山东省临沂市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第5课时 七年级下册 Units 7-9练习 下载本文

(a map given by Miss White)

From their school, he walked along Main Street to Central Avenue(大街) and turned left. He walked to the bus stop, opposite the post office. He took the Central Avenue bus and got off at Fifth Street. He turned left and walked along Fifth Street three blocks(街区) to Park Avenue and turned right. He walked to the bus stop at the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street. He took Bus Number 42, but he got off at the wrong stop. He got off at River Road instead of Rolling Road. He turned left and walked on, and last he got completely lost.

Harold was very unhappy. He really wanted to go to the party last night, and he can't believe he had made such a stupid mistake! 38.When did the party take place?

___________________________________________________________________ 39.How did Miss White tell the students where her home was? ___________________________________________________________________ 40.How many times did Harold take a bus on the way to the party? ___________________________________________________________________ 41.Where should Harold get off the bus instead of River Road? ___________________________________________________________________ 42.Did Harold get to the party at last?




一、1~5 ABBAA 6~10 BBACC

二、11~15 BBABA 16~20 EFACD 21~25 CBAED 26~30 EDCFB

三、31.takes 32.stopped 33.got 34.left 35.go 36.find 四、38.Last night.

39.By giving them a map./She gave them a map. 40.Twice/Two. 41.At Rolling Road. 42.No.

37.to walk 6