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Title The workshop design of an annual output of 300000 tons of paraxylene with alkylation of toluene with methanol method Abstract The process is designed to produce 300000 tons of paraxylene with Alkylation of toluene with methanol method. Compared with other methods, the adopted method has the advantages of higher production rate, less pollution and lower cost. Design is used by professional chemical software Aspen Plus, CUP-TOWER, Sw6 etc., on the production process of simulation, design, and ultimately won the alkylation of toluene with methanol method of annual production capacity of 3 million tons of PX production workshop design. The design material mainly includes: equipment material selection, equipment selection, equipment cost estimation and design drawings of some equipment. In addition to the design of a single device, a brief description of the thermal integration network is also carried out. After the design of the equipment, the workshop layout is simply explained. Keyword xylene toluene methanol Aspen Plus alkylation