广东省博物馆木陶瓷展英文讲解词 下载本文

Kwon-glazed vase with design of figures in reserved panels, Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty(1723 - 1735 )


Kwon-glazed porcelain, Guangdong-decorated export ware, or the waving gold polychrome porcelain from Guangzhou, is famous for its brilliant and luxuriant color. A large number of Kwon-glazed porcelain exported abroad. Therefore, most designs are in style of Western form of art. Red and green were the main colors. Since the Jiaqing Period, more colors, especially gold color have been used.

47、广彩山水人物纹盘 清·雍正(1723—1735) Kwon-glazed plate with design of landscape and figures Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty(1723 - 1735 )

#48、广彩人物大碟 清·雍正(1723—1735) Kwon-glazed dish with design of figures

Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 - 1735 )

49、广彩浆胎奖杯扁瓶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Kwon-glazed mud matrix flask

Qianlong Period ,Qing Dynasty(1736 - 1795 )

50、广彩风景人物纹带盖执壶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Kwon-glazed covered vase with handle at the side Qianlong Period ,Qing Dynasty(1736 - 1795 )

51、广彩西洋风景纹大碗 清·嘉庆(1796—1820) Kwon-glazed bowl with design of Western landscape Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty(1796 - 1820 )

52、广彩花卉纹瓣口盆 清·嘉庆(1796—1820) Kwon-glazed pot with design of flowers Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty(1796 - 1820 )

#53、广彩山水风景图盘 清·嘉庆(1796—1820) Kwon-glazed plate with design of landscape(1796 - 1820 ) Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty

54、广彩通花花卉纹盘 清中期 (1796—1862) Kwon-glazed plate with design of flowers figured on both sides


Middle Qing (1796 - 1862)

55、广彩人物图盘 清·道光(1821—1850) Kwon-glazed plate with design of figures Qing, Daoguang Period (1821-1850)

56、广彩人物图碟 清·道光(1821—1850) Kwon-glazed dish with design of figures Qing, Daoguang Period(1821 - 1850 )

57、广彩开光人物纹双鹤耳花口瓶 清·同治(1862—1874) Kwon-glazed vase with design of figures and double cranes in reserved panel Tongzhi Period, Qing Dynasty(1862 - 1874 )

58、广彩开光人物故事图大碗 清·同治(1862—1874) Kwon-glazed bowl with design of figures in reserved panels Tongzhi Period, Qing Dynasty (1862 - 1874)

#59、广彩带盖长颈瓶 清·同治(1862—1874) Kwon-glazed covered long-necked vase Tongzhi Period, Qing Dynasty(1862 - 1874 )

60、广彩群鹿图瓷板 清·光绪(1875—1908) Kwon-glazed porcelain engraving with design of deer Guangxu Period, Qing Dynasty(1875 - 1908 )

61、广彩花鸟蝴蝶纹天球瓶 清·光绪(1875—1908) Kwon-glazed vault-of-Heaven vase with design of flowers, birds and butterflies Guangxu Period, Qing Dynasty(1875 - 1908 )

62、广彩八方形双耳花插 清·光绪(1875—1908) Kwon-glazed octagon flower holder

Guangxu Period, Qing Dynasty(1875 - 1908 )

该器物造型独特,从凸雕到绘画,工艺十分精致,为光绪时期典型作品之一。清道光至光绪时期,广彩达到了成熟阶段,完全形成了自己的独特风格,其特点是绚彩华丽、金碧辉煌、构图丰满、繁而不乱,犹如万缕金丝织白玉的―织金彩瓷‖。颜料从初期的几种增加到十几种,花式设计由零碎、分散、独立的纹样发展为组合纹样。中心夹金圈内可以画花、鸟、石,也可以绘外国商标或徽章。 It was a unique and typical work made in the Guangxu Period. From the Daoguang to the Guangxu Periods, Kwon-glazed porcelain had well developed and formed its unique style, brilliant and luxuriant. The composition was quite plump as the weaving gold polychrome porcelain. Its design developed from independent design to