国际贸易实务期末考试复习资料 下载本文

A. the issuing bank B. the sellers C. the buyers D. the carrier

解:按照国际惯例,当合同未对有关的运输标志做出规定时,一般由卖方自行决定,以 保证卖方能在合同规定的船期内发运和交货,故答案为 B。

51. In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is


A. straight bill of lading B. unclean bill of lading

C. bearer bill of lading D. order bill of lading 解:指示提单是指提单的收货人栏填写“凭指定”(To Order)和或“凭某某人指定” (To Order of XXX)字样。这种提单可经过背书转让,故其在国际贸易中广为使用。记名提 单是指提单的收货人栏填明特定收货人名称,只能由该特定收货人提货。这种提单不能通 过背书转让,不能流通,故其在国际贸易中很少使用。不记名提单是指提单的收货人栏没 有注明任何收货人名称,只注明提单持有人字样,承运人把货交给提单持有人。不记名提 单无须背书转让,流通性极强,但风险很大,故在国际贸易中很少使用。而不洁提单是指承 运人在签发的提单上带有明确注明货物及/或包装有缺陷状况的条款或批注的提单。不 洁提单一般不为买家所接受,故在国际贸易中很少使用。故答案为 D。

52. In DES contracts, a reasonable order for time of shipment and time of delivery is


A. July 1 and June 1

B. June 1 and July 1 C. June 1 and June 1 D. July 1 and July 1

解:DES 属于到达合同的性质。在按 DES 术语成交时,卖方承担货物运至目的地 的所有费用和风险,即在目的地卖方履行其交货义务。所以,装船期和交货期是两个完 全不同的概念,且装船期在前,交货期在后。故答案为 B。

53. A bill of lading is when its date of shipment is indicated earlier than the actual time of shipment.

A. stale B/L B. confirmed B/L C. ante-dated B/L D. straight B/L

解:在货物装运中,如果货物实际装船完毕日期迟于信用证规定的装运日期,为了使 签发提单日期与信用证规定的装运日期相吻合,以便结汇,承运人应托运人的要求,在提单 上仍按信用证规定的装运日期签发,这种提单称为“倒签提单”。故答案为 C。

54. A (An) represents title to the cargo.

A. CTD B. air waybill C. road waybill D. bill of lading 解:在所有的运输单据中,只有提单是货物所有权的凭证。提单在法律上具有物权证 书的作用,货物抵达目的港后,承运人应向提单的合法持有人交付货物。故答案为 D。

55. In the import and export business, can be made out to negotiable document. A. a rail waybill B. an ocean B/L

C. an air waybill D. a parcel post receipt 解:在所有的运输单据中,只有海运提单是货物所有权的凭证。提单在法律上具有物

权证书的作用,货物抵达目的港后,承运人应向提单的合法持有人交付货物,提单可以通过 背书转让,从而实现转让货物的所有权。故答案为 B。

56. The bill of lading presented to the consignee or buyer or his bank after the stipulated expiry date of presentation or after the goods are due at the port of destination is a . A. stale B/L B. confirmed B/L

C. ante-dated B/L D. straight B/L.

解:过期提单是指错过规定的交单期或晚于货物到达目的港日期的提单。故答案为 A。

57. A “freight to be collected” B/L is acceptable to the buyer when the contract is based

on . A. FOB B. CFR C. FCA D. CPT 解:根据 Incoterms 2010,只有在 FOB 合同中卖方不需要负责运输合同并承担主要 运输费。故答案为 A。

58. A

normally has regular scheduled departures, specified routes and

comparatively fixed freight rates.

A. time charter B. voyage charter

C. conference liner D. non-conference liner 解:班轮运输一般具有的特点有:船舶按照固定的船期表,沿着固定的航线和港口来 往运输。而相对于非公会同盟班轮,公会同盟班轮的运费率更加固定。故答案为 C。

59. An order B/L with blank endorsement is a B/L showing


A. neither the name of consignee nor the name of transferor

B. neither the name of consignee nor the name of transferee

C. both the name of consignee and the name of transferor

D. both the name of consignee and the name of transferee

解:指示提单是指提单的收货人栏填写“凭指定”(To Order)和/或“凭某某人指定” (To Order of XXX)字样。这种提单可经过背书转让,背书的方式有“空白背书(Blank Endorsement)”和“记名背书”。其中的“空白背书”是指背书人(提单转让人)在提单背 面签名,而不注明被背书人(提单受让人)名称。故答案为 B。

510. A (An) B/L refers to the one that is made out to a designated consignee.

A. straight B. order C. specific order D. bearer

解:记名提单是指提单的收货人栏填明特定收货人名称,只能由该特定收货人提货。 故答案为 A。

61. The main document adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is


A. bill of lading

C. insurance certificate

B. transportation documents D. insurance document 解:A、B 和 D 都是索赔所需的文件,其中 D 保险文件是最主要的;C 含括在 D 中, 故最好的答案为 D。

62. Perils of the sea, such as vessel being stranded or grounded covered in an insurance policy is one kind of . A. natural calamities B. fortuitous accident

C. general extraneous risks D. special extraneous risks

解:风险包括海上风险(perils of the sea)和外来风险(extraneous risks)两种,C 和 D 不 是海上风险,而是外来风险,故不对;题中的海上风险属于 B 意外事故,不是 A 自然灾害, 答案是 B。

63. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People?s Insurance Company of China”, the coverage which cannot be effected independently is .

A. FPA B. WPA C. War Risk D. All Risks

解:FPA、WPA 和 All Risks 是我国海运货物保险的三个基本险别,可以单独投保,但 是 C 战争险是特殊附加险,附加险不能单独投保,只能在基本险的基础上附加投保,故根据 题意,答案为 C。

64. Company A exported 5 metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea water in the ship?s hold led to the deterioration in the quality of part of the tea exported. This kind of loss is . A. actual total loss B. constructive total loss C. general average D. particular average 解:根据题意,部分茶叶受损,不是全损,可以排除 A 和 B;茶叶受损是由于遭受大雨, 海水进入船舱引起的,而不是为救助共同货物、采取故意措施而牺牲的,因此这部分的损 失应该属于单独海损,故答案为 D。

65. The insurance document that is acceptable mostly in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia is .

A. insurance policy B. insurance certificate C. combined certificate D. open policy 解:联合凭证(combined certificate)是比较简化的一种保险单据,保险公司只需将保险 险别、金额、保险人和理赔代理人的名称和地址等内容加注在发票上,并经保险人签章就 可以生效了。这种把发票和保险单结合起来的联合凭证,与保险单有同等效力,目前仅适 用于我国港澳和新马地区的出口业务中。

66. The coverage of ICC (A) is equivalent to that of of CIC. A. FPA B. WPA C. All Risks D. Additional Risks 解:根据伦敦保险协会对新条款的规定,ICC(A)采用“一切风险减除外责任”的办法, 即除了“除外责任”项下所列风险保险人不予负责外,其它风险均予负责。此与我国海运 货物保险中的“一切险”的责任范围相当。

67. Risks such as “failure to delivery risk” or “rejection risk” fall within the category of


A. general extraneous risks

B. special extraneous risks C. natural calamities D. fortuitous accidents

解:外来风险(extraneous risks)是由于外部因素而引起的损失,包括了一般外来风险 (general extraneous risks)和特殊外来风险(special extraneous risks)两种,交货不到(failure to delivery risk)和进口国拒绝进口(rejection risk)属于后者,故答案为 B。

68. According to “Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People?s Insurance Company of China”, the basic coverage that is the least extensive is _.

A. FPA B. WPA C. All Risks D. War Risk

解:平安险(FPA)是三种基本险中险别最小的,保险公司对由于自然灾害所造成的单 独海损不负责赔偿;水渍险(WPA)下,保险公司则在赔偿平安险范围内的风险外,还要赔 偿这部分的损失;而一切险(All Risks)下,保险公司除保水渍险下的风险外,还要负责赔偿 由一般外来风险所造成的损失,故答案为 A。

69. In the case of air transportation insurance, if the subject matter insured failed to reach the warehouse at destination stipulated in the insurance policy, the expiration of the insurance is after completion of discharge of the insured goods from the aircraft at the final port of discharge.

A. 15 days B. 30 days C. 60 days D. 90 days

解:航空运输险的责任起讫也采用适用海运货物保险起讫范围的“仓至仓”条款,即 自货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库开始至抵达保险单所载的目的地交到收货人仓 库为止。但与海运“仓至仓”条款不同的是,如果被保险货物未到达上述仓库,则承保期限 以货物最后卸离飞机后满 30 天为止,而不是 60 天。15 天的这种说法适用于海运战争险 中货物为卸离船只和邮包险中货物为抵达收件人处所的情况。故这道题的答案为 B。

610. Under coverage of London Institute Cargo Clause, only major casualties are covered, but not natural calamities.

A. ICC (A) B. ICC (B) C. ICC (C) D. Institute War Clause-Cargo 解:根据伦敦保险协会的规定,ICC(C)险承保的范围比 ICC(A)、(B)小得多,它只承保 “重大意外事故”,而不承保“自然灾害及非重大意外事故”,故答案为 C。

71. If there is no specific provision, the draft under a letter of credit should draw on the


A. advising bank B. issuing bank C. negotiating bank D. applicant 解:由于信用证是由开证行开出给受益人的有条件的支付承诺,所以在没有特别规定 的情况下开证行是支付的第一责任人。信用证项下的汇票应该以开证行作为受票人要求 其履行支付义务。