2018年中考英语第二轮复习专项训练学案(句子运用) 下载本文


this afternoon

15. Have you ever dreamt/dreamed of travel(l) ing around the world in eight hours? 四. 16. give/offer their seats to 17. becoming/being a member of 18. used to 19. drive to work/drive 20. when they will come/be back

五. 21. to deal with the problem by yourself/on your own 22. advised us to take part in/join in charity activities 23. be strict with herself than give up her dream

24. How impolite it is to cut in/on/What bad manners it is to cut in/on 25. be translated into English as soon as possible 26. depends on how hard you work/are working now

六. 27. put out 28. is crazy about 29. the weight of 30. depend on 31. no other choice/way but to

七. 32. Did, spread 33. How soon 34. Don't, or 35. so, that 36. to choose 八. 37. You should discuss this problem with your teacher. 38. I don't think it's wise to teach your children at home. 39. Her new glasses make her look different.

40. He was attacked while he was waiting for a bus. 41. There is only one copy left, so we'll have to share. 九. 42. two pairs of chopsticks

43. couldn't wait to see/look at/have a look at 44. is newer than yours/your watch 45. not stay up (late) 46. is helpful for us

十. 47. has been away from 48. that she never shows off 49. (it) is (still) worth watching/seeing 50. would rather stay in tents 51. More effort(s) will be put

52. why people were/are all dressed like that

十一. 53. buy my father some presents/buy some presents for my father 54. couldn't wait to tell

55. not only clever but also hard-working 56. is used to walking after dinner/supper 57. unless you see it with your own eyes

十二. 58. British English is a little different from American English 59. We can't wait to know the result of the exam

60. I doubt whether the activity is worth taking part in. 61. Don't stay up, or you'll feel sleepy in class. 62. David is so crazy about reading that he spends an hour on it every day.

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十三. 63. By the way; hand in 64. clever enough; put out 65. laugh at; any more 66. used to; would rather 67. make it; for us

十四. 68. Must all these sentences be written down/ taken down/Must these sentences all be written down/taken down

69. had been on for 10 minutes when we arrived 70. Are they discussing who/whom to ask for help/

Are they discussing who/whom they should ask for help

71. What a long time it took to operate on the patient/How long it took to operate./do

an operation on the patient

72. Leave me alone so that I can come up with / eave me alone so that I will be able to

came up with

73. is often seen to drive her to school/is often seen to drive her to school by car/in a car

十五. 74. such as 75. are made of 76. get lost 77. In some ways

78. is ready/willing to

十六. 79. enough, to 80. prefer, to 81. Which magazine 82.What an 83. Are, tomorrow


一. 1. I want to know/wonder why fish sleep with (their/the) eyes open

2. Great changes have taken place in Yangzhou in the past few/several years.

There have been great/many changes in Yangzhou in the past few/several years. Yangzhou has changed a lot/greatly in the few/ several years.

3. The teacher often tells us not to lose heart when we are in trouble/when we face/meet


4. You will not know how useful physics is until you learn it.

5. We'd better take action/do something to guard against the spread of some diseases. 二. 6. how long you have had

7. think twice before making a decision (you make a decision) 8. had difficulty explaining to me 9. will try out for

10. so that you can learn what Wuxi was like 11. turned out that he had nothing to do with 三. 12. How long have you had this pair of glasses?

13. Usually the pollution in big cities is much more serious than that is in the


14. Can you explain why you were late again last Thursday? 15. I didn't realize my mistakes until the teacher reminded me. 16. Was the interview with that director covered live yesterday?

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四、 17. Why not/Why don't you go fishing with us?

18. I hope our Chinese dream(s) can come true.

19. The monkey was clever enough to put out the fire with a blanket.

20. Mr Wang spent half an hour explaining the problem to us. /It took Mr Wang half an

hour to explain the problem to us.

21. Now many TV programmes have a bad effect on children

五、 22.My mother( mom ) forgot to turn off the light yesterday.

23. He got up very early in order(so as ) not to miss the bus/train. 24.Yangzhou in spring is so beautiful that it is (well) worth visiting. 25.I wonder(am wondering) how I can become an engineer.

26. How long does it take them to( do they spend putting) put out the fire?

六. 27. Which do you think is the best season to visit Suzhou? 28. The patient will be operated on in two hours

29. There was less air pollution when my grandparents were young 30. You must promise not to be late next time

31. Mike is such an honest man/boy/person that we all believe him 七、 32. Li Na’s success makes all the Chinese (people) cheer up

33. I don’t think it is right to lose heart/give up as soon as you have difficulty (trouble)

34. The day (that/which) the people in Yangzhou are looking forward to finally


35. Compared with/to dark colours, bright ones can catch/draw/attract babies’ attention


36. I have successfully worked out/solved that maths problem in many ways so far.

八. 37. Do you doubt robots can do whatever they are asked to?

38. Compared with life in the city, life in the country will be better in some ways. 39. To our surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his


40. With the development of modern medicine, more and more diseases can be cured 41. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time. 九、 42. whenever /each time/every time we have difficulty making

43 choosing public transport will help reduce

44. will /can stop /prevent/keep the planes taking off 45. How happy the children are to receive 46. the government has turned the village into 47. have/had no choice but to manage

十. 48. whether would 49. didn't, or 50. were written 51. thick enough 52. What's, like 十一. 53. Make sure to think twice before making a decision 54. The car is too old to be worth repairing.

55. I wonder whether the meeting has been on for almost ten minutes or not.

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56. What method can be used to guard against catching a cold in spring? 57. To our surprise, the world-famous president used to be an actor. 十二、58.I hope my Chinese dream will/can come true.

59. My uncle has been away from his hometown for ten years. 60. We wonder/don’t know what life will be like in the future.

61. It is said that people (who were) born in the Year of Tiger are brave. 62. It’s meaningful for me to help people in need.

十三. 63. What like 64. Be careful 65. because of 66. prefer to 67. was chosen

十四. 68. full of/filled with 69. There are 70. be cleaned 71. whether/if I turned off

72. How lucky

十五. 73. Both; and 74. Do; do 75. How often 76. cheap enough 77. because of 十六. 78. broke out as soon as 79. be used to guard against

80. to cut his speech short

81. creating with/by using something special instead of 82. that he can't get on/along (well) with

83. certain (that) his decision was based

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