CFA1 财务分析记忆要点 下载本文

分清题目是那个报表里的概念,则答案也该也是想要报表里的概念 一、收入表(不包含和股东的交易)


Non-recurring items(考虑频率):

Discontinued operations(不影响营业利润): measurement date, phaseout period.

在measurement date公司就要对其进行估计它的Income or loss (税后) 在income statement里分开,之前的income statement 要重算(它的Income of loss 要在income statement里分开),在销售没有结束前,gains不能计入。

Unusual or infrequent items(影响营业利润): 包含在Incomes from Continuing operations

and reported before tax.

Extraordinary items(不影响营业利润):

U.S.GAAP: 它的Income or loss (税后) 要在income statement里分开 IFRS: 不允许在income statement里分开

对原有错误会计方法的订正(Prior-period adjustment)或改变使用的财务标准要回溯计算后表示在当期的报表中。改变对财产的估计,不要求回溯。 EPS:

使用月份(从可转化证券发行开始算)加权平均后拖欠股息的股数; 被公司回购后的股票无需计算;

Dilutive EPS:

首先判断是否是Dilutive,计算后主要和Basis EPS比较大小;

期权行使的计算:相当于在总资产不便的情况下,市场上增加的股数; 净收入是已经计算过利息,所以在算可转换债是要将利息加回去(税后)。

Commone-size income statement: 其中Tax和ruvenue的比率的值意义不大,意义比较大

的是tax和毛利的比率(effective tax rate)

Other Comprehensive income: P74 二、资产负债表(包含和股东的交易):

由于衡量公司的liquidity, solvency the ability to pay dividends 无法估计价值的A或者L不在balance sheet里体现。

Goodwill: 如果inpaired,loss要在income statement 里体现,同时自己在balance sheet里也要体现其价值的降低;

Financial assets:

Held-to-maturity securities: Amortized cost

Trading securities: fair value, mark-to-market,所的分红和gains or loss 都计入income statement Available-for-sale securities:fair value,分红计入income statement,gains or loss 计入Other

comprehensive income

Owners’ equity:

contributed capital, preferred stock, treasury stock, retained eatning,

non-controlling interest and accumulated other comprehensive income. 购买其他公司的股票的投资,不能算是noncontrolling interest


由于衡量公司的liquidity, solvency and financial flexibility

非现金投资和金融活动不记录在现金流表中,但是体现在现金流表的fooenote和supplemental schedule中; 两个标准里CFO的归类的不同




Cash collections from cunstomers: sale—减去应收账款的变化(间接法中的数据)--加上预付款的变化(资产负载表)

Cash payments to suppliers:COGS—扣除所有非现金的成本—减去应付账款的变化—加上存货的变化—减去write-off的存货

间接法:从net income—扣除在CFI和CFF中的得失—加上所有非现金的成本--减去所有非现金的所得—调


用balance sheet里的现金财产的变化检查总现金流的计算是否准确。

FCFF=NI+NCC+[Int*(1-tax rate)]-FCInv-WCinv=CFO+[Int*(1-tax rate)]- FCInv


FCFE=CFO- FCInv+net borrowing

Performance Ratios

Cash flow-to-revenue, cash return-on-assets ratio, cash return-on-equity ratio, Cash-to –income ratio, cash flow per share: P127

Coverage Ratio

Debt coverage ratio, Interest coverage ratio, reinvestment ratio, debt payment ratio, investing and financing ratio. P127


Activity Ratios(利用资产的效率):

Receivables Turnover, days of sales outstanding; Inventory turnover, days of inventory on hand; Payables turnover, number of days of payables;

Total asset turnover, fixed asset turnover, working capital turnover;

Liquidity Ratios:

Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Ratio; Defensive interval, cash conversion cycle

Solvency Ratios:

Debt-to-equity, debt-to-capital, debt-to-assets, financial leverage; interest coverage, fixed charge coverage;


Profitability Ratios:

Net profit margin, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, pretax margin; Return on assets, operating return on assets, return on total capital, Return on equity, return on common equity;

Valuation Ratios(用于比较不同公司间股票的价值)

EPS, price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, price-to-book value, price-to-cash-flow

Dupont 等式,分析企业

ROE=net profit margin*assets turnover* financial leverage

=tax burden*interest burden*EBIT margin*asset turnover* financial leverage

Tax burden=1 – tax rate

说明高的financial leverage不一定带来高的ROE,因为它的interest burden也相应提高; 高的税率则一定带来低的ROE

Dividend payout ratio, Retention Rate (RR)=1-dividend payout ratio, g=ROE*RR

Net income per employee, Growth in same-store sales, Sales per square foot;

信用分析:interest coverage,interest coverage,debt-to-assets, cash flow-to-debt




inventory turnover, gross profit, inventory balance用于评价公司的存货管理


COGS=开始存货+买入存货-剩余存货 Product cost, period cost(不计入存货成本)

Periodic inventory system, perpetual inventory system


高COGS, inventory turnover, 低gross profit, inventory balance(通胀,存货量不减少),

由于交的税少,因此具有比较高的CFO; 使assest、income、equite变少


低COGS, inventory turnover, 高gross profit, inventory balance,(通胀,存货量不减少),

六、Long-live asscets

判断Capitalize(banlance sheet) or Expence(income statement)的重点是是否带来长久的经济效益

Capitalize 对各指标的影响:

Net income,Shareholder’ Equity, ROA, ROE::当期高,以后每期低; 不考虑tax时,CFO高,CFI低,总的现金流量是一样的