小区网络设计 下载本文

题目:基于Packet Tarcer5.2的








关键词:小区网络 局域网 模型 配置 综合布线


Designment of Community Network

Using PacketTracer 5.2


Nowadays,the development of technology has been so fast,Vigorous

development was scored in Internetworking.It made the socity more and more intelligentize,more and more networking.People’s requiring on living

environment was increasing by the popularization of computer and the enormous development of information industry.The residence community come into a intelligentize and networking age,became the mainstream in construction business of 21st Centry. This paper mainly about the design and realization of community network .On the basis of LAN ( Local Area Network ) technology ,acroding to the current potendtial of community ,and link with the requirement of intelligent community networking.studied out a community LAN model,and than localize the details of the model on many sides.choose the right device according to the model drawing.Using the simulate software that named Packet Tracer 5.2 to configure the device,incloding programming the IP address program and routing protocol’s cchosen and configure of the switch. Relying on the requirement of the PDS (Premises Distrubuted System ),Combine the main popular products of Structure Cabling System, desige a benefit scheme out at last. Now the LAN technology was speaking had the very big enhancement, the network system design requirements and have corresponding improvement. Building a district web needs to consider the many good network system technical problems.

Key Words: community network LAN model configure PDS



第一章 绪论 ..................................................... 1

1.1小区局域网的发展 ......................................... 1 1.2小区网络系统的优势 ....................................... 2 1.3小区网络的功能 ........................................... 2 第二章 局域网技术 ............................................... 4

2.1 网络互联设备 ............................................ 4 2.2 网络拓扑结构 ............................................ 8 2.3 以太网 ................................................. 11 2.4 虚拟局域网(VLAN) ..................................... 12 第三章 小区网络的总体设计 ...................................... 13

3.1 需求分析 ............................................... 13

3.1.1 网络性能需求分析 .................................. 13 3.1.2 网络安全性需求分析 ................................ 14 3.2 小区网络系统的设计原则 ................................. 14 第四章 小区网络的逻辑设计 ...................................... 16

4.1 逻辑设计过程 ........................................... 16

4.1.1 设计目标 .......................................... 16 4.1.2 网络服务 .......................................... 16 4.1.3 技术决策 .......................................... 17 4.2 逻辑网络结构模型图 ..................................... 18 4.3 网络互联设备 ........................................... 18 4.4 IP地址规划 ............................................. 19

4.4.1 IP地址 ........................................... 19 4.4.2 IP划分 ........................................... 20 4.5设备的配置 .............................................. 23

4.5.1路由器的配置 ...................................... 23 4.5.2 交换机的配置 ...................................... 24 4.5.3 用户端User的配置 ................................. 29 4.5.4 测试 .............................................. 30
