我国学科信息门户建设的研究 下载本文

密 级:秘密 学校代码:10075 分类号:G205..7 学 号:033796



学位申请人: 刘瑞瑞 指导教师: 顾潇华 教授 学位类别: 管理学硕士 学科专业: 图书馆学 授予单位: 河北大学 答辩日期: 二○○六年六月

Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: G250.7 NO: 033796

A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Management

The Reach about the Construction of Chinese Subject Information Gateway

Candidate: Liu Ruirui Supervisor: Prof. Gu Xiaohua

Academic Degree Applied for : Master of management

Specialty: Library Science University: Hebei University

Date of Oral Examination: June, 2006

摘 要

摘 要



为了找出国内外学科信息门户建设的具体差距所在,进一步加快我国学科信息门户建设的步伐,本文选取了国外三所著名的学科信息门户:英国的社会科学学科信息门户SOSIG(The Social Science Information Gateway)、英国的图书馆员公告板BUBL LINK(Bulletin Board for Libraries, Libraries of Networked Knowledge)、美国的图书馆员因特网索引LII(Librarians’ Index to the Internet),以及我国“国家科学数字图书馆(Chinese National Science Digital Library, CSDL)”的生命科学、数学物理、化学、资源环境和图书情报五大学科信息门户,从分类体系、资源类型、信息检索以及用户服务等多方面进行比较分析。并在比较分析的基础上,提出了我国学科信息门户建设中存在的困难与不足,以及如何借鉴国外的成功经验来促进我国学科信息门户的发展建设。

关键词 学科信息门户 CSDL 网络信息组织




The Subject Information Gateway develops after the Network Designation and the Resources Navigation. As a new network information of deep organization mode, it is an integration of network resources、tools and user service.

The construction of the Subject Information Gateway in the world begins from the 1990s, so far the well-known Subject Information Gateway inside the scope of world is already up to 100. But the construction of the Subject information gateway in our country falls behind the world .

For finding out the spatial difference of the construction between the domestic and the international subject information gateway, further speeding our country’s subject information gateway construction, this article selects three foreign Subject Information Gateways: BUBL LINK( the Bulletin Board for Libraries, the Libraries of Networked Knowledge), SOSIG(The Social Science Information Gateway), LII( Librarians' the Index to the Internet), and five subject information gateways in China. Compared and analyzed them in many ways from the classification system, resources type, the information index and the reader service etc. And then put forward the existent difficulty and shortages in the construction of our country’s Subject Information Gateway.

Keywords: Subject Information Gateway; CSDL; The network information organization