名校联考2019届七年级英语考试卷期中试卷16份合集 下载本文



28.This is a boy. His name is ______.

A. Zhao Haitao B. Zhao HaiTao C. Zhaohaitao D. Zhaohai Tao 29.—____ __? —It's 436-5859.

A. What's this B. How are you C. What's your telephone number D. What color is it 30.Please call John 578-6984.

A. at B. on C. in D. of 31.—Is this his pencil? —______. A. Yes, I am B. No, this is C. Yes, it's my pencil D. No, it isn't

32.—What's this in English? —It's a ______.

A. orange B. eraser C. apple D. baseball 33.—Where ______ the boys? —______ in the room.

A. is;It's B. are;They're C. are;He's D. is;He's 34.Here ______ a map ______ China.

A. is;in B. are;in C. is;of D. are;of 35. The map is in his________room.It’s not here.

A. parent B. parents C. parents’s D. parents'



Jack Smith has a nice photo. In the 36 there are seven people. Look, the old man with glasses(眼镜)is his 37 . His name is Bill Smith.

On the left(左边) of 38 grandfather is his grandmother. Those 39 Jack’s father and mother. His father’s 40 name is Paul. He is a policeman at a police station. He likes 41 . He can play football very well. His 42 name is Mary Smith. She is a teacher at a 43 . She is a good mother. Jack’s little brother is sitting 44 his father’s knees(膝盖). His sister’s name is Lucy Smith. 45 is a nice dog in the photo. Jack loves it! They are watching TV in the room. Jack has a big family. They look very happy! 36.A. photo

B. family

C. room C. uncle C. my C. are C. last C. music C. mother’s C. theatre

D. home D. aunt D. his D. be D. full

D. sports(运动) D. cousin’s D. hotel

37.A. grandfather B. grandmother 38.A. her 39.A. am 40.A. first 41.A. Chinese 42.A. sister’s 43.A. school

B. your B. is B. family B. English B. aunt’s B. hospital

44.A. on 45.A. It

B. in B. He

C. behind C. She

D. of D. There

B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并写在答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(10分)

quilt two friend look yellow Lily cat in nice under

Lucy and Lily are my 46 . They are twins(双胞胎). This is Lucy and

47 room. It’ s a 48 room. You can see 49 beds, a desk and a chair 50 the room. Lucy’ s bed is 51 Lily’ s bed. The beds are blue and the 52 are yellow. The desk and the chair are yellow, too. They both like 53 . Oh, 54 ! What’ s on the floor? It’ s a 55 . Its name is Mimi.

46. __________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. __________ 51. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________


A) 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A

Here are four notices on the board.Let’s read them together!

Found Found A red pen is in the classroom. A basketball is in the library. Is this yours? Call Tom at 555-2732. Call John at 555-4140. Lost Found I lost my school ID card.I must find A watch is in the classroom. it. Is this yours? Call Sandy at 555-0001.Thanks. Email Anna at zzas12@163.

56.You lost a red pen,and you can call________.

A. 555-5019 B. 555-0001 C. 555-4140 D. 555-2732 57.Who lost a school ID card?

A. John. B. Tom. C. Anna. D. Sandy. 58.If (如果)you lost a watch,you can email Anna at________. A. zzas@123 B. zzas12@163 C. szza12@163 D. 12zzas@126 B

Hello! I’m an English girl. My first name is Alice. My last name is White. I live in Shanghai with my parents now. I’m in No. 3 Middle Schoo1.My father and mother are in No. 3 Middle Schoo1, too. They are both English teachers. My brother is in Wuhan University(大学). His name is Tony. I have a Chinese

teacher. His name is Wang Yang. He can speak (说) English, Chinese and Japanese. He is a good teacher.

59.The writer’s (作者的) name is________

A. White Alice B. Yang D. Tony White





60.There are_______ people in Alice’s family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five 61.Wang Yang is_______.

A. a Chinese teacher B. Alice’s aunt C. an English teacher D. a student C

Hello, I am a box. I am big and I am green. I have many things(许多东西).

Look! This is a pencil box. It’s white. It is Jack’s. He likes white very much. What are in the pencil box? Three pens are in it. What is that? It’s an orange. It’s Linda’s. Oranges are her favorite fruit. Some baseballs are in me, too. They are John’s and Mark’s. They lost them on the playground(操场). Whose(谁的)keys are those? They are Anna’s. She lost them in the library. A boy found them. You can see an English book in me, too. Whose book is it? I don’t know. Who am I? I am the Lost and Found box.

62.What color is the pencil box?

A. Blue B. Pink C. White D. Green

63.The underlined word (划线单词) “fruit” means(意思是)” ” in Chinese (中文). A. 文具 B. 书籍 C. 运动 D. 水果 64 The underlined word (划线单词) “them” refer (指代) to .

A. pens B. keys C. baseballs D. oranges 65.Which statement of the followings is TRUE? (下列哪项陈述是正确的?)

A. Linda likes white. B. Four pens are in the pencil box. C. The keys are in the library now. D. We don’t know whose book it is.


Hi, I’m Cindy. Look at this photo. 66.________________—Brain and Isabel, they are old. 67.______________. My mom’s name is Carol and my dad is Jeff. 68.______________. She’s my mom’s sister. Her name is Alice. And Dick is her husband(丈夫). That’s Ivan and 69.___________. My brother’s name is Thomas, and my sister’s name is Juliet. They’re with my parents in this photo. But where am I? 70. _______________.

A. This is my aunt. B. these are my brother and sister. C. Here is a photo of my family. D. These are my grandparents. E. This is my friend Jane. F. They’re my mom’s parents. G. I’m not in this photo.


根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 A: Good afternoon, Cindy. B: 71 , Tina.

A: Can you take my sister’s notebook to her?. B: 72 .

A: No, it isn’t. It’s in my schoolbag. B: 73 .

A: It’s on the sofa.

B: Oh, there are so many notebooks in the schoolbag. 74 . A: The green one is my sister’s. B: OK. I see it. A: 75 . B: You are welcome.

A. Thank you. B. Good morning. C. Where’s your schoolbag? D. Which one (哪一个) is your sister’s? E. Good afternoon F. Sure. Is it on your desk? G. What’s this in English?



Dear Joe,

Could you please bring some things to school for me? ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Thanks!