2018-2019学年鲁教版六年级英语(五四制)下册期末测试题(含答案) 下载本文



本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分;满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:

1、答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己姓名、准考证号、考试科目按要求涂写在答题卡上。 2、选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。


第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)


(一)听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. 2.





6. A.Yes,we do. B.No,it isn’t C.Sounds good 7. A.My mother. B.She doesn’t like cooking C.I often help her.

8. A.It’s difficult B.Yes, he can C.No,she can’t 9. A.Very good B. You’re welcome C.Have a good time 10. A.About twenty minutes B.5 kilometers C.At about 4:15


11.What day is it today?

A.It is Wednesday B. It is Thursday C. It is Friday 12.Where is Jack’s house?

A.It’s on Green Road B.It’s on Park Road C.It’s on Center Road 13.What do Jack and Mary want to do ?

A.Play cards B.Play computer games C.Play chess 14.Where is the library?

A.Across from the hotel B.Next to the bank C.At the crossing 15.How does Mary go to Jack’s house?

A.By bike B.By bus C.By car

(四)听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面5个问题。 16.Susan’s parents ask her to read English words .

A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening 17.Susan can’t watch TV .

A.on weekdays B.on weekends C.at home 18.When does Susan help clean the house?

A.On school days B.Every day. C.On Sunday 19.Who does the dishes after Susan’s friends come for dinner?

A.Her mother B.Her father C.Susan 20.What time does Susan have to go to bed?

A.Before 9:30 B. Before 10:00 C. Before 10:30 二、单项选择(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)


21.-It’s useful book. Can I read now? -Yes ,you can .Write your name on the card,please.

A.a;it B.an;this C.an;it D.the;this 22.My sister doesn’t get up so early on weekends

A.have to B.has to C.has D.to have to 23.Turn left the third crossing and the bank is your right.

A.at;at B.at;on C.on ;at D.on;in 24.-Is there a post office in your neighborhood? - .

A.Yes ,there isn’t B.Yes, it is C.No,there isn’t D.No,it doesn’t 25.-What are the rules at your school?

-Don’t run in the hallways and late for class.

A.isn’t B.don’t get C.no arrive D. don’t be 26.-Do you know the boy a soccer ball in his hand? -Yes,I do.He is Jim.

A.has B.have C.is having D.with 27.It’s really my dream to the Great Wall(长城).

A.go B.to go C.goes D.to going 28.Look!Emma is her bedroom. Her room is always .

A.clean,clean B.clean,cleaning C.cleaning , clean D. cleaning, cleaning 29.-Why you like math?

-Because it’s too and boring.

-Oh,it is an important subject.You should study it hard.

A.do;easy B.don’t;fun C.do;difficult D.don’t;hard

30.- ? -He’s very tall.

A.What does he like B.Where’s John from

C.What does your uncle look like D.How’s his school trip



Hello,my name is John,I have a fried.His name is Alan.He is twelve years old.He is a 31 in Gread Seven.At school,he likes English,math and some 32 subjects,but he doesn’t like 33 .Why doesn’t he like it? Because he thinks it is 34 and it is difficult for him.He often 35 in history classes.

It is Friday today.Alan is 36 a history class.His history teacher Mrs.Smith is giving a 37 about America history,but Alan is sleeping again. He isn’t 38 his teacher.Mrs. Smith finds that and asks,“Alan, Alan!Can you tell me something about Abraham Lincoln?”

“Abrahm Lincoln?”Alan stands(站立)up and says,“Let me 39 …Oh,I’m sorry.I don’t know 40 and he isn’t in the same school as me.”All his classmates laugh.

31.A.friend B.doctor C.teacher D.student