By the frequently use of English loanwords, we can see the interposing of western culture is quickly and comprehensively. It has infiltrated to every city and village in our country. In the new area of Reform and Opening, loanwords from English changed not only in number but also in quality. Loaning foreign words directly in to Chinese is unimaginable in old times, it also means that we have changed our minds to accept more foreign things. People are positively to accept the sense of global village and to take in the loanwords.
English loanwords pour fresh blood into modern Chinese, enrich the expression of Chinese, and bring foreign culture and development of technology. Language is surely developing and creating. People in modern times cannot say or write like those hundreds of years ago, and they use the new words pouring into their daily speech. However, in the high tide of importing loanwords, there is some tendency of using loanwords indiscriminately, which we should attach great importance to, and we should take measures to solve the problem as quickly as possible. We cannot use these words at random and we cannot create any new words with our own imagination. We must insure our mother language to be accurate and normative. Only in this way will we absorb more loanwords, and at the same time carry forward good Chinese traditions.
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