FUJITSU磁阵安装配置手册(E4K M300M500) - 图文 下载本文



注:工程用WEB方式配置较多用,控制面板的部分可做一般了解,必要时使用,如忘记IP地址时查看用。 控制面板方式

1. 面板介绍

ETERNUS3000 的Console panel如下图所示:



This switch is used to turn on/off the device power. If this switch is pressed while the device power is off, the device power is turned on. If this switch is pressed for four or more seconds while the device power is on, the device power is turned off. * While REMOTE LED is on, this switch is disabled. FUNCTION This switch is used to choose an offline menu. (Depending on the function, this switch is used to display a sub menu.) AC supply is normal. The power is turned on. (DC is turned on.) The host communication between hosts is possible. Data is found in the cache in the device. The cache data is backed up using the battery unit if power failure occurs. (Blink) An error occurs in parts/boards in the device. The battery is fully charged. The power supply mode is the remote mode. (The power can be turned on from RCI.) Offline operations are being made from the panel. POWER 第 21 / 57 页


蜂鸣 Buzzer 4.


This switch is used to move the input cursor when the LCD enters the input mode. This switch is used to enter data when the LCD enters the input mode. This switch is used to execute an offline menu. This switch is used to release the offline operation status. This switch is used to reference two or more items of alarm information displayed on the LCD. The buzzer sounds for about one minute if power failure occurs. Console Panel Menu Main Menu Offline menu Function Overview Remarks guidance displayed on Panel(LCD) Menu0:REMOTE MODE Menu1:LOCAL Changes the system power supply mode to the remote mode. Changes the system power supply mode MODE to the local mode. Menu2:POWER OFF Turns off the system power. Menu3:PWR RESUME Enables/disables the automatic power recovery function. Automatic Power Recovery Function This function turns on the system power automatically at the time of power Menu4:AUTO POWER recovery after power failure. Enables/disables the automatic AC power linkage function. Automatic AC power linkage function This function turns on the system power automatically at the time of AC power supply. Menu5: Menu6: Menu7:PASS WORD Reserved Reserved Password input menu The CE/SE function is enabled by entering the password. Only when an invalid Menu8:CE MENU Displays a CE/SE sub menu. * For sub menus, see \Sub password is entered at Menus\[Menu7:PASS WORD] does this menu appear. 第 22 / 57 页

CE Menu Offline menu guidance displayed on Panel(LCD) CE00:IP ADDRESS CE01:SUBNET MASK CE02:CMFIRM EXCH CE03:BIOS EXCHG CE04:URGENT OFF Function Overview Enters an IP address. Specifies information. Switches the currently operating system firmware (CM firmware version) forcibly. Switches the BIOS firmware to be started the next time. Executes the urgent disconnection. Note that the cache data is not backed up. CE05:DUMP Executes the dump processing of the system firmware. (CM boards can be operated one by one.) CE06:CL DEID CE07:CM INF CE08:BIOS INF CE09:RSP INF CE0A:HRCI INFO Clears DE-ID. Displays the system firmware version. Displays the BIOS version. Displays the RSP firmware version. Displays the RCI address information when the host device is connected through RCI. (The RCI address specified for Silkyshark by the host device is displayed.) CE0B: CE0C:BBU INFO CE0D:PANEL INFO CE0E:WWN INFO CE0F:LAN CTRL

5. 操作介绍


FUNCTION键用来切换菜单选项,INPUT键用于进行某个项目设置状态,SETTING键用于输入值,输入值完毕后,需按INPUT确认。CURSOR键用于设置时移动光标。 第 23 / 57 页

Reserve Displays the BBU information. Displays the panel hardware information and firmware version Displays the WWN value. Specifies the LAN mode. the IP subnet mask Remarks ?

CE 子菜单中设置IP地址操作过程


(1) 按 FUNCTION 键2秒以上,只到LCD上出现 \的提示。再次按FUNCTION则切换到下一个菜单Menu1。

(2) 由于未输入密码前, FUNCTION 只能切换出Menu0到Menu7 ,Menu8:CE Menu不出现,必须进入Menu7: PASSWORD输入正确密码后,方能显示Menu8:CE Menu。 用FUNCTION选择Menu7: PASSWORD,按INPUT进行输入密码界面,按SETTING键选择输入的值,SETTING键可选择数字及字母,每按一次则按顺序出现一个数字及字母;当出现了所要的数字及字母后,按CURSOR键,光标移动到下一个位置,重复以上过程,直到输入所有的值,这时按INPUT键,确认输入密码。默认密码是CE12。

(3) 如果密码正确,我们选择 Menu8: CE MENU,进入 \子菜单。 按


以前设置的IP地址显示在LCD上,如果忘记了IP地址,能够在此界面中查询。通过操作CURSOR键和 SETTING键(可选择0-9)输入IP地址。


(4) 设置子网掩码,进入CE01: SUBNET MASK 按 FUNCTION键,出现以下菜单

CE01:SUBNET MASK 按输入IP地址的操作配置子网掩码。

以上简要介绍了console panel设置IP地址掩码的过程,通过console panel还能查看各firmware的版本号等,console panel的其他菜单功能请参考上节表中所列出的信息。操作方法与设置IP地址类似。

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CE00:IP ADDRESS 址输入工作后,按 INPUT 键。