English Loan-words in Chinese 下载本文

谱‖and ―推特‖ to name them in our language. Fresh thing gives life to new English loanword and lead it into a new stage. In 21st century , English loanwords mainly lie in high-tech field and cultural sphere .They have one same feature, their numbers are huge than before. It was caused by today’s quick life style and fast speed of appearing of new things.

All in all, in the past 30 years, English loan words in Chinese develop in such a rich and varied way. In the 1980s, they were introduced into our country. In the 1990s, they became more mature than before. Now their families expand at an amazing speed. We believe that there will be an increasingly large number of English loanwords into our Chinese language, which will not only enrich our language but also our culture.


4 Borrowing Methods of English Loanwords in Chinese

Just as what we discussed in the previous chapter, after the China’s reforming and opening up, English loanwords began to spring up in China. In recent years, a considerable number of English loan words, such as ―X 光‖(guāng)\射线‖(sh è x i àn), ―可口可乐‖(coca cola) , ―麦克风‖(microphone), ―比基尼‖(bikini), ―超市‖(supermarket) and English abbreviations such as ―WTO\ have been existing in Chinese publications and people’s daily life. Some linguistics analyse these words basing on the time when they were introduced into China, and some classify them into different types according to their characteristics. In our paper, according to their borrowing methods, we classify these English loan words in Chinese into seven types.

4.1 Loan words borrowed phonetically and semantically

It means \音借词\in Chinese. It is the kind of English loan words borrowed phonetically and semantically, but not morphologically. It means that some English words are borrowed into Chinese through the way of using the Chinese characters which share the same sounds with those English words, to represent the English ones. But in new words, those Chinese characters do not have their original meaning any more, and they only possess their own pronunciation and writing form.

For example, the word―可口可乐‖(coca cola), ―coca cola‖ in English is pronounced as /k??k?, k??l?/, when the drink was introduced to China, people imitated its pronunciation ―kěkǒukělè‖and named it ―可口可乐‖. Also, ―妈咪‖(mummy) is classified into this kind too. In Chinese, ―妈咪‖ is pronounced ―mā mi‖, it is similar to―mummy(/' m?mi/)‖ in English. To some Chinese young people, those音借词sound very fashionable, so they like to use these worlds very much.

In Chinese, most of the English names for people, place are borrowed through this way. Such English loan words include: 纽约‖(New York),―伦敦‖(London),―柏拉图‖( Plato) and so on. Besides, some food and inventions are also usually borrowed by this way. Such English loan words include: ―三明治‖(Sandwich), ―可口可乐‖(coca cola), ―麦克风‖(microphone) and so on . Some other English loan


words like: ―酷‖(cool)、迪斯科‖(disco)、―欧佩克‖(OPEC)、―托福‖(TOEFL)、―雅皮士‖(Yuppies)、―特氟隆‖(teflon)、―比基尼‖(bikini)、―尤里卡‖(EURECA)、―披头士‖(Beatles)、―腊克‖(locquer)、―朋克‖(punk)、―黑客‖ (hacker)、―克隆‖(clone)、―雷达‖(radar). These words are frequently used in people’s daily life, now.

4.2 Loan words translated according to their original meaning

It means \译借词\in Chinese, and it refers to the kind of English loan words by translating them according to their original meaning.

For example, the root of telephone is ―tele‖, and ―tele‖ means ―distance‖ and ―far away‖ in English. ―Phone‖ is a receiver. So in Chinese it is used to refer to the electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sound. And ―调制调解器‖(modem), ―电视‖(television), ―工商管理硕士‖(MBA) are also come into being by translating them according to their original meaning in English.

What we should pay attention to is that there is a special kind of\译借词\by taking an English word or phrase as a model and translating it in to Chinese morpheme by morpheme. In the new words, the Chinese words loose their original meaning, too.

For example, ―马力‖(horse power). In this word, 马(m ǎ)indicates the English word ―horse‖ and ―power‖ is translated into ―力‖(l ì), so a new Chinese word ―马力‖ has been used to refer to ―horse power‖ in English. Another typical example is ―蜜月‖(honeymoon). In Chinese, ―honey‖ is translated into ―蜜(mì)‖ and ―moon‖ means ―月(yuè)‖. According to ―honeymoon‖, ―蜜(mì)‖ and ―月(yuè)‖ was put together as ―蜜月‖ to refer to the happy travel taken by the newlyweds after the wedding.

Besides, many other English loan words like ―机关枪‖(machine gun), ―足球‖(football), ―鸡尾酒会‖(cocktail party) 、―超人 (superman)、―超级明星‖(superstar)、―超市‖(supermarket)、―毫微技术‖ (nano-technology)、―千年虫‖ (millennium bug)、―热线‖ (hot line)、―冷战‖ (cold war)、―绿


卡‖ (green card)、―情商‖ (emotional quotient) are also come into being through the same way. Many experts call this special kind as ―mo j i e(摹借)‖ and we can regard it as a subdivision of \

4.3 Loan words composed of both an English part and a Chinese part

It means ―混借词‖ in Chinese. It refers to the kind of English loan words composed of both English part and Chinese part. More specifically, there is always a Chinese noun to denote the type after the English loan words.

For example, ―啤酒‖ (beer) is composed of English word ―beer‖ and Chinese word ―酒‖. People used ―啤(pí)‖ just because its pronunciation (pí) is similar to English sound /bi?/ of ―beer‖. In Chinese ―酒‖ is a noun describing a kind of drink, so ―啤酒‖ in Chinese is used to refer to ―beer‖ in English; and ―吉普车‖(jeep) is also made up of ―吉普‖ and ―车‖. In this word, ―吉普(jípǔ)‖ is used to imitate the sound of English word ―jeep‖ / ji:p/, and ―车‖ is a Chinese noun denoting that it is a kind of vehicle.

There are many other examples belonging to this kind of English loan words like AA制、BP机、AB股、SOS儿童村、IC卡、B超、AC米兰队、三K党、KTV包房、U2型飞机、T恤. This kind of words have their own advantages. They are easy for people to understand and they make the communication more convenient among people.

4.4 A shift in the meaning of some established native Chinese Characters

We call it \转借词\native morpheme, only borrowing the foreign meaning. In Chinese, this means a shift in the meaning of some established native Chinese Characters, so as to accommodate the meaning of English words. That is, the word has already existed in Chinese language, when borrowing the same word from English, people assimilated some of its meaning in English which are new to Chinese, and then the meaning of this word in Chinese has been extended. Sometimes, the work is accomplished through an intermediary. And English ―zhuan jie ci‖ in Chinese mainly comes from Japanese.