 模式的应用 ......................................................... - 8 - 7 结论 .................................................................. - 9 - 参考文献 ................................................................ - 9 - 致谢 ................................................................... - 10 -