最新人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案解析B 下载本文

A.five B.eight C.seven D.four

52.If Tom calls Bruce's Noodle House for pork noodles at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday,he may get the food at ________a.m. that


A.8:50 B.7:50 C.8:30 D.7:30

53.Tom's family would like two large bowls of chicken noodles and a medium bowl of mutton noodles. They will

pay________for the food. A.$6 B.$7 C.$5 D.$8

54.If you want to order noodles,you can call ________.

A.at 288-8998 B.on Monday afternoon C.on Sunday D.at any time every day

55.We can eat noodles in Bruce's Noodle House except on ________.

A.Monday morning B.Monday afternoon C.Saturday afternoon D.Sunday morning



Every country has its favorite food.Italians(意大利人) like to eat pizza.Indians(印度人) like to eat hot food.Japanese like to eat fish and often they don't cook it.

In England,the most popular food is fish and chips.But the world's most popular food may be American fast food.In New York, Moscow,Paris and even in some big cities in China,you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.

Chinese food is also very popular in the world.Why?It has different tastes and it is usually very delicious.Dumplings are the best.


Favorite food ________________(56) Dumplings Uncooked fish (生鱼) ____________(59) ________________(60) 八、补全对话(每小题1分,共10分)

根据对话习惯及内容,在对话空白处填入一个适当的词,使对话意思完整、通顺。每空限填一词。 (Mary and Jim are in a restaurant. A waiter is coming.) Waiter: Good morning. May I have your ________(61)? Mary: Yes. Are there any dumplings here?

Waiter: Of course. Dumplings in our restaurant are very ________(62). We ________(63) beef and carrot dumplings, cabbage

dumplings and mutton dumplings. What ________(64) of dumplings would you like?

Mary:Beef and carrot dumplings.

Waiter:A large bowl ________(65) a small bowl? Mary:A small bowl, please.

Waiter:OK. A small bowl of beef and carrot dumplings. Oh, would you like something to ________ (66)? Mary:Some orange juice, please. Hi, Jim! What would you like?

Jim: I'm not ________(67) yet. I don't want to eat ________(68). I just ________(69) some milk. Waiter:OK. Some milk. Wait a minute, please. I'll ________(70) your food and drinks right away. 九、词语运用(每小题1分,共10分)

A) 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。

Eating place In New York __________(57) __________(58) In India In England 71.D__________are traditional(传统的)food on the Spring Festival(春节) in China. 72.The Internet is becoming more and more p________with people around the world. 73.—What size bowl of noodles would you like?

—A l________bowl. 74.The question is hard.I can't a________it quickly. 75.—What about going for a picnic?

—Good i________. B)用所给词的适当形式填空。

76.Mr Green often eats __________(pancake) for lunch. 77.The wind __________(blow) out the candle when I come in. 78.Do you have ________(special) today? 79.May I take ________(one's) order,sir? 80.Different people think__________(different).


Hot pot(火锅) is many Chinese people's favorite and Liu Yang is one of them.

Three days ago, Liu Yang arrived in England. There he had three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes. Yesterday he was very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hotpot to welcome the new students.

He went into the room and sat next to an American girl. To his surprise, he saw potatoes and bread in front of him. Where was the hot pot?

When she saw Liu Yang was very surprised, the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot. China has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word.

Hotpot is made from meat, potatoes and onions. People put it in the oven(烤箱) all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat(热度). It is easy to cook.

Hotpot tastes fine. But Liu Yang still misses hot pot, two words! 81.Is hot pot many Chinese people's favorite?

_______________________________________________________________________ 82.When did Liu Yang arrive in England?

_______________________________________________________________________ 83.Who told Liu Yang that hotpot is not hot pot?

_______________________________________________________________________ 84.Which country has hot pot in two words?

_______________________________________________________________________ 85.Does Liu Yang miss hotpot or hot pot?

_______________________________________________________________________ 十一、书面表达(共15分)


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Unit 10标准检测卷


一、1.I'd like to have some noodles.

2.Before you eat the cake, you should blow out the candles.

3.The pancake in the restaurant is only five yuan. 4.Please give me a large bowl. 5.My mother often buys candies for me. 二、6.Can I help you? 7.What sizes do you have? 8.Do you like beef noodles?

9.Who would like a medium bowl of rice? 10.What kind of soup would you like?

三、11.M:What would you like to have,madam?

W:Some rice,please.

Q:What would the woman like to have? 12.W:Would you like some noodles?

M:Yes,a big bowl,please. Q:What would the man like to eat? 13.W:What kind of food do you like,Mike?

M:I like rice,dumplings and noodles.But I like dumplings best. Q:What's Mike's favorite food? 14.W:What kind of drink would you like?

M:Apple juice.

Q:What kind of drink would the man like? 15.W:Special 1 is only 6 yuan.

M:OK.I'll have it. Q:How much is Special 1?

四、W:My birthday is on December 18th. On that day, my family often cook different kinds of food for me. My mother is good

at making cakes. She often makes a cake with my favorite fruit. My father usually makes dumplings. And I like dumplings with mutton and carrots. My brother knows I like potatoes, so he makes potato salad. Before dinner, they always sing a birthday song to me. They hope it can bring good luck to me. 听力答案

一、1~5:EDCAB 二、6~10: CBCAC 三、11~15: BBBCA 四、16~20: CBACA



22.A 点拨:本题用词语辨析法解答。lucky意为“幸运的”;afraid意为“害怕的”;busy意为“繁忙的”;free意为“空

闲的”。由语境可知,“我”遇见最喜欢的篮球明星并一起合影是非常幸运的。故选A。 23.A 24.A

25.B 点拨:the number of“……的数量”;the symbol of“……的象征”;the day of“……的日子”;the color of “……的

颜色”。根据句意可知选B。 26.A 27.C

28.A 点拨:本题用寻找题眼法解答。由句中的thirsty(口渴的)可知,A项tea“茶”符合句意;而fish“鱼肉”;noodles“面


29.A 点拨:考查交际用语。此题易误选C项,它是汉语式英语。Can I help you?是一句应用广泛的交际用语,不

同场合可以译成不同含义。 30. D

31.D 点拨:本题用交际法解答。问句Would you like to do sth.?的肯定答语为“Sure/Yes/Of course..., I'd love to.”否定

答语为“I'd love to, but...”句意:——明天晚上你愿意来吃饭吗?——是的,我很乐意。所以选D。

32.C 点拨:连词辨析法。选项都是连词,意思分别是“并且;但是;如果;因此”。句意:——________你不努力学

习,你将不会通过考试。——好的,我会尽最大努力的。比较四个选项的意思可知,选C合适。 33.D

34.A 点拨:potato为可数名词,修饰名词复数时,用单数形式,其复数形式是在词尾加-es,故选A。

35.A 点拨:本题用短语辨析法解答。cut up意为“切碎”;cut down意为“砍倒”;make a wish意为“许愿”;blow out

意为“吹灭”。包饺子前需要将肉切碎,故选A。 六、36.A

37.B 点拨:考查名词。用联系上下文法做此题。由后句提到的代词the ones (与前面提到的名词复数属于同类事物)

可知,此处只能选B。 38.D

39.B 点拨:考查名词。用排除法做此题。结合前面提到的“我”喜欢吃水果可知,四个选项中只有B项草莓属于水


40.A 点拨:考查名词。用联系上下文法做此题。单看此句,四个选项都符合,但结合后句“他说它很美味。”中的it

可知,只能选A,其他三项都是复数,需用they代替。 41.C 42.C 43.C 44.A 45.B

七、A 46.B 点拨:由第一段可知明天是周六,琳达全班想去烧烤。故选B。

47.D 点拨:由短文中的“She and her classmate, Jack, are shopping in a supermarket now.”可知,琳达和她的同学杰克正


48.B 点拨:由表格中green tea一行可知,琳达需要三箱绿茶。故选B。

49.C 点拨:由表格中apple和watermelon两栏可知,买苹果需要120元,买西瓜需要30元,共计150元。故选C。 50. D 点拨:由表格中beef和pork两栏可知,牛肉的价格是每公斤70元,猪肉的价格是每公斤20元。由此可知,


B 51.A 点拨:考查细节归纳。根据短文可知有mutton noodles,beef noodles,chicken noodles,pork noodles和vegetable


52.D 点拨:考查细节推理。由短文第二段中“...you will get the food in half an hour.”可知7:00订购面条,7:30能


53.B 点拨:考查细节推理。短文中提到一大碗鸡肉面是两美元,故两碗是四美元;而一中碗羊肉面是三美元,故加

起来是七美元。 54.A 55.A

C 56.Hamburgers and chips 57.In China 58.In Japan 59.Hot food 60. Fish and chips 八、61.order 62.delicious 63.have 64.kind 65.or 66.drink 67.sure 68.anything 69.want 70.bring
