最新人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案解析B 下载本文

Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487- 6598 or send email to sunshine@yahoo.com. Hot Club Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. Tel: 8665-7868 Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel Swimmers Wanted Swimmers wanted! If you can teach children to swim on Sundays, come and join us,please. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information. Summer Job Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a correspondent. Please call Karen at 5561- 8823.

56.Sunshine Rock Band needs ________.

A. a guitar player B. a reporter C. a swimming coach

57.If you can swim very well and like children very much, you will pay attention to the ________ advertisement.

A. first B. second C. third 58.If you like writing, you can call ________ for a job.

A. 8472-9999 B. 8665-7868 C. 5561-8823

59.Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you can advise her to call________. A. Joe B. Mr. Zhang C. Karen

60.What does the underlined (画线的) word “correspondent” mean in Chinese?

A.记者 B.医生 C.工程师

八、补全对话,有两项多余(每小题2分,共10分) A:Morning.________(61)

B:Yes,please. I want to join your club.

A:We have three clubs—the sports club,the music club and the art club.________(62) B:I want to join the music club. A:Music club?________(63) B:No,I can't.

A:Well,what can you do? B:________(64) A:I see.________(65) B:My name is Dave Smith. A:Thank you very much.

A.Hello,I'm a musician in the club. B.Why do you want to join the music club? C.I can play the guitar.

D.Which club do you want to join? E.Can you sing?

F.What's your name,please? G.Can I help you?

九、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 66.Can you ________ (展示) me your new bike? 67.There are many________ (人) in the park. 68.What do you do on the________ (周末)?

69.Sorry,I'm busy and I can't go to see you________ (今天). 70.Our store is in the________ (中心) of the city. B)根据汉语完成句子。 71.我的朋友们喜欢弹吉他。

My friends like to ________ ________ ________. 72.你会弹钢琴或者吹喇叭吗?

Can you ________ the piano ________ the trumpet? 73.你能帮我学习英语吗?

Can you ________ me ________ my English? 74.你可以打电话467- 0854找我。

You can ________ ________ ________ 467- 0854. 75.我想加入你们的足球俱乐部。

I want ________ ________ your football club.


Swimmers Wanted

Can you swim?Do you like children?Can you help them with swimming on weekends?Come and join us.Call Jane at 330-9785 for more information.

Chess Club

Do you like to play chess?Do you want to play chess well?Mr. Chen can teach you.You can come here every Friday afternoon.


Add:Room 102 in school's P.E. Building

Let's Learn French

Can you speak French?Do you want to learn French?Join the French club now. Time:9:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.(from Monday to Friday) Call Henry at 543-1248.

Musicians Wanted

Boys and girls,are you music lovers?Can you sing or dance?Can you play any instruments(乐器)?Welcome to our Star Rock Band.

Please call Victor at 891-3453 or send an e-mail to music@yahoo.com. 根据短文内容,完成任务。 任务一:阅读短文,选择正确答案。 76.What can Mr. Chen teach you?

A.To play chess. B.To speak French. C.To swim. D.To play football.

77.Betty can swim well and she wants to find a job.Who can she call for more information?

A.Henry. B.Jane. C.Victor. D.Mr.Chen. 任务二:阅读短文,回答下列问题。

78.Mike joins the chess club. When does he go to the club?

________________________________________________________________________ 79.How can you contact(联系) them if you want to work as a musician?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 80.Judy can speak French well. She works from Monday to Friday. Where does she work?

________________________________________________________________________ 十一、书面表达(共15分)



________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Unit 1标准检测卷


一、1.Alice has a beautiful guitar. 2.Mr. Smith is a great musician. 3.Jack can do Chinese kung fu very well. 4.Do you want to join the sports club?

5.Peter often writes to his friends on the weekend. 二、6.Can you speak English well? 7.What club does Tom want to join? 8.Are you good with kids? 9.Can you dance or paint? 10.Let's join the English club. 三、11.W:Can you dance or sing?

M:I can only dance.

Q:Can the man sing or dance?

12.M:Can Michael play the piano?

W:No,he can't.But he is good at playing the guitar. Q:What can Michael do?

13.M:Do you want to join the chess club?

W:No, I want to join the baseball club. Q:Does the girl want to join the baseball club? 14.W:I want to join your club.I can play chess well.

M:Great!We want good chess players. Q:What club does the girl want to join? 15.W:Can you play the drums?

M:Yes, I can.But I can't play the trumpet.

Q:What can the boy play?

四、W:Hello!My name is Lucy.I'm thirteen years old.My sister Lily is 15 years old.We are students in No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class 1.Lily is in Class 3.I'm in the music club.I like singing and dancing.I don't like playing sports.I think it's too difficult.My sister likes playing tennis and ping-pong.She is in the sports club.She doesn't like singing.She thinks it's boring. 听力答案

一、1~5:DAECB 二、6~10:ACACB 三、11~15:BCABA

四、16.Fifteen 17.One 18.music 19.tennis 20.Singing



22.A 点拨:本题采用逻辑推理法。由前半句“琳达喜欢美术”可推知,在她的空闲时间里她经常画画,故选A。而B项“唱歌”;C项“游泳”;D项“跳舞”均不符合逻辑关系。

23.C 点拨:由want to do sth.可排除B、D两项,“与某人谈话”为talk to sb.,故选C。 24.A 点拨:考查help的用法。help sb.with sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”,故选A。

25.B 点拨:本题采用交际法。在英语中,当得到对方的夸奖时需用Thank you或Thanks作答,故选B。

26.B 点拨:考查主谓一致及介词。本题采用主谓一致法。由like可知主语不是单数,故排除C、D项;再由表示月份


27.B 点拨:第一空用swim的-ing形式swimming作定语修饰名词club;第二空是“call sb. at+号码”的固定用法。故选

B。 28.D

29.B 点拨:本题考查动词的辨析。句意:——这个周末我们将举行一场篮球比赛。约翰,你可以加入我们吗?——当

然。我喜欢篮球。join sb.意为“加入某人”符合句意。而call打电话;make制造;find发现,均与句意不符。 30.B

31.C 点拨:本题采用冠词辨析法。“play +the+乐器名词”和“play+球类运动名词”是固定用法。 32.A 点拨:询问某人会不会做某事,用情态动词can。问句句意:你会唱《爸爸去哪儿》这首歌吗? 33.B 点拨:go home为固定用法,表示“回家”。

34.D 点拨:四个选项中可直接接语言的词只有speak,故选D。 35.C

六、36.B 点拨:本题采用联系上下文法。由下句可知,“我”是音乐家,故选B。

37.B 点拨:句意:我会弹钢琴、拉小提琴和弹吉他。并列连词and表示“和”符合句意。 38.A 点拨:句意:我对孩子们很有办法。be good with“对……有办法”,是固定短语。

39.B 点拨:本题采用语法判定法。句子的主语I是第一人称,后跟谓语动词的原形,故排除A、D两项;再由句意“我


40. D 点拨:与上句中She相对应,此处用her表示“她的”。

41.C 点拨:本题采用同义词辨析法。good, nice, fine都是形容词,意为“好的”;而well可用作副词修饰该句中的动词


42.B 点拨:“be in+组织”为固定短语,意为“是……中的一员”。 43.D 点拨:want to do sth.为固定结构。

44.C 点拨:与下句中We相对应,此处用us表示“我们”。

45.B 点拨:help sb. with sth.为固定短语,意为“在某方面帮助某人”。 七、A 46.T 点拨:由短文第一句Our school has many interesting clubs...可知。 47.F 点拨:由短文中But I think the movie club...is really interesting.可知。 48.T 点拨:由Sixty-four students...Forty are boys and twenty-four are girls.可知。

49.F 点拨:由短文中So we join the movie club.Here you can see many kinds of movies.可知。 50.F 点拨:由短文中Boys like action movies and thrillers.But girls don't like those movies.可知。