外研版英语九年级上册 Module 10 单元测试试题(无听力)含答案 下载本文

外研版英语九年级上册 Module 10 单元测试试题(无听力)含答案

Chris Haas, a 9-year-old kid, noticed many of his classmates holding basketballs incorrectly and, as a result, not shooting (投篮) very well during a school basketball practice. He was the son of a basketball coach and knew a thing or two on the right way to shoot. After trying to show his classmates the right way to hold a ball, he came up with his invention: the hands-on basketball.

The hands-on basketball is a basketball training tool for kids. It has hands painted on it, showing the correct positions (位置) to hold the ball while trying to shoot. However, when he first took his invention to a kids' invention competition at his school that year, he didn't win. But with his teachers' and family's encouragement, he went on to patent (取得专利) his idea and he made it. Then he went to several sport companies and asked whether they would be interested in making and selling his invention. None of them was. Chris didn't give up and a year and a half later, luckily, his invention won the attention of a sport company. And it was soon on sale in the market. After that he won lots of prizes. The hands-on basketball is now sold successfully around the world.

But being a famous person was just one of the new challenges (挑战) Chris had to face after he sold his invention. Chris promoted (宣传) his invention by travelling around and making appearances in cities, like New York, Las Vegas. He also had to decide how to use his money wisely. Each year, he gives away much money to children. These days, Chris is an active basketball player and the writer of the book — Shooting for Your Dreams.

( )51. Chris got the idea of the hands-on basketball _____.

A. from his basketball coach B. from helping his classmates C. to improve his shooting skills D. to join an invention competition

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外研版英语九年级上册 Module 10 单元测试试题(无听力)含答案

( )52. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to “______”.

A. Chris's teachers B. Chris's family

C. several sport companies D. kids in Chris's school

( )53. When did Chris's invention come to market?

A. After he won many prizes. B. The year when his book came out. C. 1.5 years after he patented his idea. D. The year when he attended a competition. ( )54. Chris went to New York to _____.

A. promote his book B. play a basketball game C. visit some children

D. promote his hands-on basketball

( )55. What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage?

A. To share a kid inventor's success. B. To tell people how to become Chris. C. To let people know about an invention. D. To show the importance of giving back.


Music is certainly something I use. It can be as simple as listening to a piece of soft music like Für Elise to quietly fall asleep after a long and tiring day at work.

I also listen to certain electronic music when I have a headache. It really carries my mind (头脑) and helps relieve pain, as if it were a kind of magic medicine. I even listen to the music from “Requiem for a Dream”. It gives me the feeling of fear (害怕) every time I listen to it. My sister has asked me very strictly never to play the music while she's in the house.

As you see, I like different kinds of music. I really love listening to Bhimsen Joshi (an Indian singer) when I'm in my home town for the weekend. It makes me

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外研版英语九年级上册 Module 10 单元测试试题(无听力)含答案

think of the times when my dad and I sat together and listened to old classical songs in the past. I love listening to the flute (长笛) especially and I am a huge fan of jugalbandi (a show in Indian classical music).

My point so far is that music can influence everything you do. You might start to remember something related to (与……有关) music. When this happens, your love for music gets stronger. You might start to feel free and stop consciously (有意识地) sensing the lyrics (歌词). When this happens, you start to let music guide your feelings. For me, I especially love this situation of listening to music. I can't seem to remember exactly what I was doing or thinking when I was listening to music. When it ends, it is as if I woke from a dream.

You should really be open to all kinds of music and be able to enjoy each kind. You should try to let music carry you and let it do its wonders. ( )56. Für Elise helps the writer to _____.

A. sleep

B. work well

C. let the feeling of fear go D. remember his good old days

( )57. What does the underlined word “relieve” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A. 判断

B. 感受

C. 引发

D. 缓解

( )58. As for the music from “Requiem for a Dream”, the writer's sister _____.

A. doesn't like it B. likes it very much

C. doesn't care about it at all D. shares the same opinion with him ( )59. What can we know about Bhimsen Joshi?

A. He is a fan of jugalbandi. B. He can play the flute well.

C. He is the writer's much-loved singer. D. He comes from the writer's home town.

( )60. In Paragraph 5, the writer uses himself as an example to show _____.

A. the power of music

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外研版英语九年级上册 Module 10 单元测试试题(无听力)含答案

B. the future of music C. what real music is D. why music is popular



A: Hi, Zhang Li. I haven't seen you for a long time. (61)________ B: I have been to Perth on holiday. A: Where is it? B: (62)________

A: Can you tell me more about Perth?

B: Of course! (63)________ It has more than two million people. A: How long did you stay there? B: For two weeks. A: (64)________

B: It was sunny and very hot. A: (65)________

B: A lot of things. For example, I played volleyball on the beach and I visited a few famous universities.

A: That's wonderful! I wish to go there on holiday some day. A. Where have you been? B. What did you do there? C. How did you go to Perth? D. How was the weather there? E. It's in the southwest of Australia. F. I ate a lot of delicious food there. G. It's the fourth largest city of Australia. 第 Ⅱ 卷


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