浙江省考试院2013届高三测试卷英语试题 下载本文

54. The word “fallout” (Paragraph 7) most probably means ______.

A. unpleasant effects B. future developments C. emotional responses D. disappointing performances 55. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.

A. favored kids are more likely to take good care of their siblings B. unfavored kids are less well-behaved in schools than favored kids C. favored kids may view their parents’ preferences as a bad thing

D. unfavored kids may regard the unfair treatment as helpful experiences


I recall a moment that I experienced with my dad when I was twenty-one. I was going to college and living with a couple of friends in Chicago.

When the car I was using died, my dad, realizing that I needed transportation to get to work and to school, was good enough to lend me the money for a used car. Shortly after I bought it, my parents drove down to San Diego for the winter. Before they left, my dad gave me some of his bank deposit slips (存款单) with clear and detailed instructions to put one hundred dollars of my earnings, every payday, into their savings account while they were gone.

At that time of my life, I was not yet clear about what were the most important problems that I had to attend to first. I dismissed our agreement as nothing important and continued to spend my money as fast as I was making it, in pubs, on dates, and so on. Instead of honoring our agreement, I made payments that were less than the agreed-upon amounts, and on more than one occasion I made no payment at all.

When my parents arrived home in late March, I got a call from my dad, who said, “Don’t go anywhere. I’m coming over.” My dad was (and still is) a physical presence and had been a truck driver for thirty-five years. I felt ashamed and guilty, knowing that Dad had discovered that I hadn’t held up my end of our bargain.

After he came in, he told me to sit down because he had a few things to tell me. There was no shouting, no red face with a vein about to burst on his forehead, and no bad language at all. His first words were, “When your mother and I got back into town yesterday, I called the bank. I can’t say I was surprised to discover that you hadn’t made all the payments. My first thought was to come here and take the car from you, but I want to tell you some things while I’m here. Maybe you’ll understand, and maybe you won’t.”

He went on to tell me, very calmly, about what it means to keep your word. He explained that when he was growing up after the Depression, a man’s handshake and his word meant everything. He also told me that because I was twenty-one, he didn’t feel angry so much as sad and disappointed. He closed by saying that our words and actions have a real effect on others, and that my words and actions were what others would measure me by. He added that if I hadn’t yet formed some core or basic values and principles, this might be a good time to start thinking about those things.

Z英语试题 第9页(共17页)

For the first time, I saw real disappointment on Dad’s face.

He gave me a second chance to make our deal right, and even gave me more deposit slips, saying, “I will take those keys if you miss a single payment or, at the very least, if you don’t let me know in advance that you’ll have trouble making a payment. I understand things can happen.”

He spoke for about forty-five minutes, and I listened. He didn’t expect me to say much, and I knew enough to keep quiet. I just nodded or shook my head at the right time and continued to listen.

That time we spent together changed me forever. Then and there, I made a promise to myself that I’d never again be the cause of that look of sadness and disappointment on Dad’s face. After that defining afternoon, our relationship got better and better. I’m now married with two sons of my own, and they’re already learning about the importance of honor, trust, and honesty. 56. The writer bought a second-hand car because ______. A. he was going to college B. he was working while studying C. he was living with some friends D. his parents wanted to go to San Diego

57. Which of the following do you think is the real cause of Dad’s disappointment? A. The writer had not thought clearly about his future. B. The writer had not made all the payments.

C. The writer had not formed his fundamental values and principles. D. The writer had spent too much money drinking in pubs.

58. Which of the following best explains the sentence “I understand things can happen” (Paragraph 8)?

A. “I know what might prevent you from making your payment on time.” B. “I know some unexpected things might happen while living in a big city.”

C. “If you can’t make your payment, I will take the car away, and I hope you can understand.” D. “If you can’t make your payment when you have difficulties, I can understand.” 59. When dealing with the writer’s failure to keep his word, his father was ______. A. firm but forgiving C. mild but unfair ______.

A. his own happy family life B. his memory of his father

C. his love for his own children D. his father’s long-lasting influence

Z英语试题 第10页(共17页)

B. cruel but reasonable D. angry but considerate

60. The writer mentions his own marriage and children at the end of the story in order to show

第二节:Ann Marie Sabath是位商务礼仪培训专家,第61-65题是人们经常向她询问的问题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出与这些问题相匹配的回答,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

61. How can I start a conversation and keep it going when attending a party at which I know no one?

Ms. Sabath’s Answer: ______

62. How can I use gestures effectively when participating in a conversation? Ms. Sabath’s Answer: ______

63. I am annoyed when people try to finish a sentence for me. Should I show my annoyance or just let it go?

Ms. Sabath’s Answer: ______

64. Some of my colleagues always talk with each other at meetings while someone else is speaking. Is there a good way to handle this situation? Ms. Sabath’s Answer: ______

65. What is the correct way to approach a group of people when they are already engaged in conversation?

Ms. Sabath’s Answer: ______ A.

Here are some tricks from seasoned presenters. If you’re the speaker, simply stop dead in your verbal tracks, glance over at those who are engaged in their own conversation, and maintain eye contact until they quiet down. Then start speaking again. If you’re not the speaker, try directing a glance to those who are talking. There’s a good chance they will get the point. B.

Try making eye contact with one or more of the members of the group. After joining them, be sure to act as a listener, rather than trying to control the conversation. If you know nothing about the topic under discussion, remain silent.

Z英语试题 第11页(共17页)


Believe it or not, this is quite an easy thing to do. The key is to listen more than you speak. Just as important as knowing what to ask is recognizing how to phrase questions. A sure way to get others to respond is to ask open-ended questions. If, for example, you’ve just met someone, don’t ask, “Are you one of Bill Jones’ customers?” This is a dead-end question likely to get you little more than a “yes” or a “no” in response. Instead, use an interrogative — Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? For example, “How do you know Bill Jones?” This kind of question should get you a response with some detail, thus opening the door to more conversation. D.

The habit of clearing your throat several times during a conversation can be very disturbing. Having the occasional urge to clear your throat is one thing. But if it becomes an annoying habit, try swallowing instead. When you swallow, it will seem to others to be merely a pause. Instead of being a distraction, this mini-moment of silence can even work to gain the attention of the person with whom you’re speaking. E.

Sometimes over-friendly people think they’re helping by filling in the blanks for you. In reality, they are stepping on your sentences. To help break them of this annoying habit in a graceful manner, wait until the person has completed your sentence for you. Then pause briefly and complete the sentence yourself as you would have done before the interruption. F.

Body language is a vitally important aspect of an interesting dialogue. When participating in a conversation, be sure to project a positive and friendly attitude. Smile. Touch with a handshake. Maintain eye contact. Nod. And keep an open mind. Even if you are not all that interested in the person with whom you are speaking, keep an open mind regarding future relationships. It’s a good way to help develop your professional network. You never know when your paths will cross again.

Z英语试题 第12页(共17页)