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5. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationalized in 1946 and is the only bank that issues banknotes in England and Wales. 6. The predecessor of the English parliament is the Great council.

7. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain.

8. In the UK, the party which wins the second largest number of seats in the House becomes the Opposition, with is one leader, and forms a Shadow cabinet.

9. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.

10. In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the second number of seats in the House of Commons becomes the official Opposition. II£®

11. Constitutional monarchy£ºConstitutional monarchy means that the power of the monarch is limited by the country¡¯s constitution, the legal authority is given to Parliament, and the executive authority to the

government. Theoretically, the Queen has the power£¬ but in reality , she has no power at all. The Sovereign reigns, but does not rule; the country is governed, in the name of the Sovereign, by His or Her Majesty¡¯s Government, who is responsible to the Parliament.

12. Primogeniture: Primogeniture refers to the passing of the throne to the eldest son when a monarch dies, has been the rule of succession, and when there are no sons, the eldest daughter ascends the throne. 13. First past the post:

The current voting system in UK is called ¡°first past the post.¡± This means that the party and candidates receiving the most votes win the election and become the party in power even if they do not receive more than 50 percent of the vote.

14. The Conservative Party and the Labor Party: The Conservative Party developed out of the Tory Party(ÍÐÀûµ³). It supports private

enterprise and is opposed to nationalization £¨¹úÓл¯£©and extending social services. It openly helps the monopolists to get super-profits.

The Labor Party was founded in 1900 by a union between the Trade Union, the Independent party and the Fabian Society. It practices social democracy or bourgeois reformism.

15. High Street Banks: High Street Banks are the main banks, such as Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, NatWest, Citibank, and Barclays. III.

16. What is a general election?

The election of all Members of Parliament (MPs) for each constituency (local area) is called a General Election. In the US it is like voting for a Congressman or Senator. However, unlike the US, the voters do not choose the Prime Minister (PM). He/she is voted for within their party.

17. What is the supreme legislative authority in Britain? What does it consists of? British Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in the realm. It consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords£¨ÉÏÔº£©and the House of Commons£¨ÏÂÔº£©. Most of the power of Parliament is in the House of Commons. The Parliament was called in 1264 and is generally considered the beginning of ¡°parliament¡±. 18. What are the three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth? The three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth are: 1)the area between London and South Wales, 2)the Cambridge area of East Anglia and 3)the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland. The third area is the most spectacular of the three and is now often referred to as the ¡°Silicon Glen¡±.

19. What is the British government¡¯s role in the economy?

Like many modern developed countries, the