广东省博物馆木陶瓷展英文讲解词 下载本文

*31、黄釉三足洗 南朝(420-589) Yellow glazed basin

Southern Dynasties (420 – 589)

*32、青釉瓶 南朝(420-589) Celadon vase

Southern Dynasties (420 – 589)

*33、青釉虎子 南朝(420-589) Celadon water container Southern Dynasties (420 – 589)

*34、青釉灯 南朝(420-589) Celadon lamp

Southern Dynasties (420 – 589)

*35、青釉格型洗 南朝(420-589) Celadon basin with check design Southern Dynasties (420 – 589) 陶与瓷:陶与瓷的区别




陶瓷器因成本低、耐冷热等优点,成为了我国古代人们喜爱的用品,从而促进了制瓷业的迅猛发展。相对而言,我国的古玻璃器因原料造成其成份是铅钡或钾等元素为主,而且是低温烧成。这种玻璃与西方的钠钙玻璃相比,质松、易碎、不耐冷和热,因而不为大众所普遍接受。而金、银、玉等质材的器皿,又因其昂贵而无法普及。因此作为日用品,陶瓷器以其经济、耐用的优点而大受欢迎。 彩陶:




第二部分 瓷国崛起——陶瓷的发展期






Part Two Development (From the Sui to the Jin Dynasties)

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, unity promoted prosperity of economy, national integration and foreign economic and cultural exchanges as well as rapid development of ceramic industry. Besides celadon wares made in the Yue Kiln ,white porcelain made in the Xing Kiln ,which were representatives of ―green in the south and white in the north‖, tricolor pottery , twisted glazed porcelain and painted porcelain as well as yellow ,black, green and painted glazed porcelain had well developed. Technique had greatly been enhanced.


In the Song Dynasty, ceramic industry developed rapidly, opening up a new realm for ceramic aesthetics in pained glaze. Five famous kilns systems, such as the Ru Kiln, official kilns, the Ge Kiln, the Ding Kiln and the Jun Kiln, as well as systems of the Cizhou Kiln, Jingdezhen Kiln, Longquan Kiln, and porcelain made in the Liao and Jin Dynasties, etc. formed the prosperity of ceramic industry in the period.

Since the 9th century, Chinese ceramics has exported on a large scale to East Asia, Southeast Asia and the east coast of Africa.

1、青釉三兽足龙柄鐎斗 隋(581—619)

板沿口,折腰,扁圆腹,平底,三兽蹄足,足较高长。龙首为提梁,全器满施青釉,造型美观,制作精细。鐎斗又称―刁斗‖,盛行于汉、晋,与同期的青铜器形制相同。出土时多伴有火盆并搁置于火盆中,说明用途为温食炊具,军旅多用之。唐诗有―行人刁斗风沙暗‖之句。 Celadon cooking utensil Sui Dynasty (581 – 619)

This kind of utensil was popular in the Han and Jin Dynasties, used for warming food in the army.

2、青釉四耳盖罐 隋(581—619) Celadon covered jar with four ears Sui Dynasty (581 – 619)

#3、青釉四耳罐 隋(581—619) Celadon jar with four ears Sui Dynasty (581 – 619)

4、巩县窑绞胎釉陶小方枕 唐(618-907)

枕作方形,抹角,前低后高,后壁有一小孔,通体用绿、黑两色胎泥绞出装饰纹饰,施绿色釉。绞胎是唐代出现的新的装饰技法,是借鉴于漆器犀毗工艺而来,宋以后不多见。此类器物以杯、碗、三足小盘、长方形小枕等为常见。烧制的窑口有唐代河南巩县窑、宋代河南修武当阳峪、宝丰清凉寺等。 Pottery pillow with the twisted colored body, Gongxian ware Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

Twisted colored body was a new decorated technique in the Tang Dynasty and had seldom been seen since the Song Dynasty. Cups, bowls, small plates with three legs and rectangular pillows were usually decorated with twisted colored body in the Gongxian Kiln in the Tang Dynasty and the Dangyangyu Kiln and the Qingliangsi


Kiln in the Song Dynasty.

5、越窑青釉葵瓣口碗 唐(618-907)

碗浅腹,花瓣口,玉璧底。里外施青釉,有细小开片。底足露胎,见残留垫饼痕。胎灰白,碗心刻花卉,此器物为典型唐代越窑茶盏之一。越窑是我国烧瓷历史最早的瓷窑之一,窑址在浙江余姚、上虞、绍兴一带,烧瓷时间为汉至宋。唐、五代时越窑形成独特的风格,成为南方最著名的青瓷窑。 Celadon bowl, Yue ware Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

This is one of typical tea bowls made in the Yue Kiln in the Tang Dynasty. The Yue Kiln, located in Yuyao, Shangyu and Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province, is one of the earliest porcelain kilns in China. The kiln was used to make porcelain from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. During the Tang and Five Dynasties, it formed a unique feature and became the most famous celadon kiln in the south of China. #6、越窑葵瓣口碗 唐(618—907) Bowl, Yue ware

Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

7、河南登丰曲河窑绿釉绞胎小方枕 唐(618-907)

Green glazed pillow with the twisted colored body, Quhe ware, Henan Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

8、三彩镇墓兽 唐(618—907) Tricolor pottery tomb animal Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

9、三彩文立俑 唐(618—907) Tricolor pottery tomb figurine Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

10、三彩武士俑 唐(618—907)


Tricolor pottery figurine of warrior Tang Dynasty (618 – 907)

Ttricolor pottery figurine of warrior was a funeral object of noble tombs of the Tang Dynasty, representing the celebrated position of the deceased. 11、三彩釜 唐(618—907)