剑桥少儿英语第4册听力原文 下载本文

5 And tell me,did you do anything interesting at the weekend?

At the weekend?Well,not on Sunday,but on Saturday I cleaned my bedroom. Oh dear!Do you do that every week? Yes I do.I enjoy cleaning my bedroom! CD2,19 磁带2,A

GRANDMA:We want to buy a computer so we can use the internet.I’d like to email my old friend in Australia.

SUZY:Do you know how to use the computer,Grandma? GRANDMA:No,not really.Can you show us,please?

STELLA:Yeah,first you have to turn the computer on.Push this button here.Then you have to turn on the screen..That’s the button here.Now you hold the mouse in your hand and... GRANDMA:What mouse?

SUZY:This here,Grandma.It’s called a mouse because It’s got a long tail.Look. GRANDMA:Oh,I see.

STELLA:Then you click on this program,and you can write you email. SIMON:OK.What do you want to do Grandpa?

GRANDPA:I want to go on the internet. I want to buy a DVD or a video about fishing.

SIMON:You don’t want a video,Grandpa.A DVD’s better,because you can watch it on your new computer.Now, you need an MP3 player,Grandpa. GRANDPA:No Simon.Now I need a cup of tea. CD2,23 磁带2,A

Hi,John,Did you go shopping yesterday? Yes.I did.I went with my mum and my dad. What did you buy?

We bought a new computer. Really?That’s nice.

Is the computer for you? No,it isn’t. What’s it for?

It’s for my brother. I see.

Why does your brother need a compute,John? Well,he needs it for two things. What’s the first?

First,he need the internet to help him with his homework.

Did you say there were two things he needs a computer for? That right.

What’s the second thing? He wants to watch DVDs. Oh, I see.

Was it a lot of money? Yes,it was.

How much was it?

It was six hundred and ninety-nine pounds.

Oh,that is a lot of money.Does your brother work at the weekends? Yes.He works in a cafe on Saturdays.

CD2,29 磁带2,B

1 What did you do last week,Fred?

Last week I did lots of things.I don’t know where to start.Tell me what you did on...Thursday. On Tuesday I went to the park with my dad.He took a photo of me on my bike.

2 Did you go shopping last week?

Yes.On Monday I went shopping with my mum and she bought me a new DVD. Really?

Yes.It’s great.It’s great.It’s called Box of Tricks.

3 What other things did you do?

Well,at the weekend I had a great time.It was Grandma’s birthday on Saturday.We gave her a Present.

What did you get her? We got her an MP3 player. Great!

4 On Sunday afternoon we went to the countyside and I found a mobile phone under a tree. What did you do with it ?

The woman who lost it phoned the number and I gave it back to her.

5 What about Wednesday?

Let me think.Oh,yes.On Wednesday I took some photos of my little sister.She was in the school Play.

That’s nice.Did she like the photos? She loved them!

6 Oh,and on Friday we went to the cinema. Which film did you see? We saw Lost on the Internet.

Really?I saw that last week.It’s really exciting!

Yes,it is.We chose that one because we love films of computer games.

CD2,30 磁带2,B

MR BURKE:Welcome to the Kids Box Quiz.Let’s hear it for these two clever kids in today’s big final: