北京市通州区2018-2019学年高三下学期综合练习(二)英语试题+Word版含答案 下载本文



本试卷共10页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。 最新试卷十年寒窗苦,踏上高考路,心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,短信送祝福,愿你能高中,马到功自成,金榜定题名。


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more

B.That’s to say D.Believe it or not

C.In other words 答案是D。

1. —Oh, no! I haven’t got my camera!

—But you it just now to take photos. A. use

B. have used

C. used

D. would use

2. Happy Homes is a local organization offers home repairs for needy people. A. whose

B. what

C. where

D. which

3. China will improve services foreign talent to work in the country. A. attract attracted

4. Her heart stopped three times, the doctor’s brought her back to life. A. while

B. but

C. for

D. or

B. attracting

C. to attract


5. The sweater will get ruined if it in a clothes drier. A. dries dried

6. —Can I help you?

—Yes. I wonder I could change the running shoes. They’re too tight. A. if

B. that

C. what

D. why

B. is dried

C. will dry

D. will be

7. The company promised they immediate action to fix the quality problems. A. have taken taking

B. took

C. would take



8. Famous paintings will be put on show in a new building especially for the collection. A. build

B. building C. to build

D. built

9. Good neighbors are like water: we don’t know how much we depend on them we lose them. A. until

10. —Waiter, this isn’t what I ordered.

—Oh, sorry. I have confused the orders. I’ll check it. A. need

B. would C. must

D. should

B. though

C. unless

D. because

11. In many countries with sea coasts, human waste is piped directly into the sea without . A. treating treated

12. Clean Up Australia Day annually since 1989, growing bigger every year. A. will be held held

13. A good diet is necessary for those want to have a healthy body. A. who

B. what

C. where

D. which

B. was held

C. is held

D. has been

B. being treated

C. to treat




14. The writer’s early works were filmed black and white. A. at

B. over

C. on

D. in

15. I wished I the tickets earlier because the cost I paid nearly doubled. A. booked have booked

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


Tom felt pleased to get a role for the school play. It wasn’t a 16 role; after all, this was only his first year at high school. It just felt good to be in the play, even if he had only four or five lines.

“Do them in front of a mirror,” his drama teacher had advised him. “Watch how

you look;

17 as often as you can.” Tom did just that.

B. had booked

C. were to book

D. should

He worked and worked at it. It was fun and exciting rehearsing(排练). He 18 the time with other students. Then finally the big night came.

However, things felt 19 . The theater was full of people. He could hear the noises of the audience. He looked around at other experienced actors and found the 20 they’d shown at rehearsal seemed to have disappeared. Had they got their makeup right? What if they forgot their lines? They talked about their 21 and the whole of the backstage area seemed to be buzzing with tension and worry.

When, suddenly, Tom heard his cue(提示) and went on the stage. The lights were bright in his eyes; he couldn’t 22 the audience but knew there were hundreds of people out there all watching him. The 23 that had flowed so easily didn’t want to come and when they did he found himself hurrying into them. He tried to 24 down his thoughts and his words but, thinking about doing that, he suddenly realized he had 25 a sentence. What should he do? Go back and start from the beginning? Try and add the sentence in where he was, or just 26 it and go on as though nothing had happened?

He chose to carry on, but when he finished and left the stage his hands felt sweaty and his heart was racing. He didn’t think about what he had 27 —performing his first solo part in a major production. Instead he was 28 himself up for the sentence that he’d missed.

The audience, of course, didn’t know he had missed a sentence. They made no sounds of laughter at his 29 . His fellow actors, after the play had finished, were so busy talking about their own performances that no one 30 on Tom’s missed sentence—apart from his drama teacher.

“Well done,” she said. “Acting is a like learning to ride a bike. You may fall

off a few times,

31 each time you get back on you do it better. Your performance may not have b




32 but, for your first time, it was great.”

Tom felt 33 . It seemed like his teacher was saying it is okay to learn. You don’t have to be perfect, especially when you start something 34 .

Tom caught the look of his face in a mirror. It was smiling back at him with a s







35 . He looked at his face smiling back at him and raised two hands with his thumbs up. 16. A. fresh

B. small

C. major

D. hard

17. A. create B. practice B. killed B. smooth

C. discuss D. write

D. enjoyed D. natural D.

18. A. remembered 19. A. different 20. A. patience respect

21. A. anxiety 22. A. hear

C. arranged C. interesting

B. confidence C. politeness

B. sadness

C. disappointment C. see

D. anger

B. notice

B. tears

D. touch

D. words

23. A. shouts 24. A. slow

C. songs

B. take C. put D. pull

D. explained

25. A. repeated 26. A. correct 27. A. predicted 28. A. beating 29. A. goal

B. missed B. show

C. completed

C. mention

D. ignore

D. changed D. cheering

B. understood

C. achieved

B. locking

C. raising

B. plan

C. mistake

D. decision

D. commented

30. A. worked 31. A. for

B. brought

C. agreed

B. yet

C. or

D. so

D. perfect D. ashamed

32. A. moving 33. A. curious 34. A. new

B. vivid C. real

B. relieved

C. proud

B. unusual

C. important D. dangerous D.

35. A. belonging responsibility

B. appreciation C. satisfaction

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)