【40套试卷合集】辽宁省沈阳皇姑区六校联考2019-2020学年英语九上期中模拟试卷含答案 下载本文



一、听力 (20分)

A)听对话,选出最合适的备选答案。 1.What sport does the man like?

2.Which sign do they see on the street?

3.Which fruit can Denis get for the party?

4.What’s the weather like tomorrow?

5.When did the woman get to the park?

A.At 11:00 a.m. B.At 10:30 a.m. C.At 10:00 a.m. 6.Which country did the first fax machine come from? A.Australia.

B.The United States. C.Britain.

7.Is it possible for the man to borrow the storybook from the woman now? A.Yes,it is.

B.No,it isn’t. C.We don’t know.

8.Why did Yang Li look nervous just now?

A.Because she did not look natural in front of the camera. B.Because she always feels nervous in front of strangers. C.Because she was in front of TV cameras for the first time. 9.What is true about itty?

A.She put her school uniform somewhere this morning. B.She found her school uniform very dirty.

C.She didn’t wear her school uniform this morning. 10. How long does Tom spend on his hobbies now?

A. About two hours. B. About fifty minutes. C. About thirty minutes. B)听下面一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 11.What is the boy doing now?

A.Doing sports. B.Watching TV. C.Doing his homework. 12.What does the woman ask the boy to do?

A.Do housework. B.Wash hands. C.Do homework. 听下面的一篇短文,回答第13~15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。 An exciting trip In the morning[ Meet on the playground at 13 ; Take the school bus. On the farm we can 14 , pick fruits, but no 15 in the river. 13.A.8:10 a.m B.8:00 a.m C.8:20 a.m C.take a shower C.swimming

14.A.have a picnic B.hold a party 15.A.boating


听第二篇短文,回答第16~20小题。 16.What does the mother do? A.A teacher.

B.A farmer. C.A worker.

17.What is the mother like?

A.She is tall and beautiful. B.She is tall and fat. C.Her hair is brown. 18.What does the mother like doing?


B.Swimming. C.P1anting flowers.

19.Who does the mother often give flowers to?

A.Her friends. B.The teacher. C.The father. 20.What is important to a student from the passage? A.Playing. 二、选择 (20分)

21. --Have you seen _________ film where are we going, Dad? --Yes, it’s quite ______ interesting film so that I have seen it twice. A. a , the

B. the, an C. a, an

D. the, the


C.Surfing the Internet.

22. Regular exercise is important, ______ it's never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. A.if


C.but D.and

23. --- Don’t _______, my children. eep working hard and you will win the match. --- Thank you, Mr. hang. We’ll try our best. A. put up

B. give up

C. turn up

D. set up

24.—Dad, there is something wrong _____ my computer. I can’t get on the Internet. —Why? Let me have a look. Oh, it’s wrong _____ you to click a wrong icon.

A. with; with

B. with; of

C. of; with D. of; of

25. --- Everybody is playing outside. Can I join them, Mom? --- _______ Not until you have finished practicing the piano. A. Why not?

B. Will you? C. I hope so D. I’m afraid not.

26. —What _________ your animal sign? —The time your ________.

A. makes; year

B. decides; birth

C. has; month D. takes; birthday

27.一Oh,so many people are standing outside the hall._______will the film start? 一__________seven o’clock.

A.How soon;Not until B.How long;Not until C.How soon;Until D.How long;Until

28. I won’t go to the concert this evening. I ________ watch the NBA on TV. It’s more exciting. A. had better B. would rather

C. prefer D. have to

29. .I was jogging in the street _______I met Miss Fang yesterday afternoon. A. until

B. as

C. while

D. when

30. Colors for the living room _______ personal taste. ______, we should choose one which makes us feel less stressed and comfortable .

A. depends on; Anyway B. decides; Therefore C. depends; Whenever D. decides by; Instead 31. —I saw Mr. White _______ a green suit at the meeting this afternoon. —But I think he looks better _____ black.

A. dressing; on

B. putting on; on

C. dressing up; in

D. wearing; in

32. The born artist devoted all the time he had ______ for something better or different. A. search

B. searched

C. to search

D. to searching

33. Don’t worry ___. I am sure you can come up with a way to ____your sick brother. A. at times; bring up B. all the time; cheer up C. at a time; pick up D. on time; give up 34. He has some________ the maths problem.

A.difficulty to work on B.difficulty to work out C.difficulties in working on D.difficulty in working out 35. In the U, a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked _________. A. if she has been married or not B. what is her age C. how much she weighs D. where she comes from

36. --- Middle school students hardly know anything about shopping online, ____ they?

--- ________. It’s very popular with teenagers.

A. do; No B. do; Yes C. don’t; No D. don’t; Yes 37. ----It’s a wise _______ to wear a white tie. It matches your new suit well.

----Thank you very much.

A. choice B. support C. promise

D. honor

38. –What colour would you like to wear if you are in a bad mood? -I prefer_______ warm colors_______ me happy.

A. to wear; to make B. wearing; to making C. to wear; to making D. wearing; making 39. - Amy looked quite_______ when I told her the good news. - It's not strange. Almost_______ can make her feel excited.

A. calm; nothing B. relaxed; everything C. peaceful; anything D. shy; nothing 40. — I’m sorry that I shouted at you this morning.

— ______ but please don't get angry so often. A. All right

B. No problem

C. Never mind

D. With picture


It's five minutes before the exam and you are very nervous, You just have to 41 it, but how? You didn't even 42 the book the night before and you hear a sound in your head saying \(作弊),cheating…\

Most young people 43 that cheating is wrong. However, they have cheated at least once in their school years. So, why do they do it? Are they too 44 to study? Perhaps, it's not as simple as that. Many students cheat because they want to get good 45 .Some students think it's O to cheat 46 the subject isn't important.

It has never been easier to cheat than it is today. With all the technology(技术),students don't need to chat by looking over their shoulders any more. They use cell phones to send 47 to each other during a test. There is also the 48 .With hundreds of websites, students don't have to worry because they can find lots of things that they can copy and use in their reports.

But we must know that cheating is wrong, and it doesn't really matter whether you get 49 or not. You mustn't cheat because cheating is a 50 . How can you be proud of something you've got through cheating? In the end, you lie to yourself! 41. A. fill 42. A. open

B. cover C. pass D. take B. use

C. find D. close

43. A. argue B. blame C. warn D. believe 44. A. lonely B. lazy C. slow D. late