2013´´ÐÂÉè¼ÆÓ¢Ó½­ËÕרÓ㩽ÌʦÓÃÊé8Unit2Language(Å£½òÒëÁÖ°æ±ØÐÞ3) ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

Unit 2 Language


1£®mixture n£®»ìºÏ£»»ìºÏÌå 2£®official adj.¹Ù·½µÄ£»ÕýʽµÄ 3£®entire adj.ÍêÈ«µÄ£»Õû¸öµÄ 4£®distinction n£®Çø±ð£¬²î±ð

5£®character n£®(Êéд»òÓ¡Ë¢)ÎÄ×Ö£»·ûºÅ£»ÈËÎÐÔ¸ñ 6£®mistaken adj.´íÎóµÄ£»Îó½âµÄ 7£®hunt vt.&vi.´òÁÔ£¬ÁÔɱ£»ËÑÑ° 8£®combine vt.&vi.×éºÏ£»(ʹ)ÁªºÏ

9£®press vt.(±»)ѹ£¬¼·£»ÍÆ£»Ê©¼ÓѹÁ¦ n£®±¨¿¯£»ÐÂÎŽ磻³ö°æÉç 10£®pattern n£®Í¼°¸£¬»¨ÎÆ£»Ä£Ê½£»·½Ê½ 11£®nowadays adv.at the present time 12£®defeat vt.to win a victory over someone

13£®process n£®a set of actions or changes that develop or happen naturally 14£®interrupt vi.&vt.to break someone's flow of speech or action 15£®practical adj.sensible and good at dealing with real situation ¢ò.´Ê»ãÍØÕ¹

1£®contribute vi.&vt.¹±Ïסúcontribution n£®¹±Ï×

2£®class n£®½×¼¶£¬½×²ã¡úclassic adj.¾­µäµÄ¡úclassify vt.·ÖÀà¡úclassification n£®·ÖÀà

3£®differ vi.ÏàÒ죬ÓÐÇø±ð¡údifference n£®²îÒì¡údifferent adj.²»Í¬µÄ 4£®indicate vt.ÏÔʾ£¬±íʾ£»ÏóÕ÷£»°µÊ¾¡úindication n£®ÏóÕ÷

5£®represent vt.´ú±í¡úrepresentative n£®´ú±í¡úrepresentative n£®´ú±í£¬±íʾ Óï¾³Öú¼Ç¡ª¡ª´Ê²»Àë¾ä£¬¾ä²»Àë¶Î

The official representative made great contributions to the process of this program. Despite many classes disagree with it.What they did really made a great difference. ¢ó.¶ÌÓïÂäʵ

1£®be made up ÓÉ¡­¡­×é³É 2£®distinguish... from ±æ±ð¡­¡­ 3£®combine... with °Ñ¡­¡­ºÍ×éºÏÔÚÒ»Æð 4£®name after ÒÔ¡­¡­ÃüÃû 5£®take control of ¿ØÖÆ

6£®as_a_whole ×÷ΪÕûÌ壻×ÜÌåÉÏ 7£®stand_for ´ú±í£»ÏóÕ÷ 8£®aside_from ³ý¡­¡­Ö®Íâ 9£®ought_to Ó¦µ±£¬Ó¦¸Ã 10£®lead_to µ¼Ö ¢ô.¾ä×Ó·­Òë

1£®Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good£¬while others worry that it may result in language pollution.(Page 29)

ÓÐÈ˱¨ÀÖ¹Û̬¶È£¬ÈÏΪÕâ¸ö¹ý³ÌÊǺõģ¬¶øÆäËûÈËÔòµ£ÐÄËü»áµ¼ÖÂÓïÑÔÎÛȾ¡£ 2£®The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that£¬instead of an alphabet£¬it uses characters which stand for ideas£¬objects or deeds.(Page 38) ººÓïÓëÎ÷·½ÓïÑÔ²»Í¬£¬Çø±ðÔÚÓÚËü²»Ê¹ÓÃ×Öĸ£¬¶øÊÇÓúº×Ö±í´ï˼Ïë¡¢ÎïÌåºÍÐÐΪ¡£

3£®Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings£¬one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.(Page 38)


4£®While the students found the soldier's idea interesting£¬the system was too difficult to be of practical use.(Page 39)

ËäȻͬѧÃǶ¼¾õµÃÊ¿±øµÄÏë·¨·Ç³£ÓÐȤ£¬µ«ÕâÒ»·½·¨Ì«¹ý¸´ÔÓ£¬²¢²»ÊµÓᣠ5£®ËûµÄ·½·¨Ê¹ÓôøС͹µãµÄÖ½ÕÅ£¬ÕâЩС͹µã¿ÉÒÔÓÃÊÖÖ¸¸Ð¾õ³öÀ´¡£(Page 39) His_system_used_paper_with_small£¬raised_dots_that_could_be_felt_with_the_fingers. ¢õ.½Ì²ÄÉèÌâ


1£®The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.(½Ì²ÄP22)

¡úThe English language consists_of/is_composed_of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.

2£®In fact£¬we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.(½Ì²ÄP22) ¡úIn fact£¬we would be_unable_to understand it if we heard it today.

3£®They brought with them their languages£¬which also mixed with old English.(½Ì²ÄP22)

¡úThey brought with them their languages£¬also_mixed_with/also_mixing(with) old English.

4£®Though these kinds of characters indicate meaning£¬one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.(½Ì²ÄP38)

¡úIn_spite_of/Despite these kinds of characters indicating meaning£¬one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced. 5£®Braille lost his eyesight at the age of three as a result of an injury.(½Ì²ÄP39) ¡úBraille lost his eyesight at the age of three because_of/owing_to_/_due_to an injury.

control n£®&v.¿ØÖÆ

¡¾¿Î±¾Ô­¾ä¡¿ The most important contribution was from the Normans£¬a French-speaking people who defeated England and take control of the country in 1066.(P22)

×îÖØÒªµÄ¹±Ï×ÊÇÀ´×ÔŵÂüÈË£¬Ò»¸ö˵·¨ÓïµÄÃñ×åÔÚ1066Äê´ò°Ü²¢¿ØÖÆÁËÓ¢¹ú¡£ take control of ¿ØÖÆ£¬ÕƹÜ

have/bring/keep/get sth under control¿ØÖÆס

lose control of ʧȥ¶Ô¡­¡­µÄ¿ØÖÆ out of control ʧȥ¿ØÖÆ in control of ¿ØÖÆ£»¹ÜÀí£»ÕÆÎÕ under the control of ÔÚ¡­¡­µÄ¹ÜÀí֮Ϡ¡¾ÁªÏëÍØÕ¹¡¿


control£¬run£¬manage£¬be in charge of



¢ÙThe police present lost_control_of the crowd.They asked for help. ¢ÚWith the help of the firefighters£¬they got the fire under_control£® ¢ÛMum was angry to see her children out_of_control£®

¢ÜWhy do you let him in_control_of your class while you're out£¿

raise vt.¾ÙÆð£¬Ì§¸ß£»Ìá¸ß£»ÖÖÖ²£»ËÇÑø(¼ÒÐó)£»¸§Óý(×ÓÅ®)£»ÒýÆð£»Ìá³ö ¡¾¿Î±¾Ô­¾ä¡¿ After the Norman Conquest£¬many English people worked as servants who raised animals.(P23)

ŵÂüÕ÷·þºó£¬Ðí¶àÓ¢¹úÈ˳ÉΪÁËËÇÑø¶¯ÎïµÄÆÍÈË¡£ raise sb to one's feet °ÑijÈË·öÆðÀ´ raise one's voice Ìá¸ßÉùÒô raise money for£®.. Ϊ¡­¡­³ï¿î raise a question Ìá³öÎÊÌâ raise a family Ñø¼Òºý¿Ú ±æÎöraise/rise/arise

Ô­ÐÎ Ó÷¨ ÖÐÎÄÒâ˼ ¹ýȥʽ ¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê