《新发展研究生英语一》答案+课文翻译 下载本文

Task One

1. d, i 2. f, b 3. e, c 4. a, g 5. h, j Further Reading Reading Comprehension 1. He had gained 80 pounds from eating on the run which caused his obesity, and he had heart disease, with LDL (bad cholesterol) being too high and HDL (good cholesterol) too low. 2. Because fat cells in the belly do more damage. They release fatty acids and other substances that travel directly to the liver.

3. Sometimes the doctors are ignorant of women’s heart diseases, and the gold standard test for people complaining of chest pain is less reliable in women.

4. First, she shouldn’t smoke. Then, she can ask her doctor about a special test called an ABI. If she finds that she is at risk, she should talk to her doctor about taking a statin.

5. Their purpose is not to push pills for millions of teenagers and kids, but to draw attention to the rise in juvenile obesity and inform parents of the harm of poor health habits.

Unit 5 Dumped!

Before Reading Activities

1. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (1) scans; (2) dumped; (3) acutely; (4) beloved; (5) activated; (6) mood; (7) craving; (8) obsession; (9) attachment; (10) deadly Ⅱ. Language Focus Vocabulary Part A

1. courtship; 2. forlorn; 3. wears on; 4. myriad; 5. rekindle; 6. become obsessed with; 7. sever; 8. entice; 9. haunt; 10. storm out Part B

1. thwart; 2. melancholy; 3. psychiatrist; 4. lethargy; 5. berate; 6. trauma; 7. agonize; 8. rupture; 9. extricate; 10. reconciliation Bank-Cloze (1) confirms; (2) steady; (3) chores; (4) stem; (5) biological; (6) marital; (7) stepchildren; (8) grievance; (9) strain; (10) exert Translation Part A

1. While you might want to hole up and be alone, research shows that people cope better with stress in the presence of others, especially others undergoing similar stress.

2. When our love is rejected, our brain will scale sown their activity of making dopamine. Consequently, we feel depressed.

3. The President can ask for reconciliation in the racial conflict that divides Americans, but reconciliation comes only from the hearts of people.

4. These people spent an average of eight years of terror in mental hospital, sustaining tremendous mental trauma.

5. The explanation involves business, politics and history, and is in many respects a case study of how these three factors can intertwine with unhealthy consequences in Asia. Part B

一项最新调查研究显示,和你的伴侣吵上一架有益于身体健康。根据一项跟踪了192对美国夫妇17年的调查显示,夫妻两人均压抑自己的愤怒会让他们的死亡率比至少有一方站出来争吵的夫妇高出一倍。夫妇两人在一起,一项主要的任务就是和解冲突。关键在于当发生冲突时,如何消解它?之前的研究已经表明,压抑愤怒会增加和压力相关的疾病的患病率,比如心脏病和高血压。这项研究着眼于婚姻中被压抑的愤怒与其造成的怨恨是如何影响整体死亡率的。这和年龄、吸烟状况、体重、血压、支气管疾病、呼吸状况、患心血管疾病的风险都有关系。一位专家和他的同事们用问卷调查的方式来了解夫妻双方对于那些自己认为不公平的行为是如何回应的。有26对夫妻双方都会选择压抑愤怒,而剩下的166对夫妇中至少有一方会表达自己的愤怒。在夫妻双方均压抑愤怒的家庭中,有一半已经失去了一方配偶,而在另外的166对夫妻中,在17年后失去一方配偶的家庭只占26%。调查还显示,压抑愤怒的夫妇双方均死亡的可能性竟然高达5倍。但是这位专家告诫道,这个结果仍旧是初步的,并不能作为一个有代表性的样本反映目前婚姻关系。 Writing Project Task One

1. d b e a c; 2. e c a b d f; 3. b e a d c; 4. d b c f a e; 5. Contrast. Further Reading Reading Comprehension 1. Yes. Any bad luck befalling was attributed to their decision to have no children.

2. The author cites it to show that our cultural belief that having kids is the key to happiness and a healthy life is still popular. That’s why Simon received plenty of hate mail.

3. Because in most parents’ opinions, parenthood is supposed to be a blessing from God and if they say that child rearing makes them feel depressed, it’s blasphemy.

4. On the one hand, the society is different because of the major shifts in employment patterns and working couples have less support from extended family; on the other hand, parents today also expect too much from the promise of parenting.

5. Whether having kids will make you happy or not depends on your attitude. Kids can be gifts from God if you keep looking at the blissful moment they bring or kids can be ruin of your life if you just keep looking at the troubles and difficulties they cause.

Unit 6 Why So Much Is Beyond Words

Before Reading Activities

1. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (1) obvious; (2) the use of words; (3) non-verbal communication;

(4) sending and receiving; (5) gesture; (6) object communication; (7) voice quality; (8) Likewise; (9) face-to-face interaction; (10) classified Ⅱ. Language Focus Vocabulary Part A

1. give off; 2. superfluous; 3. manipulate; 4. meander; 5. embrace; 6. garrulous; 7. dizzy; 8. mimic; 9. odor; 10. epoch Part B

1. primer; 2. dazzling; 3. marvel; 4. commune; 5. overt; 6. quirky; 7. prop; 8. anonymous; 9. duplicitous; 10. Mystical

Bank-Cloze (1) observations; (2) universal; (3) contract; (4) regardless of; (5) identify; (6) by and large; (7) set; (8) interpret; (9) imitate; (10) spontaneous Translation Part A

1. It is very hard to get across the cultural factors in their communications with local people to foreign visitors.

2. The method of management in the past time of industry economy is doomed to be substituted by new digital integration.

3. Ambitious coaches cannot be so foolish as to indulge in sports at the expense of their school students.

4. Sometimes people can’t communicate successfully with each other just because they fall short of utilizing appropriate facial expressions and gestures.

5. The warranty does not hold good for any damage to the machine caused by accident or improper use. Part B


考虑到非言语交际的影响,我们其实从未真正地停止过沟通。我们如何走路、站立、如何使用双手、如何举手投足、如何表现情绪等都在向他人传递信息。这也就是为什么像俗语所说的“看一个人就像读一本书一样。”假如你读懂了一个人,那么就像在那拥挤房间中的男孩及女孩后来发现的一样,也许一个爱情故事由此诞生。 Writing Project Task One

are 1. Why is Martha and her mother digging a hole in their garden so late at night? looks 2. Neither of my children look like me. were 3. Three goats, a potbellied pig, and a duck was among the entrants in the pet parade.

look 4. The little balls all over my pink sweater looks like woolen goose bumps. are 5. Here is the low-calorie cola and the double-chocolate cake you ordered. interferes 6. The odor of those perfumed ads interfere with my enjoyment of a magazine. is 7. One of my roommates are always leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. are 8. A tiny piece of gum and some tape is holding my old glasses together. begins 9. A man in his forties often begin to think about making a contribution to the world and not just about himself.

has 10. Each of the child’s thirty-four stuffed animals have a name and an entire life


have 11. The majority has their tickets for the boat ride. is 12. Tomorrow, a rescue team are expected to arrive at the site of the


Further Reading Reading Comprehension 1. The medium refers to the cultural air breathed by a group, in which they interpret history, define their social identity, and create a system of values.

2. Incorrect understanding of the other side’s behaviors led to the conflict.

3. First of all, culture is always relevant. Besides, the medium changes as the environment around it changes. Finally, the medium is life-sustaining.

4. We should entertain ideas of doing things in a different way though a medium remains in constant form. And fortunately contemporary cultures are not a static medium but are influenced by change and the efforts to create changes.

5. Cultural values and norms contribute to conflict. We can find the common ground among those on opposite sides of a conflict by exploring cultural values and norms and solve the conflict by peaceful means.

Unit 7 The Artist’s Life, Creativity