新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit2 下载本文


12 从这一代人处理个人生活的方式上,我们很容易看出他们的思想倾向。跟从前相比,现在有更多的情感在欲望的压力下扭曲。他们更注重外表的美丽而忽视内在的魅力。两性交往随便了,亲密无间却少了;激情多了,感情却少了;个人获得的多了,相互间分享的少了;寻机获利的现象多了,无私的奉献少了。简而言之,“自我”多了,爱的分享少了。

13 在这个竞争激烈的年代,我们已经变得麻木不仁,将恋爱的实质抛于脑后。作为恋爱中的人,不只是意味着把红色的玫瑰花和五毛钱一张的卡片送给恋人,我们要做的事情还很多。我们将自己的时间、陪伴、支持和友谊作为礼物送给自己的恋人了吗?我们是否确定了生活中最重要的事情,而后真诚地做好每一件事?我们是否先在情感上成熟起来,再尽情地追求爱情?我们是否给自己、给他人足够的时间和空间以巩固恋情的发展?我们是否为了追求有意义的、永恒的友谊而不遗余力?我们是否履行了自己的承诺?我们是否将自己的精力和感情倾注于终生不渝的关系而不是浪费在朝秦暮楚的关系中?

14 人的生命只有一次,我们必须去体验能使我们更为坚强的每件事。真正的爱情一生只有一次。我们本不该任由轻佻的行为令自己身心疲惫,而当真正的爱情到来时,我们却没有能力伸开双臂迎接它的降临。

Good Usage (Paras. 1-2) is holding on let it go

at some stage or the other defies definition

a feeling that can only be felt and not described an overwhelming joy

Good Usage (Para. 3)

given the busy nature of our lives indulge in

having countless crushes the way they walked harmless puppy loves as brief as soap bubbles

nothing could be more serious an affair for me

Good Usage (Paras. 4-5) interact with

the opposite gender

well-groomed young gentlemen provided us with enough content feel excited about

there was no real need of…

Good Usage (Paras. 6-7) happen when it had to It came at an age when… a more or less settled life

demands a lot of give and not so much of take loads of sharing and caring a meeting of minds

the traditional school of romance be distinguished from


the intense but short-lived love

Good Usage (Para. 8) our parents’ generation was fed lavishly with ideals shy glance

are …remindful of a bygone era

Good Usage (Paras. 9-10)

has jumped on the bandwagon of love

physical attraction and mental compatibilities have been exposed to have fast paced

taking things slow requires effort on our parts brag about

Good Usage (Paras.11-12) all too evident

emotional baggage blame…on

the current affairs peer pressure figure out

is responsible for this shift the state of mind of handle its personal life under the pressures of lust

There is more focus on … than on … physical beauty inner charm

Good Usage (Para.13) this competitive age our object of affection set priorities with sincerity

be self-sufficient emotionally letting ourselves loose

working towards meaningful and lasting friendships honouring our commitments

channeling our energies and emotions towards lifelong bonds

seasonal relationships

Good Usage (Para.14)

True love happens once in a lifetime. frivolous acts

receive … with open arms

Key Words and Expressions for Text A

hold on continue in spite of difficulties 继续(坚持)下去


e.g. 1. It’s a difficult task, but if we hold on we’ll succeed in the end.

2. We should hold on to our business during the recession. 在经济衰退时期我们要把业务坚持下去。

defy vt. make impossible or unsuccessful; refuse to obey 使不可能,使落空;违抗 e.g. 1. The forest fire spread so fast that it defied any attempt to control it. 2. These criminals who had defied the law were eventually punished.

这些无视法律的罪犯终于得到了惩罚。 Collocations:

defy the authority 反抗权威

defy the government 蔑视政府 defy severe cold 不畏严寒 CF: oppose, defy & resist


oppose 普通用词,可表不同程度的抵抗。例:

* This new plan has been stubbornly opposed since it was put forward. defy 指公开地、勇敢地反对或抵抗,有时含公然挑衅之意。例: * He defied the court order by leaving the country. resist 指积极地反抗一种攻击、暴力或诱惑。例: * Our troopers are resisting the enemy’s attacks.

The little boy couldn’t resist the temptation and ate up all the cake.

given prep. if one takes into account 如果考虑到,倘若

e.g. 1. Given (the fact) that they’re inexperienced, they’ve done a good job.

2. Given the company’s poor achievement in the first half of the year, we decided that the investment be left aside.


interact vi. [(with)] (of people) act together or co-operatively, esp. so as to communicate with each other; act or have an effect on each other [常与with连用] (指人)一起活动或互相合作(尤指为互相联系);互相作用;互相影响

e.g. 1. Language teachers should know how to interact with their students in class.

2. Teachers should interact with students frequently to ensure a good class atmosphere.


give and take willingness of each person to give way to (some of ) the other’s wishes; willingness to compromise 互相让步(迁就);妥协

e.g. 1. There has to be a lot of give and take in any successful marriage.

2. If the dispute is to be resolved there must be some give and take. 若要争执得以解决,双方就要互相让步。

build … on/upon base on 建立在……之上

e.g. 1. Don’t build your hopes on his promises; he never keeps his word. 2. A good marriage should be built on mutual understanding.


affection n. fondness; gentle lasting love, like that of a parent for a child 感情;挚爱,钟爱,(父母对子女的)慈爱

e.g. 1. The old man has a deep and strong affection for the town where he grew up.

2. The old man felt great affection for his granddaughter.



CF: affection, love & attachment 这些名词均含“爱”、“热爱”之意。

affection 指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情,强调感情的深沉。例:

* Father looked at his little daughter in the white wedding dress with great affection and a little sadness. love比affection的语气更强。表示一种难以控制的激情。例: * The young pair are in love with each other.

attachment 通常用于书面文字中,既可指对某人某物的喜欢,又可指出自理智对某人或某物的热爱,尤指长时间的爱。例:

* I never realize my attachment to the comforts of home until I have to leave it.

ideal n. [often pl.] (a belief in) high principles or perfect standards [常用复数]理想

e.g. 1. She’s spent her whole life in pursuit of her ideal of becoming a well-known writer.

2. He finds it hard to live up to his ideals. 他认为很难按自己的理想办事。

era n. period in history marked by an important event or development (以重大事件或重要发展为标志


e.g. 1. The Tang Dynasty was an era of prosperity in the history of China.

2. Some say the computer has ushered in a new era. 有人说电脑开辟了一个新时代。

restraint n. [C (on)] sth. that restrains; restriction; [U] often apprec the quality of being restrained or restraining oneself [常与on连用]限制(物);〖常褒〗克制,抑制,遏制 e.g. 1. Lack of space is the main restraint on the firm’s business expansion.

2. As they grow older, kids begin to rebel against the restraints imposed by their parents. 随着孩子们渐渐长大,他们开始反抗父母的管束。

curl vt. twist into or form a curl or curls 使弯曲

e.g. 1. She kicked off her shoes and curled her feet under her.

2. He yawned and curled his body and fell alseep. 他打了个呵欠,蜷拢起身子,睡着了。

preserve vt. [(from)] prevent (sb. or sth.) from being harmed or destroyed [常与from连用]保护;保存(使免受破坏)

e.g. 1. There is much we can do to preserve the environment from being polluted.

2. What can we do to preserve the natural resources from ruin? 我们怎么做才能保护自然资源不遭破坏?

haste n. [U] too much speed, often with bad or unwanted results; quick movement or action, esp. when one has very little time to do sth.; speed 过速,急忙;性急;匆忙,仓促 e.g. 1. In his haste to leave, he almost forgot to say goodbye to his host. 2. More haste, less speed.


via prep. by means of; using 通过,借助于

e.g. 1. I frequently send messages to my friends via my mobile phone.

2. The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛通过人造卫星做实况转播。