英语必备词根 下载本文

vt.插入, 嵌入 n.插入物 insert [ in5sE:t ] in + sert (into) + (join)

The newspaper inserted an apology to its readers on the editorial page. n.插入 insertion [ in5sE:FEn ] n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 desert [ di5zE:t ] de + sert (off) + (join)

The desert oasis supported a community of two hundred people. The soldier deserted the army for lack of courage. adj.荒芜的, 荒废的, 为人所弃的 deserted [ dI`z\\:tId ] a deserted street corner vt.尽(力), 施加(压力等) exert [ i^5zE:t ] ex + (s)ert (out) + (put)

As the deadline approached, the factory worker exerted more effort to finish the job. Make every effort Spare no effort


<35> Serv; Serve = keep; heed; serve vt.保存, 保藏 conserve [ kEn5sE:v ] con + serve (together) + (keep)

The reason why he sleeps too much he says is because he wants to conserve his energy. n.保存, 保持, 守恒 conservation [ 7kCnsE(:)5veiFEn the conservation of several species of dolphin conservative [ kEn5sE:vEtiv ] adj.保守的, 守旧的n.保守派 June's parents were very conservative and wouldn't allow her to date till she was 18. Puppy love vt.应受, 值得v.应受 deserve [ di5zE:v ] de + serve

(intensive) + (serve)

The question deserves your attention. Ask for it n.沙漠 vt. 遗弃, 逃跑 desert [ di5zE:t ] His father had deserted the family when Graham was three years old.

vt.观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述, 说 observe [ Eb5zE:v ] ob + serve (to) + (keep)

You are to observe the rules and regulations of this school. n.观察, 观测, 观察资料(或报告) observation [ 7EbzE:5veiFEn ] observance [ Eb5zE:vEns ] n.遵守, 惯例 observatory [ Eb5zE:vEtEri ] adj.天文台, 气象台 vt.保护, 保存, 保藏to save something or someonpreserve [ pri5zE:v ] harmed or destroyed pre + serve

(beforehand) + (keep)

We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands. You can preserve meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。 Well-preserved n.保存 preservation [ 7prezE(:)5veiFEn ]wildlife preservation vt.储备, 保存, 预定 reserve [ ri5zE:v ] re + serve (back) + (keep)

The teacher reserved some books for the students to read in the library. quiet reservation [ 7rezE5veiFEn ] n.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约 There might be trouble getting hotel reservations the week of the festival. adj.缄默的, 话不多的 reserved [ ri5zE:vd ] English people have a reputation for being very reserved. n.水库, 蓄水池 reservoir [ 5rezEvwB: ] v. 服务, 服役 serve [ sE:v ] He was served graciously by the waitress of the restaurant. n.服务,服役 service [ 5sE:vis ] n.仆人 servant [ 5sE:vEnt ] 必备词根<36>

<36> sign =sign; mark n.标记, 征兆, 迹象v.签名(于), sign [ sain ] Their inability to raise production is a sign of incompetence. The two parties signed the contract in simple ceremonies. n.签名, 署名, 信号 signature [ 5si^nitFE ] n.信号v.发信号 signal [ 5si^nl ] vt.表示, 意味 signify [ 5si^nifai ] sign + fy

(mark) + 动词词尾

The image of the lion signified power and strength. significance [ si^5nifikEns ] n.意义, 重要性 significant [ si^5nifikEnt ] adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重要的 There has been a significant change in the tone of the media's coverage. vt.分配, 指派 assign [ E5sain ] as + sign (to) + (mark)

We are usually assigned our work during the morning. assignment [ E5sainmEnt ] n.分配 , 任务, (课外)作业 n.设计v.设计 design [ di5zain ] de + sign (out) + (mark)

The design on this cloth is really attractive.

The decorator specially designed the room for his own use. n.阴谋家,设计家,制图师 designer [ di5zainE ] vt.指明, 任命, 指定to choose someone or somethdesignate [ 5dezi^neit ] particular job or purpose de + sign + ate

(down) + (mark) +动词词尾

Designate a driver who won't be drinking before going to a party or club. $6 million has been designated to make road safety improvements.

The king personally designates his prime ministers. designation [ 7dezi^5neiFEn ] n.指示, 指定 v.辞职 resign [ ri5zain ] re + sign

(again) + (sign)

He resigned because he was asked to do things against his beliefs. resignation [ 7rezi^5neiFEn ] n.辞职, 放弃, 顺从 \ a letter of resignation


<37> sist =stand v. v.援助, 帮助 assist [ E5sist ] as + sist (to) + (stand)

He was assisted by two servants due to his disability.

n. 援助, 补助 assistance [ E5sistEns ] financial assistance for students n. 助手, 助教adj.辅助的, 助理的 assistant [E`sIstEnt] assistant engineer助理工程师assistant professor助教授(低于副教授高于讲师) vi. 由...组成, 在于, 一致 consist [kEn5sist] con + sist (together) + ( stand)

The dish consisted of various vegetables and meats.

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。

Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own. Make up of Lie in adj. 一致的 consistent [kEn5sistEnt] To secure our future, we need a consistent economic strategy. We need to be consistent in our approach. vi. 存在, 生存 exist [i^5zist] ex + (s)ist (out +stand)

Some men can exist without water for at most seven days. n.存在, 实在 existence [ i^5zistEns ] adj.存在的, 生存的, 现存的 existent [i^5zistEnt] Science deals with the existent, real, concrete and functional images. [计] 现有的 existing [ i^5zistiN ] Many people feel that the existing law discriminates against women. v.执意 insist [in5sist] in + sist (on) + (stand)

If you insist on being stubborn, your standing with the group is bound to fall. Dine out adj. 迫切要求的;紧急的 urgent insistent [ in5sistEnt ] the insistent demands of the army for more founds 军队需要增加军费的紧急要求 vi. 坚持, 持续 persist [pE(:)5sist] per + sist (through) + (stand)

The runner persisted in the race until he finished. Persist in jogging persistent [pE5sIst(E)nt] adj. 固执的;坚持的 persistent effort坚持不懈的努力