2018-2019学年鲁教版六年级英语(五四制)下册期末测试题(含答案) 下载本文

32.A.other B.any C.many D.the other 33. A.science B.English C.history D.Chinese 34. A.interesting B.boring C.relaxing D.easy 35. A.sings B.talks C.sleeps D.laughs(笑) 36. A.studying B.reading C.giving D.having 37. A.lesson B.game C.photo D.subject 38. A.asking for B.listening to C.talking to D.studying 39. A.show B.tell C.think D.look 40. A.her B.him C.me D.them 四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1分:满分20分)



Dear Anna,

Thank you for inviting me to watch your baseball game.It’s on December 13,right? I’m sorry I can’t make it. Because I have a science test on December 14, I need to take a science class on December 13.It’s from nine to eleven in the moring. After the class.I need to go to my grandparents’ house.It’s my grandma’s 65 birthday that day.I think I with be at her party that afternoon.

Do you have time that evening?I can have dinner with you.There is a new bakery near my home and it has great hamburgers.You love hamburgers,right?

Yours, Amanda

41.Anna has a on December 13.

A. science class B. science test C. birthday party D.baseball game 42.Amanda’s science class is on .

A.the morming of December 13 B.the afternoon of December 13 C.the morming of December 14 D. the afternoon of December 14 43.The birthday party is for .

A. Amanda B. Amanda’ s classmate C. Amanda’s grandmother D.



44.The underlined word “bakery” means “ ”in Chinese

A.书店 B.面包店 C.图书馆 D.体育馆 45.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Amanda plays baseball very well

B. Amanda’s science class lasts(持续) two hours C.The birthday party is at Amanda’s house

D.Anna wants to have dinner with Amanda on December 13.


The Wenhua International School

You must Arrive at school by half past seven every Wear jeans morning. Hand in your homework by eight Look clean and tidy Be quiet in the library Stay on the playground at break time Eat or drink in the classroom Bring MP3 to school Run or shout in the school buildings Talk loudly in the hallways You mustn’t Stand up when a teacher comes into the Fight classroom 46.Can you bring your MP3 to school?

A.No,we can’t B.Yes ,we can C.No,they can’t D. Yes ,they can

47.What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom?

A.Hand in my homework B.Be quiet

C.Stand up D.Clean the classroom

48.The Chinese meaning(意义)of the underlined works“break time”is

A.早餐时间 B.休息时间 C.上课时间 D.大扫除时间 49.When do you have to get to school every morning?

A.By half past seven B.By eight

C.By half past eight D.By seven

50.According to (根据)the rules above,we can know .

A.we must keep quiet in the classroom B.we can listen to MP3 on the playground

C.we must hand in his homework before half past seven every morning D.we can wear jeans at home


Alice and her parents are on vacation in Dali ,Yun nan .Here are their vacation plant. Date December24 December25 December26 December27 4/16℃ 5/15℃ 4/18℃ Weather Temperature 2/16℃ Activity Go skating in the park Boat in the river Go bike-riding around the city Climb the mountain December28 7/10℃ Go to an old friend’s house 51.It is on December26

A.sunny B.windy C.snowy D.cloudy 52.Alice and her parents on the first day of the vacation

A.go shopping B.go skating

C. climb the mountain D. boat in the river 53.Alice may be on December27

A.in the mountains B.in the shopping center C.in the river D.in a friend’s house

54.Alice and her parents don’t do outdoor(户外的)activities on December28 because .

A.it is too hot B.it rains C.it is windy D.it is sunny 55.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Alice and her parents go bike-riding on a cloudy day B.It rains a little on December27

C.The highest(最高的)temperature on December25 is 16℃

D.We can imagine(推想) that America is in winter when Alice is on this vacation


Lily has a pen-friend in America.Her name is Alice. They write to each other every week. In her last letter Alice told Lily about her best friend.Daisy .This is Lily’s reply(回信). Dear Alice,

Thank you for your last letter.I enjoyed reading it very much.In this letter I will tell you about my friend.Her name is Trudy .Trudy has long,dark brown hair and green eyes.She is the same age as me,but a litter taller.She is always happy.We sit together after in class, and help each other with our schoolwork.We always go home together after school and play computers for an hour .Trudy is learning to play the piano.I am learning to play the flute(笛子).We practice together every day.

Sometimes Trudy stays overnight(过夜)at my house,or I stay overnight at her house.We always have a lovely time.Do you ever stay overnight at your best friend’s house?

Write soon.

Love, Lily

56.Lily and Alice write to each other .

A.every two weeks B.every week