中考英语完形填空专项练习 下载本文




Mr. White is a member of his office. He's 1 and can easily deal with(处理) all kinds of matters. So he's always 2 more than his workmates. Of course he's often __3 and has no time to do the housework. His wife 4 him well and does all at home.

__5 ! Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be 6 . Now Mrs. White has to look after her there 7 she can't go home. Mr. White often eats something in the restaurant. As he 8 did some cleaning, the rooms were all disorderly (零乱不堪) .

Yesterday morning, before Mr. White got up, the telephone 9 . He sat up to answer it. His friend told him to 10 an important telephone number down. But he could find 11 a piece of paper. He found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he 12 it and went to work. Two hours later 13 came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husband came in while she was 14 the table. He couldn't 15 the number on the table and called out angrily , \( )1. A. important B. strong

C. good D. able

( )2. A. helped B. thought C. paid D. asked ( )3. A. busy B. quiet C. lazy D. happy ( )4. A. sees B. knows C. misses D. takes care of ( )5. A. Well B. Once C. What's more D. Bad luck ( )6. A. in hospital B. outside C. in bed D. in time ( )7. A. but B. or C. while D. and ( )8. A. not B. never C. almost D. often ( )9. A. shouted B. spoke C. rang

D. called

( )10.A. write B. remember C. understand D. use ( )11. A. either a pen or B. neither a pen nor

C. both a pen and D. not only a pen but

( )12. A. forgot

B. read C. took D. threw

( )13. A. he B. his friend C. his wife D. his daughter

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( )14. A. brushing B. walking in C. leaving D. cleaning ( )15.A. find out B. listen to C. see D. write


Someone once wrote, \\ __1 , but everyone needs leisure time too. Leisure time 2 free time to do whatever you want. 3 is a time for anything that 4 you. Some people like to play __5 for good health. Others like to go to interesting places, 6 museums or parks. Many people have 7 . They make things or collect things. Right now, someone is 8 a hobby somewhere. People collect coins, 9 , rocks, or books. Everyone likes to make something. 10 could make a boat or a table, a sweater or a fishing net, a bird cage or an apple pie. It does not 11 what you make, as long as it's something you do yourself.

People 12 hobbies are not dull. They are interesting 13 they can talk about their leisure 14 , Some work and some play will make you interesting 15 . ( )1. A. difficult

B. easy

C. happy D. important C. means D. gives

C. That

D. This

( )2. A. has B. takes ( )3.A. There B. It ( )4. A. interests ( )5. A. computers ( )6. A. not only ( )7. A. friends

B. worries B. fires

C. helps C. cards

D. stops D. sports D. as well as D. hobbies D. thinking

B. together with C. such as B. troubles

C. questions C. finding

( )8. A. meeting B. enjoying ( )9. A, stamps B. sounds ( )10. A. All

C. scores D. nature

B. We C. You D. They

C. look D. say

D. with

( )11. A. matter B. know

( )12. A. at B. from C. on ( )13, A. if

B. unless

C. because D. though C. childhood

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( ) 14. A. education B. activities

D. life



( )15. A. too B. neither


I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one 1 was the most important.

It happened last term just after I had got a 2 result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 3 .

The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking 4 a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note(钞票) !

\ 5 of us in the class held up our hands.

The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but 6 nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same 7 a third time.

I didn' t 8 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn't know what to do. I wanted the note, 9 I put my hand up again. After a while, he 10 the note and started to laugh. \ 11 said to us with the note in his hand. \ 12 worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter 13 happens to you, you still have your worth.\

When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I 14 I was worth a lot. I may have done in an exam, but it doesn't 15 I can' t do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful! ( )1. A. classroom B. subject C. class D. school ( )2. A. same B. good C. lucky D. bad ( )3. A. comfortable B. successful C. famous D. rich ( )4. A. like B. for C. about D. by ( )5. A. both B. neither C. all D. none ( )6. A. said B. bought C. saw D. wanted ( )7. A. student B. teacher C. question D. way

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C. either D. also