绝地求生(吃鸡)英文常用语改良版 下载本文

行了。进场的寒暄很重要,老美如果发现某位队友上飞机了都不说话,那他们会大概率跳机场,直接deathmatch 刚一波结束。 跳伞

看你想不想指挥。All right man where r we going =v=? / Man we r going here.(地图上直接打点就好) 我旁边两队人I got two squads around me.

沿着公路飞,然后找个车Let's fly along the road and find a vehicle.

学校我承包了I'm gonna loot the school ;P 决策

地图上红绿黄蓝点red/green/yellow/blue marker on the map/mini map

我们是要肛枪还是猥琐发育?Are we going risky or safety?

咱桥头埋伏一波Let's ambush[??mb??] the bridge. 我们守这儿打劫收过路费怎么样?How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?

毒来了咱们进圈吧Electric[??lektr?k]'s coming, let's get in the circle [?s?:kl] .

赶紧的!-A- Double time! 侦查

四排时候告诉队友你正在观察哪个方向,避免视野重复。 我看着N方向吧I take care of north side. 注意身后Watch your back.

盯着点那些树/石头Keep an eye on those trees/rocks. 那些房子被人撸过了Those houses are looted. 趴着prostrate/蹲着crouching 报点


距离:too far away (8x~15x) / far away (4x) / dead ahead (2x) / close range (1x) / on my face (melee)

方向:游戏内报方向尽量用HUD标尺。观战模式推荐用时钟法,常用的也就有eleven、one、twelve、six o'clock这些。 我听见车声了。I hear a car.

他想碾死我!He's gonna run over me!

我旁边这栋楼里有脚步声,我ID叫Kit I got movement in this building, this is Kit.

我看到平原上两个人在跑,NW方向往N方向I see two men on the plain, running, northwest to north.

我看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和S之间,大概200米远 I see one in the red house, derection one seventy five, south, second floor, about two hundred meters away. 大概是这样的报点顺序。 进攻

游戏大前期和大后期不需要报点,直接开火即可。中期开枪前需要和队友交流报点,以免暴露位置,延误战机,偷鸡不成反被偷。(看见人以后……)我没有暴露,随时可以开火I'm not compromised, ready to engage. 我能秒了他I can nuke.

别开枪Hold ur fire, we r not shooting. 有人打他们呢Someone's shooting them.

注意友军在你身后Hey Alisa, Friendly behind u, take care. 他好像是个独狼He's alone, I think.

我拉个角度Move up/around for a better view. 我从左边包抄过去了啊I'm gonna flank him on the left.(本人超级喜欢绕别人屁股打)

我需要火力掩护Need some covering fire. 注意房间角落Watch those corners. 跟近点老哥们Stay close budies.

我扔雷了啊Frag out./ Stun out. / Popping smoke. 淘汰了/打死他了Knocked out. / He's down. 把车干炸!!!Light'em up!

现在自由开火,看见人了直接打Weapon's free now. If you see anyone, just shoot.

干得漂亮老哥Nice shot dude.

我舔包去了啊。掩护我I'm gonna loot him, cover me :) 这真他么是一个肥盒啊Opp what a f♂cking mystery box. 被打

一脸懵逼的被干了Taking fire o_0... 我被狙击手干了I'm hit. Sniper. 撤退get back/找掩体 take cover

他们冲过来了They r closing in!

有个逼要冲我楼快来支援There's one rushing upstairs, need assistant!

你稳住我马上过去Hold on there, I'm moving up. 艹尼吗的自己人停火 Friendly fire!! 扶他起来Get him up.

我快死了,别救我了I'm dying, don't save me. 进入观察模式


队友跑毒中…… Come on man, u r gonna make it!