考研英语练习题(答案) 下载本文

175.答案B.(sth)in question(作后置定语)“正在谈论的,所说的”;(表语)“有问题”(如Let us stick to the point in question; The girls in question are not in school today; It is not in question that Bill would be a good captain for the team.)in view(表语或后置定语)“可以看得到的,可以望得见的,在望,临近”in case(状语,单独用或后面跟从句)“以防万一;如果”in effect(作插入语)?事实上,实际上“ 176.答案D.embarrass vt.“使窘迫,使为难,使尴尬“(如This request would embarrass Mr.Robin; He was embarrassed at such a request/by the question/with offers of assistance; He wore an embarrassed expression.)embarrassing adj.“令人尴尬的,使人窘迫的”(如She found herself in an embarrassing position; Don?t ask embarrassing questions.)misleading adj.“把人引入歧途的,使人误解的”△bewildering adj.“令人困惑的,使人迷惑不解的”boring adj.“使人厌烦的”

177.答案A.behave oneself“检点自己的行为;守规矩;好好做人”(其它三个动词一般不跟反身代词)

178.答案C.be in debt to sb“欠……的债;欠……的人情”be due to sth(表语)“由于,因为”(后面不跟人作宾语)owing to sth(状语)“由于,因为”in gratitude to sb for sth(状语)“因为某事向某人表示感激之情”

179.答案B.superficial adj.“肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的”identical(with) adj.“相同的,相等的”critical adj.“危急的;决定性的,

关键性的;批评的,批判的”original adj.“起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的”

180.答案C.take to sth“开始喜欢,对……产生好感;开始从事,形成……的习惯”(如I can?t say I took to her;Billy has taken to that idea.)take on “承担,从事;开始雇用;呈现,具有(某种面貌)”take over“接收,接管;借用,承袭”take after(在外貌、性格等方面)“长得像(父母或直系长辈)” 语法部分 81 答案:A

解析: 本题检测的是no与not用法的区别.not和可数名词单数连用时,要加不定冠词a/an。no和单数名词连用时不用冠词。正确的形式是“there is no such car”或“there is not such a car”。(任志鸿,2007) no和not a相似但强调不同,试比较下列两个句子:It is not a joke这不是个笑话,It is no joke这可不是开玩笑的. 82. 答案:C

解析:本题考查的是时态,又检查了考生对not …always的理解。句子的含义:科学家认为各大洲过去的位置并不总是和他们现在的一样.正确答案是C. 83. 答案:B

解析: 该题答案是B. 上文的语境I?d like some more cheese.可理解成为how much cheese is left? 针对询问"多少"的回答, 表"