北语 20春《英语语法》作业_1234 下载本文

D. as though

18.It is the first time that I ___ at the top of Mount Yulong and now it is time that we ___ photos to record the exciting moment. A. had been, took B. am, should take C. have been, took D. was, should take

19.Mention ___ word recycling and ___ few of us think of cars. But in ___ world of limited space and resources, recycling is very important. A. a,a,the

B. a,不填,a C. the,不填,a D. the,不填, the

20.\god. I forgot my purse in the shop.\\not again. Why ___ you always ___ something?\A. do,leave B. did,leave C. are,leaving D. have,left

二、判断题 ( 每题4分, 共5道小题, 总分值20分 )

1.174301---a hundred and seventy-four thousand,three hundred and one

2.Both my sister and myself asked to go and work there.

3.Lao She is know for a great writer.

4.What made you to think like that?

5.Is that best way which to slove the problem?