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֮ǰһѧҡǰתҵһֱ߼ְλ Haut





development for a division of 3M with more than $2.4 billion in annual revenues. 3M˾һŸԺҵÿϽɵ˰ոߴ24ڶԪ He is among those who value a sense of urgency.

һӽȸеˡ Business happens 24/7/365


which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well, says Haut.


One way that companies win is by getting there faster,


which means that you not only have to

mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly,


but you have to know how to decide where there is!

һ֪ξĿĵء This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, Щжٵǣ

but for those who can think fast and have the courage to act on their convictions. ҲЩ˼άݣԼ뷨µǶҪ

This requirement needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.


Trait 3: Risk tolerance 3̶

Being OK with risk is something that

industry demands. ҵҪԱܷܳա

A candidate needs to have demonstrated the ability to make decisions with imperfect or incomplete information.


He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion,


wrote one of my clients in a job description. һλͻְҵд Haut agrees. ͬһ˵

Business success is often defined by comfort with ambiguity and risk personal, organizational, and financial.


This creates a disconnect for many scientists because success in academia is really more about careful, studied research.


Further, great science is often defined by how one gets to the answer as much as by the answer itself,


so scientists often fall in love with the process.


In a business, you need to understand the process,


but you end up falling in love with the answer and then take a risk based on what you think that answer means to your business. ϴ𰸣ȻΪô𰸶ҵеðա