µÚÒ»µ¥Ôª My school
my ¨Cyour I ¨Cyou our¡ªyour this ¨C that here ¨Cthere
yes¡ªno come¡ªgo teacher¡ªstudent boy¡ªgirl his¡ªher
-er[?] : water¡¢ tiger ¡¢sister¡¢computer¡¢dinner¡¢ruler¡¢number¡¢eraser¡¢winter
under¡¢ after¡¢river¡¢father¡¢mother¡¢brother¡¢
teachers¡¯ office½Ìʦ°ì¹«ÊÒ library ͼÊé¹Ý first floor һ¥ second floor ¶þÂ¥ playground²Ù³¡ computer room¼ÆËã»ú·¿ music room ÒôÀÖ½ÌÊÒ
art room ÃÀÊõ½ÌÊÒ gym ÌåÓý¹Ý homework ×÷Òµ next to ÔÚ¡¡Åﱧ class °à¼¶ forty ËÄÊ® way ·½Ïò garden »¨Ô° win Ó®ÁË quiet °²¾² full ±¥ÁË
1¡¢Îʾ䣺Where is the canteen? ²ÍÌüÔÚÄÄÀ Where ÊǶԵصãµÄÌáÎÊ¡£ ´ð¾ä£ºIt¡¯s on the first / second floor. ÔÚÒ»/¶þÂ¥¡£ ±íʾÔÚ¼¸Â¥ÉÏ£¬ÒªÓýé´Êon£¬Èçon the first floorÔÚһ¥£¬on the second floor ÔÚ¶þÂ¥£¬on the third floor ÔÚ
ÈýÂ¥ The first±íʾµÚÒ»µÄ£¬ÐòÊý´ÊÔÚʹÓÃʱǰÃæÒ»¶¨Òª¼Óthe,±íʾÊÂÎïµÄÅÅÁÐ˳Ðò¡£
one Ò» £¨»ùÊý´Ê£©¡úfirst µÚÒ» £¨ÐòÊý´Ê£© two ¶þ£¨»ùÊý´Ê£©¡úsecond µÚ¶þ£¨ÐòÊý´Ê£© The canteen is on the first floor. ²ÍÌüÔÚһ¥¡£
2¡¢½éÉÜÀë×Ô¼º½üµÄÊÂÎïʱÓÃthis is ¡., ½éÉÜÀë×Ô¼º±È½ÏÔ¶µÄÊÂÎïʱÓÃthat is¡
È磺This is my computer. ÕâÊÇÎҵļÆËã»ú¡£ That is your computer.ÄÇÊÇÄãµÄ¼ÆËã»ú¡£ This is the teacher¡¯s office. Õâ¸öÊǽÌʦ°ì¹«ÊÒ¡£ This is+¡Õâ¸öÊÇ¡ That is my classroom. ÄǸöÊÇÎÒÃǽÌÊÒ That is¡ÄǸöÊÇ¡ Îʾ䣺Is this/that the library? Õâ¸ö/ÄǸöÊÇͼÊé¹ÝÂ𣿠´ð¾ä£º¿Ï¶¨£ºYes, it is.Êǵģ¬ËüÊÇ¡£ No, it isn¡¯t. ²»£¬Ëü²»ÊÇ¡£ µ±ÓÃIs this¡? Is that¡? ÌáÎÊʱ£¬Ò»°ãÓÿ϶¨»Ø´ðÊÇ£ºYes, it is .·ñ¶¨ÊÇ: No, it isn¡¯t.»òÕßNo, it¡¯s not. 3¡¢how many¡?¶àÉÙ? ÓÃÀ´Ñ¯ÎÊÎïÆ·µÄÊýÁ¿ÓжàÉÙ£¬ºóÃæÖ»ÄܸúÃû´ÊµÄ¸´ÊýÐÎʽ¡£ È磺How many books do you have?ÄãÓжàÉÙ±¾Êé? How many students are there in your class?ÔÚÄã°àÀïÓжàÉÙ¸öѧÉú How many ÊǶÔÊýÁ¿µÄÌáÎÊ£¬´ð¾äÖбØÐëÓÐÊý×Ö¡£ 4¡¢ Îʾ䣺Do you have a library? ÄãÃÇÓÐͼÊé¹ÝÂ𣿠´ð¾ä£º¿Ï¶¨£ºYes, I do. Êǵģ¬ÎÒÃÇÓС£ ·ñ¶¨£ºNo, I don¡¯t. ²»£¬ÎÒÃÇûÓС£ 5¡¢µ±±íʾÓÐÒ»¸öʱ£¬Ãû´ÊµÄÇ°Ãæ¿ÉÒÔÓÃa»òÕßan.
ÔªÒôÇ°ÓÃan Èç an appleÒ»¸öÆ»¹û, an orange Ò»¸ö³È×Ó, an ant Ò»Ö»ÂìÒÏ ¸¨ÒôÇ°ÓÃa È磺a pear Ò»¸öÀæ £¬ a dog Ò»Ö»¹·£¬ a banana Ò»Ö»Ï㽶
µÚ¶þµ¥Ôª What time is it?
Ò»¡¢ÓïÒô£¨ÒªÇóÿ¸öµ¥´ÊÊì¶Á£¬²¢ÄÜ˵³ö×Öĸ×éºÏir,urÔÚµ¥´ÊÖеķ¢Òô£© -ir [?£º]£ºgirl¡¢bird¡¢dirt£¨ÎÛ¹¸£©¡¢birth£¨³öÊÀ£©¡¢first¡¢third¡¢shirt¡¢skirt¡¢thirty¡¢sir£¨ÏÈ
-ur [?£º]£ºnurse¡¢hamburger¡¢hurt¡¢curtain£¨´°Á±£©¡¢purple ¡¢turn¡¢turkey£¨»ð¼¦£©
breakfastÔç²Í lunchÎç²Í dinner Õý²Í English class Ó¢Óï¿Î PE class ÌåÓý¿Î
music classÃÀÊõ¿Î get upÆð´² go home»Ø¼Ò thirty ÈýÊ® go to school È¥ÉÏѧ o¡¯clock ...µãÖÓ over ½áÊø now ÏÖÔÚ kid Сº¢ go to bed ÉÏ´²Ë¯¾õ hurry up ¿ìµã late ³Ùµ½ come on ¼ÓÓÍ just a minute ÉÔµÈÒ»»á¶ù April Fool! ÓÞÈ˽ڿìÀÖ
1¡¢Ò»ÈÕÈý²Í breakfast, lunch, dinner £¨³Ô£ºeat£¬have£© 2¡¢say (µÚÈýÈ˳Ƶ¥Êý)¨D¨Dsays have-----has
3¡¢Í¬Òå¾ä£ºWhat time is it? ===What¡¯s the time?ÏÖÔÚ¼¸µãÁË? 4¡¢Let¡¯s ¡ºóÃæÖ±½Ó¸ú¶¯´ÊµÄÔÐΡ£È磺Let¡¯s go! ÈÃÎÒÃÇ×ß°É! Let¡¯s clean the classroom.ÈÃÎÒÃÇ´òɨ½ÌÊÒ°É!
5¡¢It¡¯s time for ¡ºóÃæ¸úÃû´Ê¡£È磺It¡¯s time for dinner. ¸Ã³ÔÍí·¹ÁË¡£ It¡¯s time for English class. ¸ÃÉÏÓ¢Óï¿ÎÁË¡£ 6¡¢It¡¯s time to¡ºóÃæ¸ú¶¯´Ê¡£È磺It¡¯s time to eat dinner. ¸Ã³ÔÍí·¹ÁË¡£
It¡¯s time to have English class. ¸ÃÉÏÓ¢Óï¿ÎÁË¡£
±Ø±³¾äÐÍ£ºIt's time to get up. It's time to do sth. µ½¸É¡µÄʱ¼äÁË¡£
ÔõÑùÅжϡ°µÚÈýÈ˳Ƶ¥Êý¡± È磺he ,she , it... the girl , the boy , my father , my teacher, a student... Mike ,Mary, Jim , Jack , Tom... Àý£º1.Tom has a book. TomÓÐÒ»±¾Êé¡£ 2.She has a long ruler. ËýÓÐÒ»¸ö³¤³ß×Ó¡£ 3.My father has some apples. ÎÒ°Ö°ÖÓÐһЩƻ¹û¡£ ¾«Æ·Îĵµ
µÚÈýµ¥Ôª Weather
Ò»¡¢ÓïÒô£¨ÒªÇóÿ¸öµ¥´ÊÊì¶Á£¬²¢ÄÜ˵³ö×Öĸ×éºÏar,alÔÚµ¥´ÊÖеķ¢Òô£© -ar [a: ]:arm¡¢car¡¢card¡¢farm¡¢far£¨Ô¶µÄ£©¡¢sharpener¡¢art room ¡¢ garden¡¢ park¡¢star¡¢party -al [?: ]:ball¡¢wall¡¢tall¡¢all¡¢ wall¡¢ small¡¢ ball¡¢ fall£¨ÂäÏ£© ¡¢always£¨×ÜÊÇ£©¡¢talk£¨Ëµ
»°£©¡¢ call£¨´òµç»°£©¡¢ walk£¨×ß·£©¡¢mall£¨É̳¡£©
warmůºÍµÄ coldº®ÀäµÄ cool Á¹Ë¬µÄ hotÈȵÄ
snowyÏÂÑ©µÄ sunnyÑô¹â³ä×ãµÄ windy ¹Î·çµÄ cloudy¶àÔÆµÄ rainyÏÂÓêµÄ outside ÍâÃæ be careful СÐÄ weather ÌìÆø degree ¶ÈÊý world ÊÀ½ç New York ŦԼ London Â×¶Ø Moscow Ī˹¿Æ Singapore мÓÆ Sydney ϤÄá fly ·Å love °® how about ¡¡ÔõÑù£¿tomorrow Ã÷Ìì
thunder ´òÀ× wet ʪµÄ drop ÂäÏ terrible Ôã¸âµÄ bless ±£ÓÓ Èý¡¢ÖªÊ¶µã£¨ÒªÇóÊì¶ÁºÍÊì¼Ç£©
close¡ªopen put on¡ªtake off cold¡ªhot warm¡ªcool
2¡¢µØÃûNew York ŦԼ£¨ÃÀ¹ú£© London Â׶أ¨Ó¢¹ú£© Sydney ϤÄᣨ°Ä´óÀûÑÇ£© Toronto ¶àÂ׶ࣨ¼ÓÄÃ´ó£© Beijing ±±¾©£¨Öйú£©
3¡¢±íʾÌìÆøµÄ¼¸¸öÐÎÈݴʶ¼ÊÇͬÊÇÓÉÏàÓ¦µÄÃû´Ê±ä»¯¶øÀ´µÄ£¬ËüÃǵĶÔÓ¦ÐÎʽÊÇ£º Ãû´ÊÐÎʽ ÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÎʽ rain Óê rainy ÏÂÓêµÄ snowÑ© snowy ÏÂÑ©µÄ wind ·ç windy ÓзçµÄ cloud ÔÆ cloudy ÓÐÔÆµÄ sun Ñô¹â sunny ÇçÀʵÄ
4¡¢Ò»°ãÒÉÎʾäCan you¡?µÄ»Ø´ðÐÎʽÓÐÁ½ÖÖ£¬¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ðÊÇ£ºYes, I can. ·ñ¶¨»Ø´ðÊÇ: No, I can¡¯t. Ò»°ãÒÉÎʾäCan I ¡? µÄ»Ø´ðÐÎʽҲÓÐÁ½ÖÖ£¬¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ðÊÇ£ºYes, you can. ·ñ¶¨»Ø´ðÊÇ: No, you can¡¯t.
¶øCan I help you? Ò»°ã²»ËµYes£¬you can. Ò»°ã»Ø´ðYes,please./No, thanks.
5¡¢Í¬Òå´Ê£º How about ¡? ===What about ¡? ÔõôÑù?
6¡¢µ±ÎÊij¸öµØ·½µÄÌìÆøÈçºÎʱ£¬ÒªÓÃWhat¡¯s the weather like in +µØÃû? È磺What¡¯s the weather like in Beijing?±±¾©µÄÌìÆøÔõôÑù?
¢Ù What are you doing?ÄãÕýÔÚ¸Éʲôѽ£¿ ¢ÚWhat's the weather like in Beijing? ±±¾©ÌìÆøÈçºÎ£¿ What's the weather like in+ µØ·½£¿ ¢ÛWhat's the matter, Amy? °¬Ã×£¬ÔõôÁË£¿ What's the matter? ÔõôÁË£¿£¨Ñ¯ÎÊ×´¿ö£© ¢ÜI have to close the window. ÎÒ±ØÐë¹ØÉÏ´°×Ó¡£have to do ±ØÐë×ö¡
µÚËĵ¥Ôª At the farm
Ò»¡¢ÓïÒô£¨ÒªÇóÿ¸öµ¥´ÊÊì¶Á£¬Ëµ³ö×Öĸ×éºÏorÔÚµ¥´ÊÖеķ¢Òô Ìرð×¢Òâor ÔÚwºóÃæµÄ·¢ÒôºÍÆäËûÓÐÇø±ð£©
-or [?:]: horse¡¢fork¡¢for¡¢short¡¢ forty¡¢ sports¡¢ morning¡¢ report¡¢
pork£¨ÖíÈ⣩¡¢ forest£¨ÉÁÖ£©¡¢born£¨³öÉú£©¡¢sorry¡¢more¡¢tomorrow
-or[?: ]£ºwork¡¢word¡¢world¡¢homework¡¢actor£¨ÑÝÔ±£©¡¢doctor£¨Ò½Éú£©
tomatoÎ÷ºìÊÁ potato ÍÁ¶¹ green beans Ëļ¾¶¹ carrot ºúÂܲ· horseÂí cowÄÌÅ£ sheep ÃàÑò hen ĸ¼¦ theseÕâЩ those ÄÇЩ yum ºÃ³ÔµÄ animal¶¯Îï garden»¨Ô° farm Å©³¡ goat ɽÑò eat ³Ô count ÊýÊý sleepy ˯×Å turkey »ð¼¦ grass ²Ý mutton ÑòÈâ hungry ¼¢¶ö lamb Ñò¸á cry ¿Þ try ÊÔÒ»ÊÔ good idea ºÃÖ÷Òâ
sheep¡ªsheep (ÃàÑò) hen¡ªhens(ĸ¼¦) lamb¡ªlambs(Ñò¸á) carrot---carrots goat¡ªgoats(ɽÑò) cow¡ªcows(ÄÌÅ£) horse¡ªhorses(Âí) onion---onions goose¡ªgeese(¶ì) foot¡ªfeet(½Å) tooth¡ªteeth(ÑÀ³Ý) tomato---tomatoes potato---potatoes
1) Ò»°ãÇé¿öÏ£¬ÔÚµ¥ÊýÃû´Ê´Êβ¼Ó¡°s¡± .È磺
cat¡ªcats£¬ dog¡ªdogs £¬ book¡ªbooks £¬ ruler¡ªrulers 2) ÔÚÒÔs, ss , x , sh , ch ½áβµÄÃû´ÊÒ»°ãºóÃæ¼Ó¡°es¡±,È磺
box¡ªboxes £¬ peach¡ªpeaches £¬ bus¡ªbuses £¬ class¡ªclasses 3) ÔÚÒÔo½áβµÄµ¥´ÊÒ»°ãºóÃæ¼Ó¡°es¡±,È磺 tomato¡ªtomatoes £¬ potato¡ªpotatoes
4£©ÒÔÔªÒô×Öĸ¼Óy½áβµÄÃû´Ê£¬Ö±½Ó¼Ó¡°s¡±È磺 boy¡ªboys £¬ toy¡ªtoys £¬ day¡ªdays
ÒÔ¸¨Òô×Öĸ¼Óy½áβµÄÃû´Ê£¬È¥µôyºó¼Ó¡°ies¡±,È磺 baby¡ªbabies £¬ lady¡ªladies £¬ butterfly¡ªbutterflies
5)¡¢ÒÔf, fe½áβµÄÃû´Ê£¬È¥µôf»òfeºó¼Ó¡°ves¡±£¬È磺 shelf¡ªshelves £¬ leaf¡ªleaves £¬ knife¡ªknives
3¡¢I like¡ºóÃæÒª¼Ó¿ÉÊýÃû´ÊµÄ¸´ÊýÐÎʽ»òÕß²»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬È磺
I like apples . ÎÒϲ»¶Æ»¹û¡£ I like oranges. ÎÒϲ»¶Ï㽶¡£ I like chicken.ÎÒϲ»¶¼¦Èâ¡£ I like coffee.ÎÒϲ»¶¿§·È¡£
4¡¢ÌØÊâÒÉÎʾ䣺What are these? What are those ? What are they? Ôڻشðʱ£¬Ò»°ãÓá°They are¡¡± What is this ? What is that? What is it ? Ôڻشðʱһ°ãÓÃIt¡¯s a (an )¡
Ò»°ãÒÉÎʾ䣺Are these ¡? Are those ¡? Are they¡? µÄ»Ø´ðÐÎʽ£¬
¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ð£ºYes, they are. ·ñ¶¨»Ø´ð£ºNo, they aren¡¯t.
Ò»°ãÒÉÎʾ䣺Is this a(an) ¡? Is that a(an ) ¡? Is it a(an)¡? µÄ»Ø´ðÐÎʽ£¬
¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ð£ºYes, it is. ·ñ¶¨»Ø´ð£ºNo, it isn¡¯t.