(完整版)【2016年春】新版人教版新目标英语八年级下册全册教案 下载本文

off, call up 1. He has a lot of work to do, so he has to _______________going to the doctor.

2. Could you help me _________________ these new books? 3. Don’t worry. I’ll help ______________your room. 4. Let’s _______________the sick kids in the hospital. 5. In the end, Grandma ________________ a good idea. 6. Would you please not _______________signs here?

7. We’re going to ______________a food bank to help hungry people.

8. I’ll ________you________ as soon as I come back. 【要点归纳】 重点词汇用法及短语动词的用法。 【拓展练习】


1. We can’t ________________ (推迟) holding a meeting . 2. He is a great man. He’d like to help _______________(无家可归)people.

3. He came very early, so that he could help _____________(清扫)the floor .

4. The football team won the game, and the football fans _______________(高声欢呼).

5. Suddenly he ______________________(想出了) a good idea . 6. They planned to _______(建立) a student volunteer project at the school .

Unit 2 Section A 3a-4 (1课时)

【学习目标】1. 掌握重点词汇、句型的运用。2. 运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章的意思。

【重点、难点】掌握重点词汇、句型的运用,阅读能力的提高。 【导学指导】 温故知新 翻译短语。

1)建立,建造 2)计划做某事 3)使振奋起来 4)推迟 5)花费……做某事 6)第77中学 7)帮组某人做某事 8)不仅……而且…… 自主互助学习

一、 自主预习

1.词汇检测:译一译,读一读,记一记 1) 训练,指导 2) 志愿者 3)elementary 4)



5) veterinarian 6) commitment 7) leave school

8) put this love to good use 2. 认真预习3a,完成3a,3b的任务。 二、知识点拨

1. Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people.

1)be home to sb 意为“是……的家园”,to 为介词,后加名词、代词,如果跟副词如here, there 等要省略介词 . 如:( )He was born in London, but now Pairs is home _____ him.

A. for B. to C. with D. about 2)Number 77 缩略形式为 。

2. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不仅对帮助别人感到愉快,而且我也开始花时间做我喜欢做的事情。

1)not only …but (also)… 意为 ,连接两个单句时,not only可以放在句首,表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如情态动词、助动词do, does, did, have, has ,had等)放在 语的前面,而 but also后的句子仍用陈述句语序; 当它连接

的成分作主语时,谓语动词应与but(also)后的成分保持一致,即 原则。e.g. Not only you but also he is wrong. 跟踪练习:

(1) — Do you think most of the people in Beijing can talk with foreigners in English ?

— Yes, I think so. _______ the young ______ the old are learning to speak English.

A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Between; and D. Not only; but also

(2) Not only Jim but also his sister _______ a few cities in the south since they came in China.

A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D. visited

2)get to do sth 意为“逐渐做……”表示一个渐进的过程。 e.g. I get to love sandwiches now. .

3.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is a major commitment.这份义工每周花了他们每个人好几个小时的时间,所以这是一个重大的贡献。



________has a different book. (强调各有不同。)


Here child at the age of six can go to school. (侧重整体,无一例外。)


◎each用在代词或复数名词前要用介词of连接,如each of them, each of the boys; every不能直接跟of连接,如不可以说every of them,而要说every one of them或each of them。◎every还可以表示“每…”,后接基数词加名词,如every four weeks , every three months 等,此种结构中的every不能用each代替。

She had a rest . 她每5分钟就休息一会儿。

三、合作学习 1. 角色扮演。小组合作完成3c的对话。 2. 小组讨论完成Part4。 【课堂练习】


( )1.The child looked sad. Let’s cheer him up.

A. happy B. make him happier C. shouted D. give a help

( )2. We’re going to set up a project to help hungry people.

A. start B. give up C. get up D. turn up

( )3. They need to come up with some ideas.

A. think about B. help… with C. think up D. think over

( )4. I’d like to help the kids do their homework.

A. help… doing B. help… with C. give a help D. give a hand

( )5. When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor for animals.

A. great man B. vet C. good doctor D. kind of animal

【要点归纳】 掌握重点词汇、句型的运用,阅读能力的提高。 【拓展练习】 单项选择。

( )1. Not only ______ run his machine, but _______ repair it. A. can he; he can B. he can; he can C. he can; can he D. can he ; can he

( )2. Not only _______ polluted but _______ crowded.

A. was the city ; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets

C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; the


streets were

( )3. Not only ______ me to a meal , but also he bought me a present.

A. did he invite B. he invited C. had he invited D. he had invited

( )4. The two girls were very happy because _____ of them had passed the math exam.

A. both B. all C. neither D. none

( )5. Did you ______ much money on the car ? A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take

Unit 2 Section B 1 a-2 c

【学习目标】 1.听力练习。2.掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away.

【重点、难点】掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away的运用及听力技能提高。

【导学指导】 温故知新


1) Let’s cheer _______ (they)up, ok?

2) I’d like _____ (visit)my English teacher tomorrow. 3) I’ll feel good about _______ (help)the old people. 4) He _____(spend) every morning _______ (do)some sports.

5) They plan ___________ (buy) a big house.

自主互助学习 一、自主预习

1. 译一译,读一读,背一背

1)相似的 2)修理 3)修理(短语) 4)与……相像

5)用完,耗尽 6)赠送,捐赠 2. 自主预习完成1a,1b.(必要时查查字典) 二、合作探究

1.辩一辩 take after & look like

1)take after 由于血缘关系而(外貌、性格等方面)相似,和 意义接近。如:

I take after my mother= ___________________________.我像我妈妈。 2) look like 看起来像……(多指外貌),如:He his mother. 他长得像他妈妈。