第10章 信用证(讲义) 下载本文

Chapter 10 Letter of Credit 第十章 信用证


Section 3 Sample Letters


? insist v. 坚持,执意要

The sales manager still insists that we should do more market research before launching this new model. 销售经理仍然坚持说我们在推出这一新款式之前要做更多的市场调查。 The company insists on the highest standards from its suppliers. 该公司对供应商坚持要求最高的标准。 ? confidence n. 信心,相信

Although we have full confidence in the quality of the products from China, your price is found much too high. 虽然我们对中国产品的质量有信心,但是很遗憾你方价格太高。

have/place/put confidence in ... 对.....给以信任,对……有信心

If your price is competitive, we have confidence in securing the order for you. 如果你方价格有竞争力,我们相信能为你方获得订单。

We have every confidence in the success of the deal. 我们对这笔交易的成功完全有信心。

confident adj. 有信心的,确信的

We are confident that our products will enjoy fast sales at your end. 我们相信我方产品将在你地畅销。

We are confident of your due payment of our draft. 我们相信你方及时支付汇票。 ? integrity 信誉,资信

It is our trade policy to abide by contract and keep commercial integrity. 我们的交易原则是“重和同,守信用”。 ? reiterate v. 重申

We have reiterated our view that high quality is of the utmost importance. 我们已反复说过我们的观点,高质量是至关重要的。

We wish to reiterate that it is in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation.我们想重申一下,鉴于我们长期的友好关系,我们才给你们这次照顾。 ? payment by sight L/C 以即期信用证方式支付

by表示支付的方式, 如to pay by collection用托收方式支付;payment by check用支票支付;in表示支付的货币, 如to pay in Canadian dollar用加元支付;payment in euro用欧元支付

We usually pay by T/T or D/P. 我们通常用电汇或付款交单方式支付。 ? easy terms 易于接受的条件

Please make your offer as easy as possible. 尽可能使你方报盘容易接受。 ? stand firmly in your market 在你方市场上牢牢站稳

stand v.站住;经受得起,承受得了

They believe that only through exposure to foreign competition will they be able to stand firmly in the global economy. 他们相信只有暴露于国外竞争之下,才能够在全球经济中立足脚。


Chapter 10 Letter of Credit 第十章 信用证



? Electric Toaster 电动烤面包机

? draw near 快到,接近

The selling season is drawing near. 旺销季节快到了。

As Christmas draws nearer the shops start to get unbearably crowded. 随着圣诞节越来越近,商店开始变得拥挤不堪。 ? so far 到目前/那时为止

Everything is in order so far. 迄今诸事顺利。 ? relevant L/C 相关的信用证

还可以说covering L/C, relative L/C

? enable sb. to do sth v. 使某人能够做某事

Establishment of L/C in time will enable us to effect prompt shipment per S.S “Fenghe”. 及时开证才能使我们尽快装“风河”号轮。

Please deliver the goods the soonest possible so as to enable us to catch the brisk season. 请尽早交货,以便我方能赶上旺销季节。 ? punctual adj. 准时的

? In order to avoid subsequent amendment 为避免今后的修改

avoid v. 避免

Please cross out Art.No.102 in order to avoid misunderstandings. 请将货号102划掉,以免引起误解。

We are arranging for specially reinforced end-packing to avoid any further damage. 我们将会特别加强最后的包装,以避免再次出现损坏。 ? see(to it) that 务必请注意(做到)

Please see that all the goods against Order No.125 are packed in cartons. 务必请注意订单125号项下的所有货物用纸板箱包装。 Please see to it that you send us a full range of samples by DHL. 请注意用敦豪快递寄来全套样品。

Please see to it that the L/C reaches us not later than June 15. 务必请使信用证不迟于6月15日到达我处。

? in exact accordance with ... 与......完全相符,与......完全一致

To avoid any possible complaint, we wish to make it clear that the goods supplied to our Order No.051 must be in exact accordance with the samples in both quality and design. 为避免任何可能的异议,我们想说明供给我们的第051号订单的货物在品质和设计上必须与样品完全一致。

Your draft agreement is not in accordance with our arrangement. 你方协议草案与我们商定的协议不符。

We regret to inform you that your shipment is not in accordance with the samples. 很遗憾,你方的船货与样品不相一致。

in accordance with是正式的说法,通常情况下用in accord with


Chapter 10 Letter of Credit 第十章 信用证



? amendment to/of an L/C 对信用证的修改

amendment n. 修改 amend v. 修改

Please amend your L/C to allow partial shipments and transshipment. 请修改信用证允许分批装运和转船。

We enclose amendment advice No.QD003 to L/C No.CR-57. Please find it in order. 兹附寄第CR-57号信用证的第QD003修改通知书,请查收。 ? ensure v. 保证,确保

It seems that they cannot ensure the safe arrival of the ordered goods. 看来他们不能保证订货安全到达。

They ensure that they will deliver the goods in June. 他们保证6月份交货。

Close cooperation will ensure smooth execution of your contract. 密切合作将保证你方合同的顺利执行。 ? read v. 读作;内容是

We confirm your fax of the 10th, which reads as follows: 现确认你方10日传真,内容如下: Please amend the price clause to read “CFR London”. 请将条款更改为CFR London。 ? insert v 插入,填入

I’ve filled in the form, but you still need to insert your bank details and date of birth. 我已经填好表格,但你还需要填上有关银行的详细情况和出生日期。 ? delete v 删除,取消

We hope you will delete the clause. 希望你方取消这一条款。 They insisted that all the expletives were deleted from the article. 他们坚持删掉条款中的所有虚词。 ? approach v. 到来,临近

The total amount raised so far is approaching $1,000. 筹集的资金接近1,000美元。

? the soonest possible 最快的;尽快地

Please give us the soonest possible reply. 尽快回复。

As the market price is going up, we would recommend you to accept the offer the soonest possible. 鉴于行市上涨,我们建议你们尽早接受报盘。