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I can deduce from the manner he walks that he is not happy.我可以从他走路的方式看出他并不开心。 What did Darwin deduce from the presence of these species? vt. 得出, 导出, 引出, 唤起 educe [i(:)5dju:s] e + duce (out+ lead)

This editorial educed many controversial subjects. vt. 劝诱, 促使 induce [in5dju:s] in +duce


Nothing would induce me to vote for him again. Persuade v. v. 出示, 生产 [5prRdju:s] n. 产物, 农产品 produce [prE5dju:s] pro + duce


This factory produce toys for babies. the native produce土特产品

Can you produce any proof of your nationality? 你能出示有关你国藉的任何证件吗? n. 产品 product [5prCdEkt] production [prE5dQkFEn] n. 生产 adj. 生产性的,多产的 productive [prE5dQktiv] Fertilizers make the land more productive. reproduce [7ri:prE5dju:s] v. 繁殖, 再生, 复制, re + produce (again +lead forward)

A lower organism has a higher ability to reproduce. Duplicate v. n. 繁殖, 再现 reproduction [7ri:prE5dQkFEn] vt. 减少, 缩小 reduce [ri5dju:s] re + duce (back + lead)

The governor announced a new plan to reduce crime. n. 减少 reduction [ri5dQkFEn] The company promised they would make no staff reductions for at least two years. vt. 教育, 训练, 培养 educate [5edju(:)keit] e + duc +ate


Teachers must educate their students to think properly. He was educated at Bristol University. education [7edju(:)5keiFEn] n. 教育 educator [`edjU:keItE(r)] n. 教育家 instructors adj. 教育的, 教育性的 educational [7edju(:)5keiFEnl] educational games educational TV programs n.行为, 操行 conduct [5kCndQkt] v.引导, 管理;导;指挥 [kEn5dQkt] con + duct (together + lead)

He has been praised for his good conduct.

We need somebody to conduct these affairs professionally. Metal conducts electricity. 金属导电。 adj. 传导的 conductive [kEn5dQktiv] At ordinary temperatures the material is quite conductive. vt. 扣除;减除 (subtract) deduct [dI5dQkt] de + duct (away +lead)

The boss deducted taxes from every employee’s salary. n. 减除tax deduction deduction [di5dQkFEn] diminish


7> fect; fac=make; do vt. 影响, 感动 affect [E5fekt] af + fect (to+do)

He was affected by her sympathy. . n.友爱, 爱情, affection [E5fekFEn] adj.亲爱的, 挚爱的 affectionate [E5fekFEnit] vt. 假装 affect [ E5fekt ] af + fect (upon+do)

Don’t affect ignorance.

It is annoying when she tries to affect a British accent. affectation [7Afek5teiFEn] n.假装, 虚饰, 做作 n. quexian defect [di5fekt] de + fect (+ make)

If I have any defet in handling this matter, please tell me.

A defect in the braking system caused several accidents before the car was recalled. adj.有缺陷的 defective [di5fektiv] n. 结果, 效果 effect [i5fekt] ef + fect (out+ make)

Any increase in fuel costs could have a bad effect on business. adj.有效的 effective [i5fektiv] vt. [医] 传染, 感染 infect [in5fekt] in +fect (in+make)

The bad news infected the atmosphere of the room. n. [医] 传染, 传染病 antibiotics infection [in5fekFEn] adj. 有传染性的, 有感染力的 infectious [in5fekFEs] Doctors say that the disease is most infectious in the first twenty-four hours. Sheila has an infectious smile. Contagious

Yawning is contagious. n.完成式adj.完美的 perfect [5pE:fikt] per + fect (thoroughly+make)

Perfect your work, and then hand it in. n.尽善尽美, 完美, 完成perfectionist perfection [ pE5fekFEn ] Don't expect perfection in your relationships. vt.调制, 配制 confect [ 5kCnfekt ] con + fect (together+make) confection [ kEn5fekFE n ] n.糖果, 蜜饯 n.事实, 实际 fact [ fAkt ] fac + t

(do+名词词尾) adj.人为的, 做作的, 不自然的 factitious [fAk5tiFEs] fact +I + tious


We can all see through his factious words of encouragement. Unnatural Artificial n.因素, 要素, 因数, 代理人 factor [5fAktE] fac + t +or (do+ 名词词尾)

An important factor in making a fortune is working hard. n.工厂, 制造厂, 商住花园外的代理 factory [5fAktEri] fac + t +ory

(make+名词词尾) n.恩人, 捐助者, 赠送者, 赞助人 benefactor [5benifAktE] bene + factor (good+doer)

His benefactor was beginning to show signs of disinterest. n.犯罪分子 malefactor [5mAlifAktE] male + factor (bad+doer)

The notorious malefactor was imprisoned for all his life. vt.制造, 加工n.制造, 制造业, 产品 manufacture [7mAnju5fAktFE] manu + fac + t + ure

(hand +make+名词词尾)

The city is famous for the manufacture of clothes. n.制造业者, 厂商 manufacturer [7mAnju5fAktFErE]n.制造厂, 工厂 manufactory [7mAnju5fAktEri] manu + fac + t + ory



8> fer=bear;carry; bring vt.授予(称号、学位等) v.协商, 交换意见 confer [kEn5fE:] con + fer (together+ carry)

The university has already conferred honorary degrees on several prime ministers. n.会议, 讨论会, 协商会 conference [5kCnfErEns] vi.推迟, 听从, 服从 vt.使推迟, defer [di5fE:] de + fer (down+bear)

We have to defer this desion to the proper authorities. I will defer to your wishes. de + fer (off+carry)

We’ll defer this matter to another day. vi.不一致, 不同 differ [5difE] dif + fer (apart+carry)

We never differed with him on the subject. n.差异, 差别 difference [5difErEns] adj.不同的 different [5difrEnt] v.推断 infer [in5fE:] in + fer
