2018年中考英语第二轮复习专项训练学案(句子运用) 下载本文


9. 我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。

____________________________________________________________________ 10. 上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。

____________________________________________________________________ 三、


________________________________________________________________________ 12.他发现自己的房间乱七八糟。

________________________________________________________________________ 13.快下雨了,你最好关上窗户。

________________________________________________________________________ 14.今天下午历史考试一结束,我们就去看电影。

________________________________________________________________________ 15.你曾经梦想过八小时环游世界吗?

________________________________________________________________________ 四、

16. More and more young people ___________(让座) the elderly on the bus in our city.

17. Sandy is looking forward to ________________(成为一员) the Papercut Club of our school. 18. ---I miss my neighbours very much after I moved into the new flat. ---So do I. I ___________(过去常常) play cards and Chinese chess with them. 19. ---How do you usually go to work?

---I usually go to work by bus. But sometimes I ___________________(开车去上班). 20. John’s parents have gone aboard. He kept asking _______________________( 他们什么时候回来) 五、


Why don't you learn_____________________________________ 22.成龙在昨天的会议上建议我们参加慈善活动

Jackie Chan ______________________________at the meeting yesterday. 23.她宁愿严格要求自己也不愿放弃梦想

She would rather_________________________________________ 24.打断别人说话多没礼貌啊!

__________________________________________________others! 25.这本书会尽快翻译成英语吗?

Will the book______________________________________? 26.你的未来取决于你现在如何努力学习。

Your future________________________________________ 六、

27. 消防员们及时赶到,并很快扑灭了大火。

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The firemen arrived in time and __________________ the big fire quickly. 28. 我的表哥西蒙喜欢修补东西,对DIY很着迷。

My cousin Simon loves to repair things and _____________________DIY. 29. 你能猜得出这头大象的重量吗?

Can you guess _______________________ this elephant? 30. 你们现在是成年人了,不应该依靠父母。

You are adults now and should not ________________ your parents. 31. 这个小女孩没有其它办法,只好去找妈妈帮忙。

The little girl had __________________ ask her mother for help. 七、

32. The lazy boy spread his things all over the floor. (改为一般疑问句)

the lazy boy his things all over the floor? 33. Everything will be all right in a few days. (对划线部分提问)

will everything be all right?

34. If you are not careful enough, you’ll probably make a mistake. (保持句意基本不变) be careless, you’ll probably make a mistake.

35. Jerry was very excited. He could not express himself clearly. (合并为一句) Jerry was excited he couldn’t express himself clearly.

36. Mr. Jiang advised us which we should choose as our after-school activities. (改为简单句)

Mr. Jiang advised us which as our after-school activities. 八、


__________________________________________________________________ 38.我认为你在家自己教孩子并不明智。

_________________________________________________________________ 39.她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样。

_________________________________________________________________ 40.他在等公共汽车时遭到了袭击。

_________________________________________________________________ 41.只剩下一本,我们得合看了。

_________________________________________________________________ 九、

42. — Time for dinner. Mum and Dad.

—There’re only (两双筷子) on the table. We need one more.

43. Millie said she (等不及看) her computer. It’s a present from her parents. 44. My watch (比你的新). I bought it last week 45. — We’ll have a trip early tomorrow morning, won’t we?

—Yes, you’d better (不要熬夜) tonight.

46. It (对我们是有帮助的) to choose public transport to change traffic jams.

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Father ________________________ his hometown for years and misses old friends. 48.那位资深的演员很谦虚,从不炫耀。

The experienced actress is so modest __________________________. 49.纪录片《舌尖上的中国2》并不完美,但还是值得一看。

The documentary A Bite of China Ⅱis not perfect ,but______________________. 50.有些背包客宁可住帐篷也不住宾馆。

Some backpackers___________________________ than in hotel. 51.在未来几年,政府将在环保方面尽更大努力。

_______________ into protecting the environment by the government in the next few years. 52.你知不知道为什么在电影《归来》中人们都打扮成那样?

Do you know________________________________ in the movie Coming Home? 十一、

53. 父亲节快到了,我想给父亲买些礼物。

Father’s Day is coming. I want to ____________________________________. 54. 她迫不及待地告诉她妈妈那个好消息。

She ___________________________________________her mother the good news. 55. 李明不仅聪明而且勤奋。

Li Ming is _____________________________________________. 56. 他习惯于每天晚饭后散步。

He _________________________________________________every day. 57. 除非亲眼所见,否则无法想象我们家乡的变化有多大。

You can’t imagine how greatly our hometown has changed_____________________.


测试时间:60分钟 满分:100分



2. 在过去几年里扬州发生了很大变化。





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Could you tell me ________________________________________your car? 7. 在作出决定以前务必要考虑周全。

Make sure to_____________________________________________2·1·c·n·j·y 8. 他难于向我解释为什么他又迟到了。

He ____________________________________________ why he was late again. 9. Tom 答应明年他会参加学生会主席的选拔。

Tom has promised that he ________________________________the present of Students’ Union next year

10. 老师把那本书介绍给你以便你能了解无锡30年前的面貌。

The teacher introduced the book to you _____________________________30 years ago. 11. 原来他与谋杀案一点关系也没有。

It _________________________________________________the murder. 三、

12. 这副眼镜你买了多久了?

13. 通常大城市的污染比农村地区严重得多。

14. 你能解释下为什么上周四又迟到了吗?

15. 老师提醒了我,我才意识到自己的错误。

16. 对那个导演的采访是昨天现场直播的吗?



_____________________________________________________________________________ 18.我希望我们的中国梦能够实现。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 19.这只猴子足够聪明,用毛毯把火扑灭了。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 20.王老师花了半小时给我们解释这道题目。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 21.现在许多电视节目对小孩有不良影响。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 五、



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